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Angela design reportedly won't be changed in the final verison of Silent Hill 2 despite negative internet reactions


Who does Bloober think the audience for this game is? I don't see the die hard fans picking this game up with the changes made to the game destroy the story of of Silent Hill.


Ignoring the design/look, what i don't get is why does this face looks like it's from a game 3 generations ago? Are they going to port this to the PS3?


Its not even about model looking “too realistic” it just looks like a badly made model with poor expression.

For Monster Hunter Wild Capcom making character models more “realistic“but still managed make them looking waaaaaaaay better.

Now I rather want to play that game instead and I know nothing about it except for this gif and that Ezio has a cameo.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Its not even about model looking “too realistic” it just looks like a badly made model with poor expression.

For Monster Hunter Wild Capcom making character models more “realistic“but still managed make them looking waaaaaaaay better.

Wow, look how pretty that woman is. For the record, I don't even like blondes but that's a really good looking character.

Japan knows where it's at.


I wouldn't really call it realistic. Capcom's always had a totally unique style mixing some Japanese anime / beauty aesthetics with kind of a retro western classic bombshell art style. You see this in Monster Hunter, Resident Evil especially. This looks like an updated Sherry from RE6 kind of vibe. Always hot girls for the most part.
Characters from re look very realistic. So does monster hunter


Gold Member
I think this might be one of those games where bad reviews can impact sales. Silent Hill isn't as popular as Resident Evil, it's got less mass appeal, and Silent Hill 2 is kinda a sacred game to a lot of fans. The footage and trailers for the remake have been pretty polarizing, with a good amount of people on the fence or not interested. I think if the game comes out to less than 80 on MC, there might be a good amount of folks who will pass on the game, myself included.

My point is that if this game turns out great and reviews are great no one is going to not buy the game just because Maria looks bad, so Bloober has zero incentive to change the way she looks.


Gold Member
They ain't immune, they gave Ashley & Jill a fucking Skort for fucks sakes.
But at least they respected the design.
So far everyone has kept their old design with a few updated details except for Maria which has had completely redesigned
From this


Not that it's bad but the original was designed that way for a reason that relates to Mary & James
and it's generally a style from that era too.
I just don't understand the reasoning behind it.
Some say it's desexualising...but really?
It's a pretty casual look
And as I said before Mary's & Maria's Designs are a flip of eachother
They kinda the same but not
And after looking at this I can't believe there is a 20 years difference between them.

While I think Angela is fine, this is not.

The new clothing is just wrong and a blatant disregard to the intention of the character. She was supposed to look sexual, you were supposed to wonder whether James was/would be fucking her.

This has to be those DEI leeches at work.

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
GOOD. Just get the game out and don't listen to the piss ant fans who moan about crap like this and wouldn't buy the game anyway
The modding community on PC will fix it. Call it the "Uncensored Edition". Ideally, publishers should just do a dual-release strategy. One version tailored for Western audiences, where Sweet Baby Inc./ Hit Detection etc can go wild, and another for the rest of the world, maintaining the game's original vision.


Angela looked awful. She portrayed none of the mystique or anguish that is associated with her character in that first meeting with James. A real disappointment to see such a downgrade to such an important character. Maria looked better aesthetically, but it's obvious now she will lack the sex appeal and dangerous, manipulative edge she had in the original. Sensitivity consultancy services? Just kick them to the fucking curb and go with your own vision. I don't understand why they have to get involved with the studio.

Just wait until you see what they did to Pyramid Head. My uncle who works for Konami confirmed that during his first scene, he comes in, announces his pronouns, and instead of molesting a mannequin ends up screaming "Guilty" 34 times all while chasing James with a tampon.
The uncomfortable truth of the matter is no one is going to not buy this game just because Angela looks like dogwater and those paupers at Bloober know it.
You wrong on that mate. If it's a matter of principle I hold my own principles to a high standard. I don't buy games I know to have been affected (or infected) with this shit anymore, the same I don't watch shit infected Hollywood movies just to see they are shit. A buy is a buy and a watch is a watch. Surely I'm not the only one.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
The fact is that unless they drastically expand Angela's role in the story, as others have remarked, her appearances are few and far between and mostly in cut-scenes.

The significance of that is that her impact in the story is mainly going to rest on how good the performance capture is, and not her model. The upside is that judging from the footage shown at the Transmission, this part seems to be not only well-done, but very faithful to the original script-wise.

