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Anthem |OT| Fly, you fools!


Origin early access stuff is stupid.

Whatever at least you would think that gives them time to improve server and stability issues by the time it launches proper.
For those who loved Dragon Age 1 and Mass Effect 2, essentially last-gen BioWare storytelling at its best, what do you think about the story in this game? Are there side stories that make you really care about the characters? Are there any story choices that go beyond "do the bad guy thing" or "do the good guy thing" type decisions? Is there anything intresting or well-written about any of this?

The demo really didn't feel like a BioWare game, but I'm hoping (likely in vain) that the full game will be better.
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For those who loved Dragon Age 1 and Mass Effect 2, essentially last-gen BioWare storytelling at its best, what do you think about the story in this game? Are there side stories that make you really care about the characters? Are there any story choices that go beyond "do the bad guy thing" or "do the good guy thing" type decisions? Is there anything intresting or well-written about any of this?

The demo really didn't feel like a BioWare game, but I'm hoping (likely in vain) that the full game will be better.

I doubt there’s any morality based decisions at all
A lot of pve players that I do trust seem to be enjoying it so far. It all rides on endgame tho.

I’m also completely convinced this started as mass effect online Much like how Destiny was halo 4.

I bet EA forced bioware to turn Anthem into a looter shooter during late stage of development.

It's Destiny 1 all over again. Minus the great gunplay, amazing raid and exotic weapons.

I paid for 1 year of premier access. Two of my friends bought it. I'll tell them to get those refunds ready.


You absolute mad bastards bioware.


That PC Gamer review I saw was harsh. It doesn't look like the "This beta is 6 months old" excuses were very valid.


(Playing on Xbox One X)
95% loading glitch is still not completely fixed. Failed to launch/reconnect mission on me 3 times in a row.

That's not a nice glitch to have in a full release.

Got mission started on 4th try.
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Am enjoying this, despite the fact that the whole thing needs a few coats of polish and generally feels pretty flimsy (on my pc anyway).
Big mechs, stuff blowing up, garden variety sci-fantasy. Ya know. There's some fun stuff in there.


That PC Gamer review I saw was harsh. It doesn't look like the "This beta is 6 months old" excuses were very valid.
For games like this any review within ONE day of release should be ignored.

Well, that is, unless it confirms your bias then in that case its 100% accurate.


For games like this any review within ONE day of release should be ignored.

Well, that is, unless it confirms your bias then in that case its 100% accurate.
With those recent stories about some reviewers only playing like 20% of games and then doing the review to get it out as quick as possible, i'm starting to ignore reviews anyway. I mean if 50 reviews say a game is terrible then its probably terible, but i trust user reviews more these days, even if they are far from perfect as well.


The game is fun but what's keeping me from wanting to play it much is the long loading times and the fact I can't run in the town. Getting missions are kind of a pain to me . The gameplay, visuals and animations is what is keeping me in. The missions so far are pretty copy/paste and samey. The contracts are fun though.


The game is fun but what's keeping me from wanting to play it much is the long loading times and the fact I can't run in the town. Getting missions are kind of a pain to me . The gameplay, visuals and animations is what is keeping me in. The missions so far are pretty copy/paste and samey. The contracts are fun though.
Did you play the beta?, you could only walk slowly in the hub area in the beta believe it or not, but you move much quicker in the released game in the hub area. You could just do 'freeplay' and then you dont need to keep spawning back at the hub after every mission.
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Did you play the beta?, you could only walk slowly in the hub area in the beta believe it or not, but you move much quicker in the released game in the hub area. You could just do 'freeplay' and then you dont need to keep spawning back at the hub after every mission.
I didn't play the beta. I can't imagine walking/running slower than it is currently unless I'm missing something.


I didn't play the beta. I can't imagine walking/running slower than it is currently unless I'm missing something.
No lie, you moved about 3 times slower in the beta, compared to the releasd game when 'running'. I think thats why it doesn't bother me much. You still do move too slowly but one of the devs on a dev stream said 'any faster and it wouldn't be realistic', lol ok.


No lie, you moved about 3 times slower in the beta, compared to the releasd game when 'running'. I think thats why it doesn't bother me much. You still do move too slowly but one of the devs on a dev stream said 'any faster and it wouldn't be realistic', lol ok.
Wow that's a shame, at least let me jog! Or even just let me tele to my suit, it's just too slow-motion for me. I swear I spend more time trying to find a mission and loading it than actually playing.


Anyone else pounding B during conversations?
I spam escape as soon as dialogue starts. The dialogue is all meaningless drivel and I just can't be bothered.

Honestly, I don't even think I'm going to bother playing more until the 22nd. Then I'll give it and it's day one patch one more chance, but I'm not expecting much. This game is a mess and will likely remain a mess.
As fun as I may be having with the game, at the same time I'm just baffled by the rough edges and bugs. Settings not saving, slow loads, connection errors that send you out of your suit, enemies disappearing... it's in shockingly poor shape for a full commercial release.

