half a moon
Off to get buffet sushi my dudes
Well, dang. Dunne vs Gallagher's off, Pete needed 11 stitches to his temple after last night and isn't medically cleared to wrestle on the PROGRESS shows in NYC tonight and Boston tomorrow.
Well, dang. Dunne vs Gallagher's off, Pete needed 11 stitches to his temple after last night and isn't medically cleared to wrestle on the PROGRESS shows in NYC tonight and Boston tomorrow.
Jesus CHRIST this is one of the nastiest ura nage's I've ever seen. I need to watch this match when I can.
UghhhhWell, dang. Dunne vs Gallagher's off, Pete needed 11 stitches to his temple after last night and isn't medically cleared to wrestle on the PROGRESS shows in NYC tonight and Boston tomorrow.
This is not rad.Well, dang. Dunne vs Gallagher's off, Pete needed 11 stitches to his temple after last night and isn't medically cleared to wrestle on the PROGRESS shows in NYC tonight and Boston tomorrow.
Wonder how WWE will react to this if at all.
Well, dang. Dunne vs Gallagher's off, Pete needed 11 stitches to his temple after last night and isn't medically cleared to wrestle on the PROGRESS shows in NYC tonight and Boston tomorrow.
Was he one of the wrestlers that supposedly staying in the US at the performance center for something?
I think the progress owners should be pissed more because he was main eventing the shows and a belt shot caused this to happen.
edit: Dunne leaving the match face covered in blood
Shoot: Minoru Suzuki (both prime and post prime) can take down Steve Austin (pre neck injury)
wrestling is fake bud
Yes, supposed to be there for the rest of the month, wouldn't rule out a Takeover appearance of some sort. He's also the crown jewel of whatever WWE UK is supposed to be. Certainly going to be NXT full time within the next 12 months. One of the Progress owners already vented on Twitter about the situation but deleted his comments (don't be a wrestler if you can't protect your opponent or something like that).
Yes, supposed to be there for the rest of the month, wouldn't rule out a Takeover appearance of some sort. He's also the crown jewel of whatever WWE UK is supposed to be. Certainly going to be NXT full time within the next 12 months. One of the Progress owners already vented on Twitter about the situation but deleted his comments (don't be a wrestler if you can't protect your opponent or something like that).
Glen Joseph‏ @Glen_Joseph 6h6 hours ago
3 hours sleep & numerous phone calls the night before our company's biggest day to date because some people are the drizzling shits.
Shoot: Minoru Suzuki (both prime and post prime) can take down Steve Austin (pre neck injury)
This tweet still is up:
Plus the troll boys are going hard at him on twitter.
Here a better view of what caused it:
Basically the guy did a shoot pedigree on Dunne on the belt by not releasing his arms on the move.
wrestling is fake bud
Suzuki's hair was magnificent
I'd argue even in a real life situation, Suzuki can take down Austin.
Plus, I know it's fake; why do you think I refer to wrestling fans and some posters here as Muppets?
Jim tweeted this about the Dunne situation, then deleted it.
Dumb people doing dumb things.Ah Twitter is the best.
Get mad at something.
Tweet about it.
Delete it.
Too late cause it's already been screen grabbed.
Wait what?reminder that corey graves is a fuckboi
Pretty excited for Progress New York City today. Really awesome looking card.
Oh wait, Dunne is hurt? Well FUCK.
For sure, but god damn it.Still a really great card IMO.
I always had a side eye towards Graves. I mean... that haircut.
I knew there was something fishy about Corey.
Really, I think the best solution here is to send someone else into that main event with Gallagher (maybe Haskins?) and make it a number one contenders match for Brooklyn next weekend and just extend the Takeover with an extra match.
Well yeah, that should have become apparent when he said one of his biggest locker room friends was Big Cass.
Yew that sucks big time. Probably who I was looking forward to most. Hopefully they can do some sort of last min. surprise match to compensate.Pretty excited for Progress New York City today. Really awesome looking card.
Oh wait, Dunne is hurt? Well FUCK.
Bas had The Look.
Get over yourself, Corey. You were a bang average wrestler and have become boring and stilted on commentary.Corey Graves ✔ @WWEGraves
Remember that time I tried to speak rationally to the Internet?
Yeah, that'll never happen again.#sicksadworld