So Arnold is apperantely writing a book.

When you've had such different careers, it's hard to choose only one image for a book like this. I loved bodybuilding, I loved acting, and I loved serving the people of California. I wanted to use the jacket to share the joy I took from each of those stages of my life with you. Every book will have the same front cover, the one I'm revealing here for the first time.
But the back cover of the jacket will showcase the three major stages of my life.
It will represent my career in bodybuilding, my acting career and my time as Governor. Now that we have the front cover, it's time to find the images for the back.
This is where you come in. I'd like some input on those images. I want the perfect image for the bodybuilding fans, the best movie shot we can find, and something really exciting from my time in office. Yes, I could sit in a dark room and choose them myself, but that's no fun, and I'm just one person.
I have always relied on input from my fans, and last week I had a great time reading through your feedback on Facebook and Twitter. I loved incorporating your ideas about what you wanted to hear in the book into my brainstorming session so much, I thought I should ask you which images you want to see on the back.
So bring on your ideas. Submit them to me on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest. I launched a new Pinterest account so I can pin your best images to boards for bodybuilding, movies and my time as Governor. As I find pictures I like, I will pin them so that you can share your thoughts. To make things easy for me when you submit pictures, use #TotalRecallBook on Twitter and Pinterest , and post to my timeline on Facebook . And trust me, if I do use your image, I'll thank you in the book.
I'm excited to share my story with you, but I'm even more excited to make you a part of it.
Thank you.