American hunter illegally killed Cecil the Lion

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I stand by what I said. if you enjoy the act of taking a life, I'm going to think you're fucked up.

hunting for food was/is a necessity for certain people and cultures, but the act of killing shouldn't be something someone ever enjoys doing.

Why do you make the assumption that most hunters enjoy the actual act of killing? Most people don't enjoy taking a life, they enjoy the other aspects hunting, such as being surrounded by nature and a sense of accomplishment when hours of tracking results in dinner, etc. It's a bigger sense of accomplishment than buying a steak at the grocery store, believe it or not.

Legal hunting for most people isn't a survival necessity, but it's an important part of keeping the ecosystem in check and if anything it gets you more interested in nature as a whole. And with so much expansion and logging going on, that's really important. That's why it is strictly regulated by wildlife conservation departments in each state/province. Just because you don't understand or like that form of conservation doesn't mean that the people who participate in it are psychopaths.


Fucking dentists.



Waiting to hear his involvement is protecting him, ok!

It's clear you're not familiar with guided hunts. In most cases (can't say about this one because we don't know) the guides most important job is to give the illusion that the rich sucker is doing something awesome. It's unlikely to me that he had any part of the luring process.

He was probably behind a blind where the pro guides told him to be, waiting. And he was on huntable land, that part both parties agree to. Making sure all the property owners permits, etc. are in order is not the impetus of the hunter in most countries with these types of expeditions, it's the job of the guide.

He shot the animal. That's his involvement. That's enough right there.

Again, just because someone has ignorance of the law doesn't make it excusable. Especially so when we're discussing the life of other sentient beings. Also he was NOT on huntable land. That's exactly why they're charging him, as *you said*. The park they lured the animal out of was DEFINITELY not huntable and the land they went to didn't have permits for killing lions. You said that yourself. That automatically makes your statement of it being "huntable land" wrong.

He paid $55k to hunt a lion. Yeah, that sounds totally legit to me. It's a huge business.

No surprise here.


He shot the animal. That's his involvement. That's enough right there.

So we are clear, you are outraged that he hunted, not that he may have broken laws. That's fine, but it is a different discussion.

That's exactly why they're charging him, as *you said*.

They aren't charging him. They are charging the people whose job it is to know where hunting becomes poaching.

Because bribery is a perfectly reputable way to hunt. He paid almost sixty thousand dollars to hunt Cecil. Sound legit to you?

He paid $55k to hunt a lion. Yeah, that sounds totally legit to me. It's a huge business.
Does it really work like that though? I can't imagine the guides would first pinpoint Cecil, lure him out of the park, try to destroy his GPS tracker, then head back to meet Palmer, tell him "Oh we just found a lion for you!," and he would go after it none the wiser.

you don't need to be mentally gifted to hurt animals with weapons. I wouldn't overestimate his intelligence just because he's a dentist and "expert" hunter


He shot the animal. That's his involvement. That's enough right there.

Again, just because someone has ignorance of the law doesn't make it excusable. Especially so when we're discussing the life of other sentient beings. Also he was NOT on huntable land. That's exactly why they're charging him, as *you said*. The park they lured the animal out of was DEFINITELY not huntable and the land they went to didn't have permits for killing lions. You said that yourself. That automatically makes your statement of it being "huntable land" wrong.

Yeah, but it means that it's on the tour guide to get that stuff together, not the Hunter.


this is pretty ignorant of anything hunting.

hunting does not mean poaching. this guy is a poacher.

there are legitimate reasons to hunt. whether you agree with it or not is up to you, but to deny its importance in a lot of areas is not an opinion thats just wrong.
I read them say it's a necessity for some people. But enjoying the act of killing is off putting to them.


Let's turn a thread about an asshole poaching an endangered lion into a circle jerk about how hunters are evil, and have small penises etc. etc. etc. I mean, it happens every.single.time.


Hunters getting offended lol.

So killing a lured animal to a place where you probably can't miss a shot but instead hurting itl then letting it suffer for 40 hours before killing it once it can't do anything.

Not eating the meat, decapitating and skinning

Such a strong man, I'm very impress.
Hope he rots in an african prison.

Moreover where's the fun? Where's the challenge? Save yourself some bucks and kill a caged animal, that's basically the same...


Yeah, but it means that it's on the tour guide to get that stuff together, not the Hunter.

Doesn't matter, that doesn't excuse the hunter from not checking his shit. Also, again, ignorance of the law isn't not an excuse. Period.

If you get into a car with a person who's had 1 drink, but you are in a no-tolerance state, just because you didn't know it was a no-tolerance state doesn't suddenly let you or the driver off the hook.
I read them say it's a necessity for some people. But enjoying the act of killing is off putting to them.

i get that. its off putting to me that some insane humans eat steak with ketchup. its off putting to me that some people dont like pizza like who are you.

so its fine if you dont agree with someone who hunts for sport and enjoys it. but if they do it responsibly, and there is a legit need for it (which there just is in some places), saying they are complete psychopaths for that seems silly to me.


