Love this.
Prax, do you mind if I give you some painting crits? (or through PM?) Theres some stuff Id like to cover, I think it would help you out.
Something im working on now.
a character im making in 3d
Lol no its nothing like that. Your work would look a lot better with a consistent lightsource. I used to have the same problem because I was afraid of putting something in the shade and losing detail, but when I got over that it really enhanced the overall work.
I'll do some paintovers of your work so you see what I mean.
Ooh, yeah, I know I have light source problems--or not really fiddling around with more dramatic or contrasting light/shadow. Same thing with poses I guess. I don't have a lot of confidence with where everything goes (what is lighting and what is foreshortening and what is perspective..!), so I tend to just pick poses and lighting that shows as much as possible in a grounded.. kind of static way?
I also feel that my default global lighting is just from the upper left corner, but also that I tend to think of my lightsource in "parallels" instead of radiating from one point. Does it make a difference? I assume it does, but only at close distances?
Looking forward to the paintovers!
Ah, thanks!!Kay Prax, so this is kind of quick and sloppy, but I think the point is represented well enough
So lets look at this piece, its nice enough but eventhough most of the lighting is kind of on point on the left side, it starts moving in odd directions towards the bottom and then on the right side it goes wherever it wants
Another thing is that I would recommend you focus the lights on one specific area rather than the whole left side, so for instance, I think it looks kind of flat that you make the guys hand as bright as his upper arm. One good rule of thumb is to make the bottom of the character a little darker than the top.
Well, at least I am doing something right! Hrm.. yeah. I see what you mean. I think I need to get over the fear of having to expand my palette and actually put more work or thought into my stuff. o__o Just.. need the momentum and motivation to put work ethic into effect..So the colors youre picking for your shadows are actually great choices. I love using blues and purples for shadows, artists should avoid white and black for highlights and shadows as much as possible. What I did here was just extend the shadows a whole lot more, making the areas in shade have their own color palette almost, this way your art gains a lot more depth and you dont lose any detail really, if anything it makes you really appreciate the areas that you want people to look at.
I feel like I used to like bigger chunkier lines and stuff, but then I wondered if it was better to try something daintier?For the hair, I added a couple strands that go off in the opposite direction of the hair, that usually helps a lot in making it feel more alive and lifelike, plus that way you can have them make a cast shadow somewhere else (like his face in his example) Always think of how one area of the body can make a dramatic cast shadow on another, here I made his arm cast a big one on the side of his body.
I made your highlights a little chunkier, brighter and added them in places where it would help (his arm brace, for instance) It looks like youre afraid to go with big, bold lines but its actually not something you should fear, go crazy and embrace it! Until you feel confident you can just do it on a separate layer
I hope this helps, I tried not to infuse it to much with my own style, but rather wanted to bring out more out of the art youve already done. You seem to keep super busy because your art dumps are pretty sizable, so you should be able to improve pretty fast if you take this advice to heart. Good luck and let me know if you need anything.
Really liking the look of this. Good job!Scratched out a pair of eyes earlier tonight:
Figure I should ask here, and not the stupid questions thread... as none of my questions are stupid...
Gang, I really want to improve my lighting and shading, and implement color. Right now, I'm a pretty decent artist, but as always, the road to improvement never ends. My lighting is horrible, which usually ends me up in just having a lot of great black & white art, line art, with bad shading when I try.
What are some great resources to kind of get going in this direction? I'm doing this in my downtime after work, and I'm taking spanish classes in the evening. I'm hoping I'll be able to improve a lot on my own, and with the right information.
So far i've just been taking photos of people, and recreating them to get a feel for it, but I can't help but feel I'm just replicating what I see. Something I really don't want to do, I want to take my creations and liven them up a little. Well, thanks in advance.
Guys, what is the best way to turn lineart into a vector, or its own layer without drawing over it with photoshop brushes?
I have used image trace, and the lines are far to bold. I am trying to achieve a clean black and white effect. I really need help with this.
Heres some character concept art for a basketball RPG Im working on
Prax, do you mind if I give you some painting crits? (or through PM?) Theres some stuff Id like to cover, I think it would help you out.
Just randomly found this in the back of a closet, I think I drew it back in high school.. 16 years ago?
I kinda like it, I think I may try and build a new series around it.