Vampire On Titus

Now, listen here Ace Investigations... We've gatta have a talk about these puns.
I love these puns.
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A 2D isometric adventure game set in the distant future and a post-apocalyptic landscape. BEAUTIFUL DESOLATION from THE BROTHERHOOD studio is coming soon on GOG.COM.
Solve puzzles, meet new friends and make powerful enemies, and most importantly, mediate conflicts and fight for your life as you unravel the secrets of the world around you.
Beautiful Desolation announces its release status as "coming soon" with an amazing new trailer (from
I've still yet to play The Brotherhood's first game, Stasis, but I'm certainly going to jump it up the list as my hype for Beautiful Desolation continues toward its peak. The game looks absolutely astonishing and even within the brief glimpses of narrative we've been given there is a self evident commitment to lore and world-building. Can't wait to dive in. Hopefully "soon" is actually rather soon.
I hate this type of storytelling so fucking much. It's so lazy.piecing together the horrific state of things via abandoned logs from deceased crew
Yeah, Stasis is more than decent. Not very original, but a good game.
I hate this type of storytelling so fucking much. It's so lazy.
GABRIEL KNIGHT 4: Resurrect the Shadowhunter is a petition targeted at Activision Blizzard, for a new chapter in the game trilogy.
The Gabriel Knight games need very little introduction.
The Schattenjäger-trilogy has been the subject of dozens of fan-made petitions for well over a decade, ever since the third installment of the series (Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned) was released in 1999 with an unresolved cliffhanger ending.
Tens of thousands of loyal fans have signed petitions, created amazing websites and campaigns, sent emails, and even mailed letters to Activision begging for a fourth chapter in the game series for a time that seems like an eternity. Game magazines, and other game studios have embraced the passion and shared their love and support towards these attempts, but so far to no avail.
Originally released by the legendary adventure game studio Sierra On-Line, the Gabriel Knight games came to a sudden halt when the studio shut down and the copyright of Gabriel Knight were sold to Vivendi (later acquired by Activision). The rise of first person shooter-games had begun, and pressure to create 3D graphic games might've been a factor in this.
Jane Jensen, the author and designer of all three GK-games has tried to acquire the copyright of her beloved character Gabriel for a long time. In 2014, a 20th Anniversary Remaster (Phoenix Online) of the first Gabriel Knight adventure was released, in the hopes of revitalizing the series. Things did not go as planned, and soon enough the idea of continuing the saga was buried AGAIN.
As fans of Gabriel Knight Mysteries, we urge Activision Blizzard to please either produce a fourth Gabriel Knight game written by Jane Jensen, or transfer the character to Jane Jensen herself. As fans who've adored the work of Jensen since the beginning, we feel there is no better time than right now. Let this petition serve as our heartfelt appeal for a completed Gabriel Knight saga, and our fight for what we believe in.
Activision, please let us have a proper ending to the story of Gabriel, the way Jane Jensen originally planned it*.
Technobabylon - Medium Difficulty
So, technically I already included this game in the recommendations for last year and I intended not to have repeat entries, but... Here's the thing: you gatta fucking play Technobabylon. Any of the AdventureGAF regulars already know how hard I stan for this game. There's a good reason for that. I genuinely believe Technobabylon is a modern classic and the best adventure game the indie scene has produced. If you have anything resembling an interest in science fiction, cyberpunk or cool shit in general then just play this game, already.
It's good, is what I'm trying to say.
Is this an HD remaster of the Spanish classic? I can't think of anything else but it looks way too different, too "serious"
That game is Called The Next BIG Thing;
Released last year on PC under the title The Next Big Thing, Hollywood Monsters is a hilarious adventure game from the creators of Runaway, and its coming to your iDevices December 6.
Great game! Liz Allaire is fantastic character!
