What a pg-13, boring, cringy, hot garbage, repetitive and soulless game this is. All reused assets with a blue shader on.
I stand firm that Unity was the right direction. These rpg, mtx fiesta bore fests with gender less leads are not. Just do a female AC Ubi shit, stop being pussies.
>Allow us to do yet another hidden blade training session for our 1564322 AC game. Such revolutionary and deep mechanics. Another family revenge type story btw hahah.
-Ubi shit head

Assassin's Creed Valhalla won't have loot boxes or random gear | TheSixthAxis
Following the AAA sequel's big reveal last month, we've come to learn more about Assassin's Creed Valhalla and where Ubisoft intends to steer this latest
we'll known the 9. Most example he gives are well illustrated with his play session and don't fell like a paper list."My honest opinion" ---> I got paid to tell what they want me to say.
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