I mean, so far the biggest and most powerful enemy in the game is the damned loading screen.


For games like this any review within ONE day of release should be ignored.

Well, that is, unless it confirms your bias then in that case its 100% accurate.

So you mean there's no loading screens that are slow and are frequent? That's a lot different than the beta I played.


After playing for 7 hours this are my points

Flying is cool

World feels so empty and lifeless
Graphics arent that great at all (The missing vegetation all over the world is a big reason for that)
Loading Screens everywhere
Fort Tarsis
Missions are terrible
The world is really small

I dont know i was way more excited after the announcement. But playing the game multiple times now (Alpha, Demo and Trial) it just feels so lifeless and boring. It really feels like that the Frosbite Engine really isnt made for this type of game at all. There are soooo many loading screens its ridiclious and i dont buy that a supposed patch next week will fix that. The overall world is so small, free roam missions are terrible. And just dont get me started on Fort Tarsis. This is the worst hub whatever you wanna call it that i experienced. Who thought that this is going to be fun for players?
And reading about the endgame content or thereof the lack of that content makes the game really uninteresting. Just yikes. Game feels pretty unfinished too but thats just standard now from most EA Games nowadays..

But but free11!! DLC right? (Just a term to let them finish the game)


God i hope Borderlands 3 drops soon... this online only loot shooters are really becoming a chore to play for me.

The Shepard

Not the most positive of comments on the game.. I'll reserve judgement till I actually play the game. Looks like both bioware and bethesdas fizzling out whilst company's like cd projet red take there place. Shame really as I once loved both and would class em as my fave developers from years past.
Hot damn, the rain completely tanks performance, frames go down the gutter while it's raining during combat. What are we getting, like 15-20 frames spiking all over the place during heated battles? That was one thing I hoped theyd address from demo.


Wanted to chime in, what a piss poor showing the beta was, I can imagine it will harm sales big time,

I played early access Athem a couple of hours, really liked the whole intro part , combat and the city . Everything reminded me of the first mass effect. It felt like yeah this is a BioWare game. The first part also sets up the story nicely. Apart from some technical errors I had, frame rate or background loading, this was a much better showing, I am even considering buying it now. Liked all the chatter and the music.

The beta should have been the first part of the game ...
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Think I will cancel my preorder. Always looking to scratch that PSO itch but although this has the basis of a good looter, it needs a good few patches and the price will tank fast.


Gold Member
Why would EA limit the success of the initial game release by placing it, in it's infancy/debut, behind a idiotic paywall subscription? Get the game out there! As many people as you can! A subscription based service whereas Origin has a paltry selection of games which most people have already bought due to Origin store sales, is absolute stupidity. Who are these people at EA making the decisions? EA is undermining the value of Bioware and ultimately scuttling yet another studio.

Release the game for everyone. Stop promoting Origin as some major store when it's product selection is minimal. It doesn't constitute what a store is. The Origin Store is more like a hot dog stand. A few items at best. EA has no idea what the hell they are doing.


Did I run out of missions in the City now? I can't seem to find any more. I'm level 18 and the only thing I can do is Freeplay and the Purple mission (the same one with the spider)


Gold Member
I've already got my Legion of Dawn bought and paid for on PS4 Pro along with a copy for my son's system(we game same house, fireteams in Destiny are awesome!)

Anyways, I'm playing the game right now on Origin Premiere and I love the game but it has some problems. Some of them very big.

1) My biggest complaint is the totally backwards and broken matchmaking system. I'm trying to follow the story and lore and do proper play throughs of the missions
only to be warped to a group of players who decided to fly to the end of the level, etc. It's fucking MADDENING.

Unlike Destiny where if you start a new activity like a story mission that will ALWAYS start you from the beginning, Anthem has no problem taking you and putting you into
a story mission only for it to end 20 seconds later once you finally spawn in. This happened to me a few times yesterday and I logged after being pissed off.

Now the "option" to go "private" missions is there but was busted for me, picked "private" story missions still put me with other players who were already well into the level.

2) The loading times are ridiculous. I mean bad, horrible, slow, "loading screen simulator 2019" bad. I know everyone is praising SSD drives but I just don't have that luxury right now to go messing with all that. But the loading times in Anthem are a total immersion breaker.

I find myself interested in the story/lore and actually listen to the conversations instead of skipping it(though it's a nice option that they allow you to skip it). The motion capture on the supporting characters is light years better than the horrible Andromeda npc interactions. No comparison.

Apparently there will be another sizeable day 1 patch with more loading and fps optimizations. Let's hope.
I can't even imagine the load times on console. Even though SSD is a lot better, it's still not amazing.

