The hate comes from
1) Asmongold and his minions/ others of his ilk who stream PC games on Twitch and think consoles owners are beneath them (Asmon also owns a pre-made gaming PC company so he directly benefits from people switching to PC)
2) Anti-woke grifters who converged around Wukong to stick it to Sweet Baby/ IGN/ whoever else
3) Chinese people who for some reason attached their entire self-worth to this award, despite pretending nobody cares what Dorito Pope thinks.
If any of these people had an IQ over 70, they would have realized that this extremely mediocre game which has an 81 MC score on PC and 76 on PS5 was only nominated to get Chinese viewers to tune in to TGA, and then subsequently farm engagement online when it inevitably lost. Even Hellblade 2 has a higher MC score.
Silent Hill 2 was robbed of a GOTY nom so these self important pricks could feel better about their lives.