"Now see the thing with Seph is, uh, *cough* he, uh, he really wanted to get uh y'know The Professor over and he was gonna be the top babyface of the company. It was a pretty random decision, there were some people in the back that really thought DM was going to get the belt, and he would be like y'know, the grizzled veteran trying to prove he's still got it, that type of thing. *cough* But the thing is, Seph really wanted someone a bit younger, more of that y'know, that uh, that All-American type of babyface that you would see all around the territories, y'know like the NWA, AWA, WWF, Mid-South, that type of that thing."
"And it seems pretty obvious to anyone that watched last week that it wasn't the case!"
"Oh yeah, oh yeah. There was just....there was just no heat at all when the title switched hands"
"That's the understatement of the year. He was booed! This was supposed to the biggest moment of Prof. Beef's career and he got booed!"
"Yeah......yeah, you could hear the boos pretty clearly when his hand was raised. Seph was definitely mad about that when it happened, it.......seems.....pretty.....pretty obvious that's why the show was cut a little bit earlier than expected."
"This is supposed to be the new face of the company! He looked like a GEEK holding that title!"
"Yeah, I just don't think the whole Hulk Hogan style babyface really works in uh, two-thousand seventeen. Especially with how over Beefy was starting to get. Him and the New Nation, it's definitely y'know, it's like uh, y'know *cough* definitely a Bullet Club or Los Ingobernables thing they've got going on with them. Uhhhhhhhh, the match was fine though. It was decent, no big complaints. It's not G1 but uhhhhhhh like yeah, y'know?"