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Arts & Farts


Anyone do any painting on the iPad? Looking for stylus and app recommendations. Currently using Sketchbook Pro and a non-art stylus.


My latest thing with Hexels... :p
I love that program! And since i adore Super Meat Boy as well... ;)

So much freaking talent in this thread.

All right, I guess I can ask for help here? I just got the final edit back for my book and I'm attempting (lol I say that loosely) to design a cover for it for release.

This is about the extent of my artistic talent.

meaning none.

But I don't even know what to do to make it . . more professional? I can't color for crap, my background is sloppy and the whole thing just looks like a dude who has base knowledge of drawing tried to do it. What I really need to do is pay someone, but I don't even remotely have the funds.

Anyway, that's about it. I guess what I'm wondering is what does a fresh pair of eyes, especially an artist's eyes, see?

Feel free to be brutal. It needs it.

You know what? I think the drawing with the kid and the cat has a lot of style (in fact, I just showed to a friend that likes a lot this type of art and she loves it).
But she is also a cover designer and has seen faults other than the drawing. She said she likes the background with the scribble lines but that maybe is better with more green hues and shades instead of only one.
Were she sees more faults is in the typography where, while the idea is good, maybe it would look better with a more professional looking font (again using the scribble theming, only that it has a more porfessional finish, for example the Y in "Slays" can be confusing to read and that is a big problem).

I hope it helps :)


What do you guys think of this headphone design? Would you wear them? I want to model some headphones but need to make sure I have a decent design first.




Had time to develop the boar character, next up is his outfit (some kind of armor and a weapon).

Ideas and critique are welcome.
No Quarter #48 on the shelf today! Privateer Press/Warmachine/Iron Kingdoms

My art inside!

Again Daedalius, just amazing, great portfolio. Why program do you use?

Speaking of that, I need some tips on how to create a good illustration fast on my computer. I'm running out of finals time and I need something simple that I could make in 1-2 hours.


Looks pretty cool. I can't really point out where improvements could be made since I'm still level 1 in terms of drawing.

How long have you been doing it?

Maybe 6 hours or something. I went from painting without linework to a more cartoony look on this character so it took some time to get used to having lines and shading both at once.


Again Daedalius, just amazing, great portfolio. Why program do you use?

Speaking of that, I need some tips on how to create a good illustration fast on my computer. I'm running out of finals time and I need something simple that I could make in 1-2 hours.

Thanks, and I use photoshop mostly; although I do have a regular sketchbook for previz stuff.

Illustrations aren't really fast, ever. 10+ hours on a big ambitious piece minimum.


What am I even doing with my life
Here is some art.. aaauughhh... lol

Wanted a new avatar to use everywhere:

Old character I haven't drawn or coloured in a very long time:

Hey look, it's GLS again, but this time with another old character, Valour~!


Guess I'll enjoy a big, fat, D ^_^U.

How large does it have to be? Compose on a thumbnail, maybe roughly 3x5, zoom at maybe 50%-75% and use a wide-ish brush with large strokes to layout the general shape of your subject. Don't worry about detail at this stage, just chose colors and look at the composition. If you don't like it, start over, it was only a thumbnail.

Once you're done with that, open a new file on a bigger canvas, copy and paste you thumbnail and add detail.

Once you do a thumbnail, you'll see the spots that you need to add detail to and where the focal points are of the picture, and you'll spend less time on the areas that nobody is going to pay attention to anyway.

Also here:
How large does it have to be? Compose on a thumbnail, maybe roughly 3x5, zoom at maybe 50%-75% and use a wide-ish brush with large strokes to layout the general shape of your subject. Don't worry about detail at this stage, just chose colors and look at the composition. If you don't like it, start over, it was only a thumbnail.

Once you're done with that, open a new file on a bigger canvas, copy and paste you thumbnail and add detail.

Once you do a thumbnail, you'll see the spots that you need to add detail to and where the focal points are of the picture, and you'll spend less time on the areas that nobody is going to pay attention to anyway.

Also here:

Thanks for the tip. I started a default 8.5/11 illustration and I just remember how much of a pain in the ass that program is to use without a Tablet. I'm also getting frustrated by the default brushes and can't find a good place to download ones or now how exactly that process is. I don't really want to bring a poor work though so I'm getting frustrated.
Lately I've been unable to get myself to really work on my digital stuff.
I've just been putting a lot of hours into dumb sketches, but sometimes I do shit like this.
It's not much, but I like it.

Not every work needs to be a magnus opus, sometimes it's nice to do something simple. Heck it's downright therapeutic.

Here's finally my piece done before packing it and prepare it for the contest.

Click for bigger, better, albeit blurrier version.

Sadly I didn't make the Top 10, so I got disqualified.


I am trying to get back into my productive art groove.
I guess my way of doing that is celebrating old characters who used to be part of that groove.
Albeit that groove being 14ish years ago when nothing mattered. XD

Oh well, I still got something made!

Valour and Wyvern.
The assassin and her guardian angel.


Met with Art Directors from Blizz, D&D/Magic, Paizo, and Tor books this weekend at Spectrum.

Looks like I'll be working with a few of them ;)
Met with Art Directors from Blizz, D&D/Magic, Paizo, and Tor books this weekend at Spectrum.

