Ha, what a dick. Fuck Nash.
I'm not American so maybe I'm wrong, but doesn't the pledge of allegiance say: "I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic"
You have actual Nazi's rallying on your soil, how is that not a domestic enemy?
We need this fam
Don't let the FBI see this.We need this fam
.Don't letthe FBISessions see this.
I can't stop watching the Nagata/Fale postmatch.
It's too real ;;;;
i used my snitching powers for good...oh god, i'm a face now!
holy shit, that dude is finally banned, shocked it took so long.
Beef completing that shift from tweener to face.
no! i'm not a face! i can still make heel promos!
Dave was at the NXT San Jose show:
I wonder who was more jacked at 57 Vince in 2003 or Dave now.
It's too late friend, you have become an attitude era face.
i'll never be a face! you...dumb owl! HA!
I always appreciate that Meltzer lives the life.
Beef's face turn is already getting hit with the sufferin' sucotash level promo burns, Seph stop writing the promo material for your new face of the GWF.
Beef's face turn is already getting hit with the sufferin' sucotash level promo burns, Seph stop writing the promo material for your new face of the GWF.
I just impulsively bought a Bullet Club shirt. Am I cool yet?
One of the best bouts on the show. Logan's selling is great in little ways you don't notice on television. Deville has improved tremendously and understands how to work for her character a lot more.
Mandy Rose has potential to be a superstar. Her look may get you thinking she's just a model they are throwing out there but she's a great athlete.
the professor knows how to play the locker room game, speaking of which...
New footage of face turn Beef
what a good guy!
Evolve show was fun enough
Main event was awesome when it was big boys throwin blows. Tracy was out of his element there
Opening match was really dumb but I think it went so far that I enjoyed it a lot. Tag champ match was elevated by hearing ACH on commentary
Austin Theory is really boring, seems like he'll do well in NXT
He says he lifts weights when bored during Raw.
Explains everything.
UFC's lowest selling PPV this year made 2 million profit, WWE made 6 million profit in total across all revenue streams (including mania) for the whole quarter.
Was #5Years too optimistic?
Dango: So we win the #1 contender match and we're working the Usos in Chicago and we're all excited cuz this is the first big... this is from dot-com stuff we've been shooting. So we've been working really hard to get to this point. So Breeze and I are talking before we get to Chicago ya know, we gotta tear it up. We gotta show the boss and everyone that, you know, we can go out and tear it up.
Breeze: This is almost do or die for the gimmick. Like it was if we don't have a good showing here? I don't know if you come back from this. And uh, PPV Chicago, of course the crowd is gonna be hot, they're gonna love it. And we start putting ideas together like "Aw come on it's gonna be this gritty tag team match with this-"
Dango: Good wrestling, I wanna get some good wrestling. Hip toss, kick me off, get it again. We just wanna show em we can go you know?
Breeze: Think about this big dramatic match where the people are on the edge of their seat, and somebody's handcuffed, and you know we're cops so why wouldn't we have handcuffs, and somebody's getting beaten down and the people are just going "Come on!"... And we got this idea in our head of like alright. This is gonna be cool.
and uh, they go in and we go "Ok, how about this?". And they're like... "No."
We're like... "oh uh... alright... then what do we do?"
It just kinda got pitched as like a normal match. And that's kind of a letdown. So now we're kinda like, this would still be okay, but it's not what we envisioned. So then um well ok we don't know exactly what was pitched... so let's just double check and make sure this was the right thing. We end up going in and talking to Vince ourselves and we pitch it again... and it gets shut down again.
It's kind of funny because everybody explains the way that Vince does things where you're like "Oh! He's kinda going for this." and then all of a sudden you're back to like "Ok you guys have a good normal match out there and we'll see ya" and we go "What?!".
So now we're back to the same thing of what should we do? So we're starting to put together a match and he goes "Vince wants to see you guys again."
Dango: And it's getting late in the day. Doors are at like 6:00PM right?
Breeze: We were maybe an hour and a half before the show started right now.
Dango: So we're kinda, we kinda have an idea of what we wanna do. We changed it, now we're trying to figure out what we're gonna do before the doors open. It's getting to that time of the day when you gotta get your shit together.
Breeze: And he goes "He wants to see you, he wants to call you back in". So we're walking to the office and we're like oh maybe he came around, maybe we're having this match! So now our hopes are up again, and we go... sit down and Vince goes "You know, I just watched the Fashion Files and you're dressing up. You're dressing up as a janitor, a girl, you had all this stuff. I want that.
We all look at each other like "What do you mean?"
And he goes "I want an entertainment match. I want bell to bell entertainment." We're all looking at each other like how can we do this? And the Usos being the Tag Champs they're kinda- they're on a roll, they're doing good. We go "How are we supposed to get heat on them?" and Vince goes "Maybe there is no heat."
And we all look at each other WHAT? What do you mean no heat in a tag match? Like a tag title match in Chicago and now all of a sudden we're all starting to slump in our chairs.
Dango: Not me I was smiling!
Breeze: We're about to stink the joint up in Chicago dude like ughhhhh.
Dango: So we left there. We got like an hour before the show and we're like this is either gonna be really really good or awful. It was one of those deals like it's gonna be great or really really bad.
Breeze: Dango, you specifically looked at me and you go "I think this is a rib". And I go "I don't know man". I full on went into pout mode. I was sitting on the ground and the Usos are sitting there and they're kinda smiling. Then they're like "So Breeze what do you think of this, this, and this?" and I'm like "ugh I don't know man. I have no clue, I don't even know how to start to put this thing together."
And all of a sudden we all just kinda clicked and hit this groove
Dango: We're like you know, we're gonna do this. Let's just get over it, this is what he wants. Let's just go out there and make it the best we can. We go out there, honestly, was the best- one of the best matches I've had. And we come back and I just- he's smart man. Vince, he knew, he knew, he's a smart guy man.
Breeze: It really couldn't have worked out better. Like as we were putting it together we were actually smiling and laughing and having a blast being like this might work. As we're out there and people are chanting like Let's Go Grandma, and Dango starts doing stuff and the people were literally thinking we were gonna win. We come back and I think it was the only standing ovation that I got in Gorilla and they go great job.
Dango: We didn't even take that many bumps!
Breeze: I didn't learn this part in wrestling school
breezango on jericho's podcast:
breezango on jericho's podcast:
Finally giving up on 5 years, I see! Good for you!
UFC's lowest selling PPV this year made 2 million profit, WWE made 6 million profit in total across all revenue streams (including mania) for the whole quarter.
Was #5Years too optimistic?
I hope instead of splitting up one of the other matches they do Gallagher/Keith Lee
I figured that was more likely than HaskinsI could see them breaking up the 3-way and book Gallagher vs. MAndrews.