No you're right, and I agree with you. But this is also a part of our society and life at this point. Marketing definitely deeply impacts pretty much every major decision of our lives. But at the same point I'm talking purely from the standpoint of a game console recommending/advertising games and other interests that fit the medium. I just don't feel THAT specific type of advertisement fits the demonizing its getting, especially when we're targeting one platform and ignoring others (again, granted ontopic this is about the potential NuAd kinect based stuff... I'm again speaking generally).
I do not want to see the type of person that is so affected by marketing that it "deeply impacts pretty much every major decision"!
It is also not the console recommending games that is the problem.
It is trying to advertise other types of products, using something like kinect to look into your room and tell advertisers what you are doing when the ad plays (to help with their goals of advertising products at you) and trying to use kinect to get people to interact with ads that is the problem!
This seems a bit off topic, but either way..... By this logic, anything that isn't perfect or performs as well as hoped should be discarded and given up on. The kinect itself has POTENTIAL to add tons of features/ideas/innovations to gaming.
The original just wasn't up to snuff and like many add-ons suffered from being a separate purchase that developers couldn't count on people having. So building games around it automatically meant you're cutting your sales to only people that have invested into the addon. Being a mandatory pack-in means that every developer CAN count on this being available and as such can develop games completely around interacting with the device. I don't understand why people have such a hard time understanding that concept. Just because the previous version (which was an add-on) didn't give us great experiences does not mean that the future of the device is doomed. Its really up to developers to get in there and start playing with ideas and work with it.
As for Ryse going back to regular controls, I'm not sure why they did/haven't read anything about it, but there are plenty of possible reasons for beyond 'kinect sucks, waste of money, blah blah blah'. I don't expect launch titles to A. Perform the best B. Look the best and C. take advantage of everything new consoles have to offer.
More and more it seems like 'hardcore gaming' is becoming synonymous with 'don't try new things, prettier graphics, and give me the a new CoD'. What happened to 'whats possible with this', especially when the damn thing isn't even out.
Kinect has shown that it has huge, fundamental flaws that can not be overlooked!
Trying to map the movement of arms and legs to arbitrary actions in games will never work!
The lack of any form of tactile feedback also dooms it.
Hardcore gaming is about not wanting something bad just because people that can not give a real world reason why it is good want it to be the "next big thing"! (e.g You!)
I'm seriously annoyed with all the "well it's only if you opt-in"-comments I've seen over the internet in discussions on this new piece of news. That's not the point. This isn't what a gaming console (or a media box for that matter) should be used for. It's disgusting and disturbing that they can even think of something like this. And add to this the fact that they wanted Kinect and online to be mandatory from the start. So maybe they didn't intend this to be opt-in, but for everyone? They must have completely lost the plot, lost the touch with their customers.
Panello, if you happen to be reading this:
Get a grip MS.
You did just about everything wrong with the Xbox One.
The hardware is weak, far weaker than your competitors box. I know how you must have felt when you saw the Wii succeed with its inferior hardware, but common who really liked the fact that the Wii didn't give us Mario Galaxy in HD?
You made the Kinect mandatory, even though you must have known a huge part of your true fanbase wouldn't want that.
The price is too high.
You came up with a disgusting new way of advertising shit, which clearly shows what your true intent with the Kinect is.
You have hid behind a new buzzword every month, until proven wrong either by people that knows what they are talking about, or by things actually not working in actual demos. Remember when you told us the "power of the cloud" was infinite? Then it was 4 times the power of the Xbox, PER Xbox. What was it, "4 xboxes running in the cloud for each xbox".
I really hope the Xbox One fails miserably, just so you not only go back to the drawing board for the hardware and the games, but your entire way of approaching this market and its customers.