Wish the first post had a picture of Cecil. He was such a cool lion. There's videos of him out there too.

Such a tragedy that he lived such a long time and was well known only to be killed by some moron.


I grew up in NJ and can confirm that there are fucking deer absolutely everywhere. In my town at least.

Same here over in southern Oregon. Their population is getting out of control so they're starting to die of horrible diseases. I saw one the other day that looked like it had lost half its body weight. The city has started using sterilization darts which isn't as effective as hunting, but you can't hunt in town obviously so it's the only option.


i get that. its off putting to me that some insane humans eat steak with ketchup. its off putting to me that some people dont like pizza like who are you.

so its fine if you dont agree with someone who hunts for sport and enjoys it. but if they do it responsibly, and there is a legit need for it (which there just is in some places), saying they are complete psychopaths for that seems silly to me.

needing to hunt =/= enjoying it

and I'm straight up cackling at your examples

"I don't like ketchup on food, you don't like the pointless killing of animals. we're all entitled to not likin stuff"
this is pretty ignorant of anything hunting.

hunting does not mean poaching. this guy is a poacher.

there are legitimate reasons to hunt. whether you agree with it or not is up to you, but to deny its importance in a lot of areas is not an opinion thats just wrong.

They specifically noted that there are legitimate reasons to hunt. What they said was that enjoying the act of killing is fucked up. Which it is.


Lying asshole, I mean "respected hunter", releases statement:

"I had no idea that the lion I took was a known, local favorite, was collared and part of a study until the end of the hunt. I relied on the expertise of my local professional guides to ensure a legal hunt," he said. "I deeply regret that my pursuit of an activity I love and practice responsibly and legally resulted in the taking of this lion."

Palmer added that he had not been contacted by authorities in Zimbabwe or in the U.S. but promised to cooperate if they had questions.

Cecil was no ordinary lion -- he had been tagged by the Wildlife Unit of Oxford University in the U.K. and was the subject of over a decade of research. It appears he was shot with a bow and arrow and then stalked for more than 40 hours before being finished off with a rifle shot.

Notice he doesn't say anything about luring it off park grounds.
I read them say it's a necessity for some people. But enjoying the act of killing is off putting to them.

One would have to include anglers in this as well as hunters. Just because they do not understand does not mean everyone that doesn't fit their mold is some psychopath. It's incredibly ignorant.
Legit hunting is fine. We killed all the top predators, so it's on us to keep populations in check. It's a bonus that a lot of people have fun doing it, rather than some ranger going out and shooting deer every few months to keep the population stable. It needs to be done either way, might as well let some people enjoy it.

What this dude did is not legit hunting.
nothing new but its always funny to me when people expressing more anger over killing an animal than an actual murderer. come on GAF - death wishes - thats a bit much. lions are great and poaching is obviously shitty but people should actually attack the system that makes it possible not the individual (btw he is like the 0.001 % that actually gets a public case like that).


He shot the animal. That's his involvement. That's enough right there.

Again, just because someone has ignorance of the law doesn't make it excusable. Especially so when we're discussing the life of other sentient beings. Also he was NOT on huntable land. That's exactly why they're charging him, as *you said*. The park they lured the animal out of was DEFINITELY not huntable and the land they went to didn't have permits for killing lions. You said that yourself. That automatically makes your statement of it being "huntable land" wrong.

No surprise here.

I think what Eznark is saying is that we know he killed the lion. We know he paid 55k to hunt the lion. What we don't know is if he had knowledge that the lion he killed was Cecil or not. He may have had no knowledge of where the lion came from. The guide lured the lion out into the open with the knowledge of where the lion came from, but that doesn't mean the shooter did.

If he obtained everything legally to hint a lion, he may not have known the lion he shot was protected. We should wait until more information comes out before the internet machine goes nuts on the guy and makes him lose his practice for something he may not have had any knowledge of.

Although that part looks to be too late.
Sometimes the internet completely ruining someones life is justified, and this is definitely one of them.

I look forward to seeing this coward completely broken.
They specifically noted that there are legitimate reasons to hunt. What they said was that enjoying the act of killing is fucked up. Which it is.

id aruge the hunters i know enjoy the hunt over the taking of life.

if i eat a burger i dont enjoy the fact that the cow is dead but im not gonna cry over it im gonna eat this delicious burger ya know
Yeah, this guy deserves all the hate he gets.
He did something illegal just to kill a protected animal.

Will probably be able to buy his way out of jail time. Ugh...
Legal hunting for most people isn't a survival necessity, but it's an important part of keeping the ecosystem in check and if anything it gets you more interested in nature as a whole. And with so much expansion and logging going on, that's really important. That's why it is strictly regulated by wildlife conservation departments in each state/province. Just because you don't understand or like that form of conservation doesn't mean that the people who participate in it are psychopaths.

In addition, hunting has become paramount in managing animal diseases, several of which could potentially devastate herds. An example being chronic waste disease in deer and elk. Furthermore when certain species grow too large in population we actually hire snipers to take them out, which is even more separated from empathy than actual hunting.


