My first articleIf Kotaku can do it so can we
I’d be interested as long as it remained 100% independent. No paid trips for previews or free review copies of games etc.
Lads he wrote shops because his chops are still dusty.
Looks like I've got a lot of dick to suck. Line 'em boys, let's get this over with.
Lore could have sold the site for millions. Dudes been holding it down for almost 20 years. If there's another site that has a better claim to independence, I'd love to hear it.I’d be interested as long as it remained 100% independent. No paid trips for previews or free review copies of games etc.
If Bamco didn't spend so much money traveling and entertaining "media influencers" and reviewers, their games could have much bigger budgets.I’d be interested as long as it remained 100% independent. No paid trips for previews or free review copies of games etc.
I feel like you're potentially opening the door to drama.
At times I actually wish this was required all the time here given the tiresome amount of bad faith threads/trolling/fake concern.What about neoGAF review? Some sort of checking if the user really have the game before he review, staff check if the user review don't have troll behavior and can have recommended by the site.
A person can't breathe without someone turning it into drama. See:I feel like you're potentially opening the door to drama.
These days, though, most people post on GAF from mobile and there isn't as much room for slower-paced longer format reading.
conducting interviews and posting features, highlighting underrepresented indie games, technical breakdowns from devs, and whatever else seems worthwhile. Could maybe start up a podcast, time permitting, at least for long format interviews when opportunities arise to do those.
You don't see how an independent, unbiased and politically neutral voice could stand out?Not sure how articles and interviews could make neogaf stand out compared to other outlets
Sometimes we already have these in the forums, hence I feel its redundant but I'm happy to give it a go.You don't see how an independent, unbiased and politically neutral voice could stand out?
...Do you do feet pics? Just asking.Discount codes for my OF hidden in each article
This. A small and dedicated team not taking themselves too seriously and this could be great funFor example, assemble a small, dedicated team that could do an occasional podcast (maybe once every week or two). They could summarize some of the most active threads here as a "news roundup". This type of podcast should be fairly brief, ranging from 10 to 30 minutes. The podcast notes should also include links to the threads, to encourage listeners to participate.
What bothers a bit me is how this place no longer houses industry people who used to interact with users all the time here, I think an idea like this could potentially make a change in this regard.Sometimes we already have these in the forums, hence I feel its redundant but I'm happy to give it a go.
They're all held hostage at the other site because they think that's where they think big mindshare is. Current events surrounding the Potter game are the first time I've seen a rift between the casual left and the crazies. Hell even Reddit which for a time I thought wast the exact same as Reee. Anyone reading this probably has given up on posting on Reddit or mainstream comment sections because they assume they'd be banned. Cracks are showing and I'd urge everyone to throw a bit of gas on that fire. Free your captive industry people. I don't think they want to cater to the crazy audience, they think they have to. I think now is the best time to let your voices be heard. Don't make it obvious though, go post some subtle comments in all the places you assume your ideas are no longer welcome. I think you'd be surprised. I know I have been.What bothers a bit me is how this place no longer houses industry people who used to interact with users all the time here, I think an idea like this could potentially make a change in this regard.
Sure we could then try to amp up the amount of quality discussions, which is admittedly sort of lacking compared to the Asylum when it comes to actual games.
Even less so with opinion pieces type editorials, god forbid reviews. Having such an output recognized as the "official word of gaf" contradicts the core value of a discussion forum imo, and Neogaf in particular - where there never is a consensus and all positions get disputed, equally praised and shat on. We all write game reviews here, some just very short. And it's just one big melting pot, that's the one thing that shouldn't change.
I'm not sure how the "highlighting underrepresented indie games" would go here....
A chunk of GAF acts like they have a broomstick up their ass and snivels and disdains at anything that doesn't have a AAA budget, they don't even consider them to be "proper" games (and miss out on some of the best gaming experiences with their attitude).
Anything can be great if done right, I think a weekly podcast that goes over that weeks news and events would be cool and maybe bring some forum members on.Lately it seems as though we're lacking sane and reasonable voices in this industry who are not polemics or activists on either side of the fence but still have an interesting perspective worth hearing. I think there is intrinsic value in well-written essays and articles on a platform that is not at all interested in clickbait, outrage-bait, or shilling.
At a few points in our site's history we've had an editorial section where we occasionally posted thoughtful features, interviews, and podcasts. It received a good amount of attention the last time we had it around, many moons ago, but the forum became so enormous in comparison that it didn't make that much sense to focus on anymore. These days, though, most people post on GAF from mobile and there isn't as much room for slower-paced longer format reading. Maybe it's time to circle back around and create a dedicated space for that content to shine.
An editorial site would be a place for reflecting on current events, conducting interviews and posting features, highlighting underrepresented indie games, technical breakdowns from devs, and whatever else seems worthwhile. Could maybe start up a podcast, time permitting, at least for long format interviews when opportunities arise to do those. The focus of the site would be gaming, gaming industry, and gaming culture, but from the perspective of mature, level-headed adults (with humor allowed!). I'd be EIC and would write some of it myself as well as accepting high quality submissions from the community and other guests.
Any interest? Thoughts?
If there's a clear editorial vision. I mean there are a million amateur and semi-pro gaming sites out there, in order for one more to have meaning there would need to be some kind of statement of purpose.
I worked in games journalism for years before (like most game journos) pivoting to more financially rewarding/stable work.
Or we can use the Neogag tried and trusted DJ Khaled rating system.I think if there are reviews a rating system should be established first, perhaps a scoring or worded scale. It needs to either embrace the full spectrum of the scoring range (0-10) or become a ranged wording system (like Day 1 buy, buy on sale, play in subscription, don't bother) so that we don't end up using the upper end of the scores where the best games don't stand out.
Or we can use the Neogag tried and trusted DJ Khaled rating system.
"Another 1", "Congratulations, you've played yourself", "Suffering from success" and so on.