Started with a very simple issue with me falling asleep kind of out of nowhere, which at first was kind of a funny ha ha thing until someone in upper management saw me nodded off for a moment at work.
My Supervisor is cool he is like "do what you need to do, take the time you need to find out whats up, I will take care of things here".
So while I am working with my doctor getting heart tests one day, sleep tests another day, blood here and there the company pulled my insurance.
Spent a week dealing with that only to be told "they were not supposed to do that, you are covered on leave sorry about that" Then I found out that FMLA which is what my leave was under was actually never taken care of, when my company got bought out they dropped everyone's paperwork and never told employees. It was up to each teams management.
So back to no insurance but had to have doctor fill out papers to get approved for leave so that I can have my forth and so on.
TLDR My company got bought out (Brighthouse bought my Spectrum) and they have one company that handles benefits, another that handles leave/fmla and nobody communicates.
The whole issue should have been resolved in a week. Sleep apnea and a minor adjustment in my migraine meds.
But instead I have had to put my last two months rent and car payments on credit cards.
I plan to go back just long enough to pay off my car and then I am looking elsewhere