Is this an HD remaster of the Spanish classic? I can't think of anything else but it looks way too different, too "serious"
That game is Called The Next BIG Thing;
Released last year on PC under the title The Next Big Thing, Hollywood Monsters is a hilarious adventure game from the creators of Runaway, and its coming to your iDevices December 6.
No worries, if anything the game deserves more attention.My bad Sorry
On Day 3 in Whispers of a Machine! Great game!
Sad, 'cause Origins is actually their best game.meager sales of Origins
Thank youfrogmeetsdog , was waiting on your return.
The game looks cool, I don't have a switch but I'll keep the PC version in mind next time I'm in the mood for some indie horror. Thanks for sharing.
Agreed. Very underratedSad, 'cause Origins is actually their best game.
Don‘t beat yourself upSad, 'cause Origins is actually their best game.
The Next Big Thing is totally new to me, but it looks pretty nice. I can't remember if I played Hollywood Monsters back then. Am I the only moron who completely forget some of the games I played*?
* Also happens with books. Not with comics or movies, weirdly.
I've been keeping an eye on "Lair of the Clockwork God" by Dan Marshall for a while now. Due out Feb 21st.
Part point & click, part platformer with a good smattering of British humour if past games are anything to go by. A bit of a hybrid, but I think it fits in here.
Over a decade ago, Dan made Ben There, Dan That! and Time Gentlemen, Please! (heavy 90s LucasArts influence on both), so I'm excited to finally see a return to the genre.
Don‘t beat yourself up- I consider myself a Pendulo fan and even I only discovered the game by accident through recommendations when I downloaded Runaway 3. It‘s not their best title, some puzzles are pretty far fetched and the story is a bit all over the place. Iirc it wasn‘t too long either.
It‘s not my favorite Pendulo title but I still liked it very much though despite it‘s shortcomings. I‘d say if you liked the previous Pendulo titles, you‘ll definitely appreciate this one too.
The Brotherhood announcement
Beautiful Desolation is a non-linear 2D isometric adventure game set in the distant future. Its gameplay will see players solve puzzles, build up a team consisting of various allies, and explore a long-destroyed, post-apocalyptic world. Also, Beautiful Desolation is a narrative-driven game with a unique “tribal punk” aesthetic design. The perspective and design are both primarily inspired by the classic Fallout titles released in the late 1990s.
When you consider that The Brotherhood consists of just two developers, producing a game of Beautiful Desolation’s scale is seriously impressive. Outside of necessary contracting, only Chris and his brother Nic are responsible for the end product’s gameplay.
Even so, don’t go thinking that no big names were involved in this project. The Brotherhood managed to get Mick Gordon on board to compose Beautiful Desolation’s soundtrack. Mick Gordon is a well-established composer who has been involved with titles like Killer Instinct, Need for Speed, and DOOM. He has won many awards for DOOM specifically, including Best Music/Sound Design at The Game Awards 2016.
Right now you still can’t pre-order Beautiful Desolation, but you can add it to either your Steam or GOG wishlist. While the pricing isn’t viewable on either platform right now, Chris Bischoff has confirmed the adventure game will be available on launch for $19.99.
I checked out Luna after you mentioned it a few days ago. It's artistically wonderful, reminds me a bit of Studio Ghibli, I really like it. BUUUUUUUT... I still get those vibes. You know what I mean. At this point I'm not even sure why I do, especially since you're saying that's hand drawn frame-by-frame, maybe it's the flat colors, or the weightless characters that looks like cardboard cutouts just glued to the backgrounds... but it's kind of offputting to me. In any case, I'll probably give it a try on the next days, thanks for the reccomandation.Finished playing LUNA The Shadow Dust and long story short I loved it. Gorgeous aesthetic throughout the game and that goes for the visuals, sound design, music, everything. It's all right up my alley especially the traditional frame by frame hand animation. That's something I know you'll appreciateFuz
Fuz if you decide to play the game. There are occasions during the cut scenes where they dip into limited animation techniques but the strength of the designs still shine through.