Tears in the rain
Lying asshole, I mean "respected hunter", releases statement:

Notice he doesn't say anything about luring it off park grounds.

Or that the collar was almost destroyed. What a scumbag. I really hope that he at least gets a fine.


Sometimes the internet completely ruining someones life is justified, and this is definitely one of them.

I look forward to seeing this coward completely broken.

How about letting the powers that be dispense the justice and keep the internet free of this vigilante bullshit.
I wouldn't expect anything less from a person capable of such sweeping and ignorant generalizations.
What type of enjoyment is it that you derive from killing an animal? Genuine question. I just can't imagine I'd feel any joy at all even if I had to kill to 'survive' let alone just to earn a trophy like the hunters I look at in the photos which always accompany these threads, with their crazy, shit-eating grins, spooning carcasses, their pants moist with pre-cum. Is it the feeling of a job well done or the satisfaction of knowing that in a zombie apocalypse kind of scenario, you would probably fare better than others?


Okay guys, time to cool off here.

Don't post with the deliberate intent to antagonize other posters. Don't wish for people to be killed or raped in prison.

I really hate threads like this where most of the people I have to ban (most, not all) are people I generally agree with, but who can't help but go over the line, fueled by passion.

Calm down. Being calm does not mean you have to not care.


nothing new but its always funny to me when people expressing more anger over killing an animal than an actual murderer. come on GAF - death wishes - thats a bit much. lions are great and poaching is obviously shitty but people should actually attack the system that makes it possible not the individual (btw he is like the 0.001 % that actually gets a public case like that).

What he did was morally wrong but I wish the Dentist no harm that's the universe's job. With that said it's GAF and the news It's sensational. Imagine if it was Jaden Smith or Kanye who killed the lion. I'm petty sure I've had read someone imply that consumer rights are the same as human rights but I digress.


So we are clear, you are outraged that he hunted, not that he may have broken laws. That's fine, but it is a different discussion.

They aren't charging him. They are charging the people whose job it is to know where hunting becomes poaching.

No, I'm outraged because he was stupid enough to not ask "why are you having to lure the lion out? Why can't I just go actually hunt it?"

I would probably feel sympathy for him actually if he said, "sorry y'all. I didn't know this wasn't appropriate land. Here's my permit that I got from the game and wildlife people, and the hunting company told me that this place was legit for hunting these guys. I didn't realize it was right next to a PROTECTED SANCTUARY and they would try to lure protected animals out for me to shoot. I will check references better next time I decide I want to hunt big game." I'd go "OK, he didn't really have much of a clue. That's not so cool that he wants to hunt big game, but I get it. It does have to be done to cull the numbers sometime in certain places."

Instead we get some d-bag person representing him and the only response is "he maintains he had permits." Fuck him. I don't for a second believe he didn't know any of the rest of it.

He fully admits that he shot the animal, he fully admits he was hunting. He is showing zero remorse. For some people on this sanctuary, this animal was almost like a pet. It's like someone coming and shooting your dog that they saw and got him to come outside of your boundries, then shooting it and going "Well I mean, we had a permit to shoot dogs."

I think what Eznark is saying is that we know he killed the lion. We know he paid 55k to hunt the lion. What we don't know is if he had knowledge that the lion he killed was Cecil or not. He may have had no knowledge of where the lion came from. The guide lured the lion out into the open with the knowledge of where the lion came from, but that doesn't mean the shooter did.

If he obtained everything legally to hint a lion, he may not have known the lion he shot was protected. We should wait until more information comes out before the internet machine goes nuts on the guy and makes him lose his practice for something he may not have had any knowledge of.

Although that part looks to be too late.

I think I've been pretty clear that I don't give a shit if he knew who or what the lion was or not. Ignorance is not an excuse. Period. Let me say this again - Ignorance is not an excuse. I don't care what the hunting place told him, I don't care what permits they said they had, I don't care. Just because you commit a crime in ignorance of the law (or in this case, someone told you it was OK) doesn't make you not culpable. Period.


Doesn't matter, that doesn't excuse the hunter from not checking his shit. Also, again, ignorance of the law isn't not an excuse. Period.

If you get into a car with a person who's had 1 drink, but you are in a no-tolerance state, just because you didn't know it was a no-tolerance state doesn't suddenly let you or the driver off the hook.

He went through a licensed Hunting Operation to obtain what he believed to be a legal license to hunt a lion. He did nothing wrong on his part legally, which is why the Tour Guide and the landowner are now sitting in jail and he is not.


Just because someone doesn't hold the same emotions about certain things you do doesn't mean they suffer from a lack of emotion. Like I said previously, psychopathy, like all anti-social disorders, is concerned primarily with relationship with humans (society).
So if someone went about killing the neighbourhood cats, decapitate them placing their heads on their wall (maybe make some pillows out of their skin), you wouldn't think they were a psycho? I'm pretty sure you'd be in the minority.

And come one people, let's stop defending this guy. He paid $55,000 because he wanted that lion - it's no accident.
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