So I looked into Cornbread's most recent posts, and I'm not completely sure why he got banned... I know the Red dead Redemption 2 thread has been rife with bans, but I didn't really see much ban-worthy in his posts... was it because he was trying to derail with Cowboy Bebop talk? People seem to be getting their jimmies rustled over a teaser poster and those who didn't agree with the rustling got banned (with a few exception, of course) which seems... weird. Oh well. Hopefully Cornbread comes back soon.
anywho, for impressions time
Heart x Hybrid (all) [End (and I highly doubt i'll watch season 2...)]
>.> Its bad. Its porn, lets not kid ourselves. I will admit that the first 3/4ths of episode 11 are actually pretty hype though (even if it is a damn asspull.) Episode 12 is just dumb and basically a really dumb embarassment fetish and even pee fetish episode while... basically rounding off most of the plot. Then we get a sequel tease and a "to be continued". Also: THIS IS NOT A GOOD CHARACTER COSTUME DESIGN, FUCK THIS SHOW:
But in all honesty, episode 8,9,10, and 12 are some of the worst filth I've seen

. Most of the plot elements are ass (pun not intended) and... its just bad. I still think that Lance n' Masques is worse, but this is a close... second or third. Haven't decided if I hate it more than Upotte yet. Not sure if I disliked this or Aesthetica of a rouge hero more either... I think the extra sad thing though is that despite trying to inch into "ecchi" territory (which I think it fails at) its not good as an ecchi show, and its not even all that good as a hentai either. There's better shit out there if you need that kind of fix...
I decided to do a bit of a test to see if it was because of the "ecchi" or because of the the fact it was basically porn that i didn't like this show so I gave the first couple of episodes of "My wife is the student council president"'s second season a shot.
My Wife is the student council president +! 1-3
(I question why the first 3 episodes of the uncensored version are up, but only 2 episodes of the censored version are up right now)
So, yeah, this series is definitely unabashedly ecchi and gets a bit too far sometimes. Yet I still didn't actually hate it while watching. Had a few slight chuckles, though not hearty laughs, and the characters are likable enough. It was so weird how a show that was .... well, THIS, felt like a breadth of fresh air after Hybrid x Heart.
I think it might be because this show knows very well what it is and doesn't try to be anything more without actually needing to, where as Hybrid x Heart is paced, acted, looks like, and is basically porn but is constantly going "no-no ITS NOT PORN, okay!!!" which just feels petty. It also helps that This show is a short and has characters who aren't as annoying, boring, and as 3d as tissue paper. That's not to say i'd ever recommend this show, just that its fine.
Stay far far far away from this show.
Kiss him, not me 1-2
So, I read the manga for this (it updates slow), so I know what I'm going into. For those wondering, no the manga doesn't get any less shallow than this, and yes, all the characters (except one, and you know which one) are super shallow and pretty much stay that way for the most part. The show and manga start off as a semi-interesting premise, but never really go anywhere with it, so don't expect much going forward.
Its not horrible though, I'll say that much.
That said, the second episode suffered from Yamada-kun levels of horrible audio mixing. Couldn't hear what the characters were saying over the music. Oh and did the main voice actress do her lines in a different place to everyone else? She always had a weird quality to her audio like there was a slightly off reverb. It was very noticeable, though I may be mistaken.