Gold Member

- Played for 10-11 hours so far, on a base PS5 in quality mode. Extremely old build, can’t even redeem the deluxe outfit codes that came with his disc and none of the delay improvements have been added yet.
- He found all the main and side quests “very interesting” so far, has completed 8 main missions
- You start as Yasuke, no mention or showing of his supposed wife who dies on the ship to Japan yet which was previously reported by j0nathan and Tom Henderson
- After Yasuke’s intro mission, you switch to Naoe but 9 hours in and he can’t switch back to Yasuke yet (assuming the two protagonists haven’t teamed up yet?)
- There’s a huge amount of mocapped cutscenes, important scenes are “very good, almost like a movie” but other NPC interactions are weird where their mouths don’t move
- First thee hours is full of the movie-like mocapped cutscenes
- After the prologue, Naoe plots to kill Nobunaga (head of the Shinbakufu) to avenge her father’s death
- Game has lived up to his hype, “Ghost of Tsushima with an AC feel with better stealth”
- Gameplay complaint is that the dodging and parry mechanic feels way too slow for him
- Game is well polished, in 10-11 hours, no bugs or glitches were encountered expect one cutscene where a guy walked through a wall
- No hair customisation so far but weapon and outfit transmog is there
- Feels nostalgic, reminds him of Revelations
- Said he will upload gameplay footage in 5-6 hours of what people want him to show
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