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Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is a game about exploring nature, making friends, and collecting cool items to help you create the campsite of your dreams!
AC/PC is available as a free download, but you can also purchase in-game items called Leaf Tickets using real money.

You can also acquire Leaf Tickets for free.
Island, Beach, Forest, Beach, River
Travel between them with the camper
Breezy Hollow (Fruit Harvesting Area)
Walking around to shake trees around
Harvest a variety of fruits
Trade and interact with Villagers here
Trade fruit for materials to craft furniture
(1 Apple traded for 100 bells and 2 Cotton x2)
Play in real time
Certain Animals visit at certain times!
You & Your Camper
Customize Skin Tone, Gender and hair color.
Customize Camper both inside and out!
Inside: Like a tiny AC house, with addable loft. (30,000 bells upgrade?!)
Building an Amenity
Like a great work in AC
Leaf Tickets speed up the process
Growing your Campsite:
Seasonal Events
Outfits through future game updates
Share Player ID with friends with the game to visit others campsites
Exchange bells for their fish, fruit, or bugs. (Market Box)
Give Kudos, become friends and you can visit anytime
Placing a Craft Order:
Craft items with Cyrus, cost is cotton and 400bells.
Place Animals favorite items to make them visit
Each Animal has their own friendship level
Leveling up friendship level makes it more common to have a visit
Craft Clothing at the clothing trucks, the selection of each store rotates, like the mainline games.
Craft Materials and Requests:
Many items available to craft
The ability to mark items as favorites is present
Supplement materials for cashola.
Achieve Leaf Tickets by leveling up in the game
They Speed up Cyrus building processes off furniture and amenities
Exchange for Throw Mat for fishing or Honey for bug trapping
Use them to enter Shuffle Strike Quarry to mine minerals to gain tons of bells.
They can be earned by completing various goals.
Sunburst Island:
Great place for catching bugs, fish and to gather materials.
Animals request specific bugs, items and flowers, will reward.
This thread to be updated with Friend IDs and GAF trading soon!