Not sure about private. Worked for me, and I switched to it after my first bad experience with matchmaking a story mission.


Hot damn, the rain completely tanks performance, frames go down the gutter while it's raining during combat. What are we getting, like 15-20 frames spiking all over the place during heated battles? That was one thing I hoped theyd address from demo.
And the rain looks pretty terrible too lol
Its just some very white lines going down lol
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Anyway to make another character? I'm hating my choice of Colossus at level 2. It was confusing how they did that and I thought I already had the ranger unlocked. Now im just trying to get to level 8 so I can pick the Ranger. Anyway, I thought there was supposed to be multiple character slots, ala Destiny, but I'm not seeing it. ..
Anyway to make another character? I'm hating my choice of Colossus at level 2. It was confusing how they did that and I thought I already had the ranger unlocked. Now im just trying to get to level 8 so I can pick the Ranger. Anyway, I thought there was supposed to be multiple character slots, ala Destiny, but I'm not seeing it. ..

It's on the load screen where it says press space to enter or whatever.

Don't press space. Settings option in the bottom corner? of the screen.

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
Anyway to make another character? I'm hating my choice of Colossus at level 2. It was confusing how they did that and I thought I already had the ranger unlocked. Now im just trying to get to level 8 so I can pick the Ranger. Anyway, I thought there was supposed to be multiple character slots, ala Destiny, but I'm not seeing it. ..
You can unlock the other javelins. I think you get the next one at level 10.

However even if you create another character, you are stuck with whatever choice you initially made. Guess this was EA’s way of forcing you to live with your choice instead of making alts to try every javelin.
Eff, just so torn right now. How do you mess up mechs, sci fi, customization, 5 years of development and the KOTOR/DA/Baulders gate studio?? That's a fucking recipe for 10 mil until in sales easily. You have to actively try and eff that up. This thing needed another 6 months (for content and QOL features) in the oven, there's hints of glory here, but after the botched release of MEA (don't care if it was another studio division BW brand was attached) you gotta really knock it out of the park, and you're just going to piss away all you're goodwill for a rushed release?? C'mon...I really want to love this product, so help me help you guys
Anyone else pounding B during conversations?
No. I’m actually enjoying the story elements and NPC interactions.

Been playing all morning on the XOneX and been really happy with it. Playing exclusively on hard mode. Everyone I’ve been in PUGs with... seem to get it.

Also, they really fixed the Colossus. I’ve had great times with them on the team. I’m a ranger.
I can't even imagine the load times on console. Even though SSD is a lot better, it's still not amazing.

Not sure about private. Worked for me, and I switched to it after my first bad experience with matchmaking a story mission.

In no way shape or form has the load screens on the XOneX been worse than the Load screens in Destiny 2. Both running off the internal drive and not my 8TB external.

I think this may just be localized network phenomenon. I’ve had 1 disconnect in 5 hours.


I had sepnt nearly 2 hours in Freeplay last night, then the game cut off as my 10 hours had ended. Nice of them to give a 10min warning or something. I had done tons of side stuff, and collected tons of items. The game better remeber all this when i get the fuull game lol.
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For those who loved Dragon Age 1 and Mass Effect 2, essentially last-gen BioWare storytelling at its best, what do you think about the story in this game? Are there side stories that make you really care about the characters? Are there any story choices that go beyond "do the bad guy thing" or "do the good guy thing" type decisions? Is there anything intresting or well-written about any of this?

The demo really didn't feel like a BioWare game, but I'm hoping (likely in vain) that the full game will be better.

You know what this game feels like to me? The Post-Synthesis ending Mass Effect 3 in the far-far future where the remnants of that hybrid society are the oppressors our re-Human race and the Anthem is a mechanic to reverse that synthesis.

My two thoughts.

Xaero Gravity

I had sepnt nearly 2 hours in Freeplay last night, then the game cut off as my 10 hours had ended. Nice of them to give a 10min warning or something. I had done tons of side stuff, and collected tons of items. The game better remeber all this when i get the fuull game lol.
It will.




You absolute mad bastards bioware.

I actually like this. at least its not tied to a destiny like excuse of "yeah farm 400 world events when the battle of faction is on to prove your worth or some shit" in order to get specific weapons / equipment, mostly because there's many more kind of events and some are dynamic
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The end-game loot grind is pretty good. Love the min-max aspect. This'll definitely be my game until Division 2.

In no way shape or form has the load screens on the XOneX been worse than the Load screens in Destiny 2. Both running off the internal drive and not my 8TB external.

I think this may just be localized network phenomenon. I’ve had 1 disconnect in 5 hours.

Crazy. Destiny 2 load times on a PC w/ SSD are night and day compared to this game.

Plus, once you load in, that's it. But yeah there does seem to be a network issue here because my load times got longer during peak hours.
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