The sixth season of FXs animated series Archer (premiering Jan. 8 at 10 p.m.) finds the shows bickering spies back in the espionage game, after spending the previous year trying to sell a metric ton of cocaine. But creator-writer Adam Reed had originally planned to send self-obsessed Sterling Archer, new mom Lana, booze-sodden boss Malory, and the rest of the team to the hoosegow to pay for their crimes.
It was an offhand comment by someone, says Reed of the idea to put Archer & co. behind bars. We sat down and talked about it and were laughing about it, and instantly story ideas were spilling out. Then some wet blanket said, Well, you know, its going to seem like were ripping off Orange Is the New Black. It just sucked all the air out of the room.
Not wanting to let a good idea go to waste, we asked Reed and the animators to give us a taste of how the season would have looked if theyd gone through with their Archer behind bars idea. You can see the exclusive, prison-movie-referencing Archer-in-the-bighouse illustration above.