Looks like I'll be working with a few of them ;)

Wait what? Elaborate man!

Also I'm doing a ridiculous fanart collab right now. Super hottness. I don't wanna hype it up too much but C.B. is going to BLOW up my lineart with some paints.

Super excited! (pressure is on C.B. lol)

Foxy, that is hotness right there.

Wanna collaborate on something?

I sent a pm, but yes. Yes I do.


Prax, really dig your stuff!

Especially your avatar, it's adorable and well made!
Heh, thankkss~ Though my style is kind of.. really inconsistent at times. XD I have a hard time deciding whether I should stick to one thing or another.

I livestreamed for about 5 hours to chat and surf and then eventually draw something and this was the result.

Animalizations of the people who came to watch + me:

And the thing I was drawing. xD

And then I stayed up all sleep deprived to make this oh gosh.. no more drawing. I just wanna sleep..


sweet, so there is a thread like this here :D

anywho, I'm all kinds of rusty since I stopped drawing back in September for no apparent reason (can't remember why for the life of me) and I started up again last Wednesday. I have no idea if facebook links are allowed but whatever!



lol dunno, maybe since I fisr picked up a crayon. Digitally 4 years now.

Nice work!

Is.. IS IT? Thanks.. Q___Q
You actually don't know how much anxiety I felt when I noticed you quoted the image. Hahah.. I spent like 10 minutes procrastinating on reading what you said.
Man, I am too insecure to make it in the art world. xD

Urgh. I really need to get it together.

Anyway, thanks for all the continued inspiration, everyone!

Also.. Foxy.. . .. About that GAF Artbook.. What be happening?


sweet, so there is a thread like this here :D

anywho, I'm all kinds of rusty since I stopped drawing back in September for no apparent reason (can't remember why for the life of me) and I started up again last Wednesday. I have no idea if facebook links are allowed but whatever!


If you're just starting, copy these until your drawing hand goes numb.


Is.. IS IT? Thanks.. Q___Q
You actually don't know how much anxiety I felt when I noticed you quoted the image. Hahah.. I spent like 10 minutes procrastinating on reading what you said.
Man, I am too insecure to make it in the art world. xD

Urgh. I really need to get it together.

Anyway, thanks for all the continued inspiration, everyone!


Yes it's a good piece with strong colour, no need to be nervous.

It's pretty clear which is very important in a comic! I'd suggest filling in the frame with the arcade machines so that there's no space in the left corner.

Ran rp

There should be an art resource & tips master post in the OP. I've bookmarked several useful posts in this thread so I could go back to them later.


PSY・S;58532861 said:
There should be an art resource & tips master post in the OP. I've bookmarked several useful posts in this thread so I could go back to them later.

Are you doing Bartkira pages? I have 5 pages from vol. 4.

Ran rp

Are you doing Bartkira pages? I have 5 pages from vol. 4.

I am, with 5 pages from volume 5. But I haven't really started yet other than a few practice sketches >.>. Luckily I have nothing important to do for the next few days so I'm going to try to hit the deadline.

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
So much incredible stuff posted all the time, man. You guys are great.

i usually relate stuff to what i'd be working on (have a dragon on the book or something like that)
but thats usually not the case with book covers
summary of book?

otherwise i like what you've done :D

It's about a highschooler who finds out he has to kill an evil dragon hell bent on destroying the world. Set in 2000-now, very Harry Potter meets Game of Thrones.

I'm at the point where I can't even tell the difference in book covers anymore, haha. They're all just a blur . .

You know what? I think the drawing with the kid and the cat has a lot of style (in fact, I just showed to a friend that likes a lot this type of art and she loves it).
But she is also a cover designer and has seen faults other than the drawing. She said she likes the background with the scribble lines but that maybe is better with more green hues and shades instead of only one.
Were she sees more faults is in the typography where, while the idea is good, maybe it would look better with a more professional looking font (again using the scribble theming, only that it has a more porfessional finish, for example the Y in "Slays" can be confusing to read and that is a big problem).

I hope it helps :)

Definitely helps. Ive been over the drawing a million times over the past week, ended up just going a different route taking it all into mind.

So this is what I've ended up on. Still some other details, clean ups and font stuff to decide, but this is easily the one I liked the most so far.

Thoughts? (thanks again guys!)



Just wanted to share my final for 2D design. Our assignment was to do a mixed media 4 page book. I did most of this in one day, but I'm happy with it (for the most part).


The first two pages are transparencies just drawn with sharpie. The Japanese is garbage, it's just for looks. They are actually lyrics from a Hot Cross song that I translated into japanese using Google Translate.


This is ballpoint bic pen drawn on bristol and glued onto the transparency with spray adhesive.

This is acrylic, watercolor, and a bit of marker on bristol.


I don't really watch anime and I know next to nothing about Kamen Rider. I just think the costumes look dope.


Just wanted to share my final for 2D design. Our assignment was to do a mixed media 4 page book. I did most of this in one day, but I'm happy with it (for the most part).

I don't really watch anime and I know next to nothing about Kamen Rider. I just think the costumes look dope.

That's amazing.
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