Based on the footage I've seen, I'm much ,more positive about Bloober's remake than I was. I also get the impression they genuinely care about and respect the original, so I can imagine them pushing back against egregious changes suggested by SBI knowing the amount of scrutiny they are going to be under from the fanbase.


My point is that if this game turns out great and reviews are great no one is going to not buy the game just because Maria looks bad, so Bloober has zero incentive to change the way she looks.

Sure, I don’t necessarily disagree. I do think it’s a weird stance on their part to take. The face just looks bad. Not even talking about the attractive/unattractive angle of it. From a design standpoint it literally just looks bad. It’s a “go back and try it again” attempt. For example in some shots he eyebrows look like they were sharpied on, and there’s a distinct lack of detail on the skin of her face.
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Its not even about model looking “too realistic” it just looks like a badly made model with poor expression.

For Monster Hunter Wild Capcom making character models more “realistic“but still managed make them looking waaaaaaaay better.

Is because japan is not afraid to make a woman look like a fucking woman. Simple as that.

Item one in western woman character creator :
- Henry Cavill jawline mandatory


I don't understand this. Am I meant to? What is the endgame of this?

Women aren't allowed to show beauty, or sexuality even if it's narratively important?

Like what do they want? Inclusion? It doesn't seem like it's achieving that goal..at all. It seems more divisive than I've ever known.

Before you know it beautiful people will need a safe space to be themselves and feel part of the discussion!

Ev1L AuRoN


Here's the original PS2 model.

They've used the ingame model as reference, not the CGI one. And they look very similar, imo.

Thing is, Bloober sucks in terms of character models. This is not due to Baby Inc or anything like that, they just suck at modeling characters.

And about Maria being "sanitized". It wasnt a huge change in terms of design and it will work storywise anyways.

But sure, lets have some 20 pages talking about Baby Inc influence or whatever

This game looks so bad, I find all the humans in the game horrible, and that's from the first trailer I saw to the last,
It's ridiculous, the characters face models don't look any better than the 360 era. The game feels low budget and poorly put together and Silent Hill 2, one of the greatest games on PS2, surely deserved better.
It is weird how she looks better in every shot but the first one in the graveyard. It has to be a bad angle or the lighting. I actually like that she looks younger now, but it is still off-putting. She is supposed to by 19, and I can buy that with the new model, the older one looked and sounded in her 40s. Yeah, tell me it was intentional all you want, but if a key bit of information, that she was supposed to be a teenager doesn't come across without looking it up, then yeah, it's an issue.

That said, people are losing their minds over this, and I'm like... ok? She does NOT look good in the graveyard, and yeah, that was offputting, but every other shot with her looks better, and every other character we have seen looks good too. Hell, Laura looks amazing.

Hope they fix the lighting or whatever in the graveyard scene, but honestly outside of that ONE shot everyone posts she looks fine.


The history of video games is long list of ugly dudes making absolute gigachad main characters. It's a proven money making formula. The next Lara Croft is gonna have a bowl cut and bunch of randomly placed weird tattoos, with the fan favorite "tubby but somehow flat chested" build.


Gold Member
The thing is, that character design for the original Silent Hill trilogy was very unique. Pretty much all the characters had sharp features underlined by strong shadows, and most had rings under their eyes so deep. Everyone looked much older, even young women didn’t look much younger than Dahlia. And none of the women looked that attractive, because they all had that uncanny look and you’d think each and every one of them could put a knife between the MC’s shoulders as soon as they turned around. Attractive in a way, but always with more than a hint of danger in their looks.

These new designs aren’t like that.
That said, people are losing their minds over this, and I'm like... ok? She does NOT look good in the graveyard, and yeah, that was offputting, but every other shot with her looks better, and every other character we have seen looks good too. Hell, Laura looks amazing.

James looks just as uncanny to me as Angela, tbh. But, it is possible that some of what has been presented is from earlier in development like someone suggested, the James model does seem to render different across the scenes.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
While I think Angela is fine, this is not.

The new clothing is just wrong and a blatant disregard to the intention of the character. She was supposed to look sexual, you were supposed to wonder whether James was/would be fucking her.

This has to be those DEI leeches at work.
I wouldn't go that extreme but yes Maria was always a distraction for James.
Don't currently get that from this version of Maria.
And it's probably something DEI said had to change.
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