I checked out Luna after you mentioned it a few days ago. It's artistically wonderful, reminds me a bit of Studio Ghibli, I really like it. BUUUUUUUT... I still get those vibes. You know what I mean. At this point I'm not even sure why I do, especially since you're saying that's hand drawn frame-by-frame, maybe it's the flat colors, or the weightless characters that looks like cardboard cutouts just glued to the backgrounds... but it's kind of offputting to me. In any case, I'll probably give it a try on the next days, thanks for the reccomandation.
I tend to agree, especially with the extent it's relied on in STASIS. It's one of those VG story-telling tropes that I've come to grin and bear because it's so commonplace. You're right it is lazy, unnecessary too, when the plot of STASIS offers up ample opportunity for much more creative environmental storytelling. Why not learn about the security guards romantic obsession with another crew member through a history of his previously observed surveillance feeds, for instance? It would actually make more sense than yet another PDA Journal.
In any case, I've finished the game now and I did enjoy it. The plot is derivative but well executed (At certain points I wondered if the devs had Dead Space and BioShock running in the background while writing this game). The visual design is phenomenal and gameplay is tight. I found the puzzles to be in a good sweet spot of challenge with only a few silly ones in the mix. I didn't need a walkthrough at any point. I was correct in assuming the game would continue its upward trajectory of human horror, and good god it did. Some of those scenarios at the end are downright gruesome, even from the relatively distanced isometric perspective.
After playing STASIS I'm confident that The Brotherhood can really deliver something special with Beautiful Desolation. They've already got a much more interesting and unique setting. If the full game makes good on that in the way the trailers seem to indicate BD could be something special.
That being said I still want to play Yesterday Origins at some point andJack Videogames 's post low key sold me on playing the original Hollywood Monsters.
Just want to bring this old classic to people's attention if they've never played it. I played it on the Atari ST but the video is from the Amiga - if you haven't played it you owe it to yourself to do so. Only downer is the fucking maze section, but other than that it's bloody brilliant. Like Cruise For A Corpse (also Delphine) the story sags a bit towards the end, but it's a worthwhile ride. Should be available on any good abandonware site.
Actually the visuals are what mostly solid me on it. That and the setting, I really like that concept of golden age Hollywood cinema where the monsters are all real. Good to know that the puzzles are logical. That would be the one thing that'd cause concern.I have to say the last time I played it was 20+ years ago but it's really worth a shot. The graphics might put you off because they're really inspired on Spanish comics like Mortadelo but the humor and the logic are solid, and the music and setting are aces.
LOL, the clock tower and the seasons puzzle were my favorite ones. Took me a while to figure out that you could add a shadow-platform to that statue by manipulating the lights.Well, I just completed Luna. Really short but really cute and atmospheric. Puzzles are not my style, but I really liked it.
But I think I missed a puzzle... the left isle isn't clickable in the chapter selection, and I don't have the penultimate video in the movie gallery. Any idea how to get there?
Fuck the clock tower.
It is free on GOG or at least it was when I grabbed it a while back. I'll probably give it a look next time I'm in the mood for some super dark horror.If you enjoyed Stasis you should try Cayne (it was free for backers of Stasis at least not sure about everybody else) and its basically the prequel on how things happen before you arrive on the beginning of Stasis.
Hoping it will be good too!Wow, I‘m glad I finally visited here again. The trailer looks absolutely bonkers and can‘t believe I hadn‘t heard of Ben There, Dan That! and Time Gentlemen, Please! before. Looks absolutely amazing and the reviews speak for themselves. Seems like another PnC that undeservedly has been flying under the radar.
Release date announcement trailer for VirtuaVerse. The crisp looking cyberpunk adventure is slated for release on May 12th of this year. This is one of the games I'm most looking forward to so finally having a firm date is awesome. The new footage in the trailer looks fantastic as well. So many cool games this year.