And the rest of their engine suck asses just to have that feature that in normal gameplay without an editor to spawn 10.000 objects to make funny gifs is almost useless most of the times, definitely not the example to follow.
Also, althought the impact on perf is probably the same (or higher), we were talking about debris formed when you destroy something, from my memory bethesda games only have normal objects\loot persistency, starfield has barely any destruction whatsoever.
I understand, but I think the hardware is not there yet to handle all the gaming community wants:
1. Graphics - Expectation right now is that every game to have Wukong level of graphics
2. Object persistence - What Bethesda games does has a big impact on CPU
3. Destruction and persistence - What The Finals does, but with all the above
4. Immersion and features to add immersion - Stealth like in Thief or Splinter Cell, sound like in Hellblade
5. Player agency - Open world, wide linear or even linear games with Dishonored agency.
6. Interactivity - which is very tied to player agency, meaning what Baldur's Gate is doing.
7. Combat - fast paced like in DMC or MGR or slow-paced like in Dark Souls. Not many developers do interesting combat
Developers need to pick their battles and in the last period they seem to pick graphics only and even then not delivering entirely.