As if Pepper being in this season didn't link these two already. What's hilarious is Lange being a nun and a freak show person in the same universe. Come on, Murphy... at least put in some effort to make it plausible?
Probably the best episode so far.
Alas this is about the time each season of AHS falls off the rails.
Er... Jessica Lange isn't playing the same character.
Er... Jessica Lange isn't playing the same character.
Twisty was only ever meant to be an Origin story for Dandy.Not sure I liked Twisty getting an origin. He was the real sense of horror in the show and now I don't thin Dandy can fill that gap.
Dandy is such a scamp. I wonder how far he'll go.
Asylum was hyper-consistent, but if you didn't realize the Aliens/Nazi stuff was a 50's pastiche (like Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull) it'd look random.I'm liking the thematic consistency this season most of all. Probably the most consistent AHS has been since season 1. Everything ties back together instead of flailing about in multiple directions.
Enjoying this more than last season.
The intro is easily the creepiest the show has had. The balloon noises are disturbing.
Yeah, they had that "we stay overnight in haunted places" thing in S2 that was a subtle shout-out to S1 that was mentioned earlier. The various nods/references are fun.
Pepper is a clear example of that.
Theres that scene where Maggie is handed a cup of coffee by the cop and theres a close up of a top hat on the cup. Is that a clue?
That is a big season five clue!
A top hat is a season 5 clue? Phantom of the Opera confirmed?
I don't mind the shared universe thing. In the end I doubt it's gonna change anything.
Next season to take place. You heard it here first folks!on a Monopoly board
It's weird how a shared universe exists with the same actors playing different roles.
Finally watched the new ep. Pretty good stuff.
Hopefully the super-sized episodes are done. The pacing was so much better in this week's ep than in the first three. Keep this shit under 50 minutes, pls.
Finally watched the new ep. Pretty good stuff.
Hopefully the super-sized episodes are done. The pacing was so much better in this week's ep than in the first three. Keep this shit under 50 minutes, pls.
That's what bothers me. I don't mind the nods and references, but geez. :/ Four Jessica Lange dopplergangers out there. Unless they're going to pull a Cloud Atlus out of their ass, that's kinda breaking the third wall for me.
The last episode builds to a frantic crazed finale. It seems like there's a ridiculous amount of plot to get through in five minutes.
Jessica Lange's voice is heard calling for Lambchop.
Even though the show keeps going, Jessica Lange's disembodied voice continues to call for Lambchop. Nobody acknowledges the voice.
Smash cut to:
Lambchop wakes from her nap, Jessica Lange calls her name again. Lambchop goes for her walk.
Fade to black.
A top hat is a season 5 clue? Phantom of the Opera confirmed?
I personally was thinking something to do with ...magic/magicians, maybe Las Vegas or something sorta like Clive Barker's Lord of Illusions.
That, orVictorian era stuff, which, to be honest, something set in the late 1800s or even early 1900s would be fuckin AWESOME!
Anybody know what Murphy meant with the obvious connections between Asylum and Murder House? I don't recall any literal character connections. The only things both shared werethe whole existence of demons and the mad science aspect.