Thanks for the insightful reply. I now understand why you think my illustration is unjustified.You make such a good point.
Thanks for the insightful reply. I now understand why you think my illustration is unjustified.You make such a good point.
Once before, right? I don't think it was "all those others" I think it was once.
Endangered is a term with a specific meaning.
I have a significant problem with baiting. And these guided hunts in general. This actually sounds like a more "adventurous" one. I know a guy who basically shoots giraffes in pens. It's pathetic.
Look at you all, how do those pitchforks feel?
I will remember this post.
So the dentist isn't being charged?
If we take the only side of the story at face value sure. His people are saying it was done legally. Hope so. Baiting is gross.
holy shit if true.
Anyone been in Zimbabew prison before?
You do realize that dentists are self-employed right? He IS that business. Saying "don't attack the business" is the exact same as saying "don't attack this assholes livelihood."
The facts are not debatable though. We know that he shot and cut this animals head off. As far as I'm to understand, this isn't up for debate. There is photographic evidence of this.
From that we can deduce that he shot a protected animal, right? So which part isn't clear to you? Which part are we supposed to be waiting for clarity on?
I get the illegality and endangered part. And I agree with you but I don't think it justifies people saying that he should be hunted or killed especially when animals are killed in horrific ways every day to put food on our plates. I find it a bit hypocritical to get morally outraged over this but then freely kill other living creatures on some superficial basis.
lol I love that excusenobody cares more about conservation than hunters`!
I haven't seen anywhere that this lion was protected. They are being charged with poaching, i.e. not having a permit to hunt a lion on that property. Killing the lion wasn't the problem as far as Zimbabwe is concerned, killing it without paying the stamp tax was the problem.
The argument for these exotic hunts are usually,
"The animal is old and no longer has sex, the meat is going to fead all these poor black people! See, I'm helping!"
It's stupid.
Internet tough guy, huh?
The issue is the safari team luring the lion from the preservation area before shooting it. That in itself is highly illegal and should be prosecuted as such.
He had a permit to hunt big game, not one that was nationally protected.
You'd think that the collar would have some sort of alarm if the Lion left an area.
nobody cares more about conservation than hunters`!
they're complete psychopaths, pure and simple.I don't get how anyone could pose, grinning, as they stand next to a dead animal and think that it's a happy moment or a moment deserving of anything but digust. It's a sickening image and I simply can't understand the logic behind.
I haven't seen anywhere that this lion was protected. They are being charged with poaching, i.e. not having a permit to hunt a lion on that property. Killing the lion wasn't the problem as far as Zimbabwe is concerned, killing it without paying the stamp tax was the problem.
Yea, but he will claim ignorance. "I didn't know, the guide said it's an old lion, it's fine, we were not on the reservation." It's happened before.
I haven't seen anywhere that this lion was protected. They are being charged with poaching, i.e. not having a permit to hunt a lion on that property. Killing the lion wasn't the problem as far as Zimbabwe is concerned, killing it without paying the stamp tax was the problem.
Article via CNN said:Researchers at Oxford University expressed grief at the lion's death and at the news that, for one reason or another, he had wandered away from the protection of the national park in Zimbabwe.
I'm sure this rich man will be severely punished for this atrocity!
its happened before with this hunter
I haven't seen anywhere that this lion was protected. They are being charged with poaching, i.e. not having a permit to hunt a lion on that property. Killing the lion wasn't the problem as far as Zimbabwe is concerned, killing it without paying the stamp tax was the problem.
holy shit if true.
Anyone been in Zimbabew prison before?
he's being punished by e-lynching without a proper trial or waiting for more proof.
(not like it's the first time, happens every single time).
once a criminal always a criminal by default.
"A professional hunter and a farm owner face poaching charges for allegedly hunting a protected lion known as Cecil,"
The lion WAS protected, he was part of a conservation experiment at Oxford, and was wearing a special tracking collar, that the poachers tried to destroy. You know for a guy who keeps saying that people should wait for facts, you sure are good at ignoring them.
Anyone been in Zimbabew prison before?
sorry you're illiterate
lol I love that excuse
once a criminal always a criminal by default.
Poor Lion's head must be getting preserved now to be one of his trophies.![]()
I'm outraged at this blatant disregard for the autonomy of such amazing animals, our majestic cousins. They should put this guy in prison. *takes giant chomp out of baconator*