First - appreciate all the responses and the suggestions. I don't want to quote every single thing because I could quote nearly everything - but I appreciate so many of these replies.
Second, I want to clear the air a bit because I think some people sorely misrepresented or misunderstood what I said. I still enjoy playing games. Not as much time these days, but I do still play. And I ENJOY it. But that isn't necessarily what I mean. Games have a different cloth to them now, like much of (mostly) western media. They seem to be very close to the past generation without as much freshness or "wow" that we use to get Gen to gen, and innovation in combat, gameplay, etc. Has seem to hit a serious dry spot for me. There was a lot of (not to overuse the word) FUN in the past. I remover going from NES to N64. HOLY CRAP look at Mario 64 Compared to the NES Mario Bros. Wow. Vibrant, fun, Inventive. Goldeneye - SAME.
Then the following gen was the same. Major step up, boom all of a sudden we have GTA 3, MIDNIGHT CLUB, Dynasty Warriors featuring mass scale and combat. Amazing! Fun, even if not your genre. Whatever.
PS3 /360 was a similar leap. KZ2 was a console mic drop. Warhawk I remember feeling so much ecstasy from playing. You could fly, drive, run around, whatever you wanted. Playing against tons of people, like nothing console gaming had felt before. Batman Arkham asylum blew my mind when I played the demo at gamestop in Atlanta, GA on vacation. Uncharted 2 felt like a peak moment in adventure gaming. Something epic right from the beginning of it. Turning the corner type of game.
Since then, ps4 - > 5 has felt like cruise control. Nearly everything is ND inspired over dramatic Hollywood style, car games in large feel dreadful and dated (NFS hasn't been fun for years, feels dumbed down substantially), GTA and forza have stalled. Remember Auto Modelista for Ps2, anybody!? What an inventive game! Physics wonky but MAN was it something cool to play!
As I said in the OP, this isn't a FULL blanket statement. There are still gems, and I mentioned stuff like Astro Bot. CDProjekt seems to do the old school "what we want" style. It's out there, but so much of the former innovation and freshness seems dry now. Everything seems corporatized and safe.
And there are reasons for that, objectively, and some of you have touched on that. The jump from development cost from Ps2 to end of ps3/ start of 4 era was MASSIVE. In my last meeting when I worked in the industry, they hands down blamed r*/ GTA and showed a graph (lol).
I just feel like so much of the uniqness of the industry has fallen flat. That doesn't mean it isn't still enjoyable, but it feels less... Fun.
It doesn't even have to be exclusive to the software. How many awesome N64 were released? I had the Gold Version from TrU. Clear Ps2, anybody? Still own my pokemon Gameboy color today. It just felt FUN. Watching retro game hunting in Japan really hits me in the feels recently. The box art is SO FRIGGIN GOOD. I still have many of the boxes for mine from childhood, man it was exciting. The bland stuff today... EH.
Hope that sort of clarifies.
The last decade, the games that stood out the most for me were; The Last Guardian, Breath of the Wild, Rocket League (at the beginning), LBP, CarX. Just miss that feeling. I also miss seeing the crazy releases of consoles and the random box art on the shelf leading me to buy a game I knew nothing about among a sea of never ending releases.
Some of this is no doubt due to changing life priorities, and I acknowledge that. Nostalgia has affect as well, no doubt. But something does indeed feel different for me that I think is unrelated to any of that - but hey, who knows. Maybe I am in the minority here!
Have a good day, everybody! Appreciate the convo!