For those on consoles who own a smart hdtv, there is a temp fix for the framerate issues.
Check to see if your TV as an option called MOTION FLOW and enable this. This has made my framerate really smooth. This option though MAY introduce a little bit of Input delay for your controller though.
Thinkin about picking this up in a few mins is it really THAT bad? I was so hyped for this! So should I pull the trigger and pick up my preorder or just cancle it and get something else?
For those on consoles who own a smart hdtv, there is a temp fix for the framerate issues.
Check to see if your TV as an option called MOTION FLOW and enable this. This has made my framerate really smooth. This option though MAY introduce a little bit of Input delay for your controller though.
I had all of the games synched before now and UPlay seems to have forgotten that fact since it shit itself with the release of Unity. I'm hoping they'll fix it but who knows?
Arno looks like Jake Gylenhaal
This game sometimes looks like moving painting.
GI + HBAO+ = Amazing.
Is it just me or does the HBAO+ make the tunnels impossibly dark? Like I have to keep using eagle vision just to see where I'm going (or turn the brightness way up). Makes tunnel gameplay pretty awful.
Is it just me or does the HBAO+ make the tunnels impossibly dark? Like I have to keep using eagle vision just to see where I'm going (or turn the brightness way up). Makes tunnel gameplay pretty awful.
No idea why you'd use a plural when it's really just Melenchon, the same asshole who thinks Cuba is a nice democracy, so yeah he'd defend Robespierre. French politicians are shit but this is one isolated case of an idiot being an idiot. Not much to see.Lol at the frenchy politicians getting pissed off by Assassin's Creed Unity. This is very serious.PLEASE READ IT:
They must be surely among the secret community of the templars of nowadays
Please someone make a thread about it.
Reading elsewhere that PS4 Unity had two patches roll out today and one of them supposedly fixes the frame rate. Any truth to that? I'm at work and cannot check.
No idea why you'd use a plural when it's really just Melenchon, the same asshole who thinks Cuba is a nice democracy, so yeah he'd defend Robespierre. French politicians are shit but this is one isolated case of an idiot being an idiot. Not much to see.
It is just 3 days, I can't believe there is a global framerate fix. I assume increasing the framerate and fixing the bad instances of frame rate drops will take months
Seems since the patch if you have a uplay account tied with the game you can get 200 helix (micropay currency) for free.
Man these interiors looks really good.
Had it my hand 30mins ago...put back on shelf and left without.
...i'm so weak I'll probably go back after work and buy it ;'(
Black Flag doesn't have its goty edition yet, does it?
When do those get released usually?
I don´t know how they do it in America
I'm with you, man. I preordered at Best Buy to get the $10 reward cert on top of my GCU discount, and I was sure I'd be returning it after all the negative reviews. But here I sit, reading plenty of Gaffers totally nonplussed about the few technical issues they encounter, and I see Ubi actually putting out patches to fix the problems, and now I don't think I want to return the game. I'm such a sucker for this franchise.
If you love Creed it's a no brainer, buy it![]()
It's a good game and a good Assassins Creed game. On xb1 the frame rate is acceptable.
I don't get involved in the it's more of the same arguments, a lot of games are and especially sequels. It's what I want tho, more creed and that's what Ive got. Yes it's got the same camera fault with climbing now and again were you don't go we're you should and the combat can be a tad leggy still, but it's not as bad as some are making out.
If you love Creed it's a no brainer, buy it![]()
Just started playing this.
The game looks very impressive when I sit a few feet back from my monitor. Up close, the imperfections are very noticeable. My frame rate is better than I expected, though. However, I've not seen any large crowds yet, so that may change.
The combat still isn't great, but at least it's more difficult. I've actually died! I never thought I'd die in combat in an Assassin's Creed game.
I'll sink more time into it later, but first impressions aren't bad.
I'm with you, man. I preordered at Best Buy to get the $10 reward cert on top of my GCU discount, and I was sure I'd be returning it after all the negative reviews. But here I sit, reading plenty of Gaffers totally nonplussed about the few technical issues they encounter, and I see Ubi actually putting out patches to fix the problems, and now I don't think I want to return the game. I'm such a sucker for this franchise.
I just want to know how prevalent the glitches are, without hyperbole and youtube videos with wham soundtracks.
For all the bad press AC3 got...i had the PS3 version and 360 version (thanks MS china) and the game had no glitches for me and I only had 1 hard crash from it.
.i mean i hate the game, but glitches and performance are not some of the reason of why.
My experience. Last memory...
I fell through the world once and got caught in between a ledge once...both resulted in death.
Those have been the only glitches that have hindered my progress.
There is pop-in and frame rate problems. But not nearly enough to have caused this Gaf outrage since the game released. Unless you go around looking for'll be just fine from a technical point.
PS4 just had a 850 MB update.
This game sometimes looks like moving painting.
GI + HBAO+ = Amazing.
The 900MB patch was for "launch". The new one was just released. Granted, launch was technically 3 days ago.On top of yesterday's 900mb patch?
Nearly 2 gigs in 2 days is a lot of patching...