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Avengers Endgame (SPOILER THREAD)


Didn't read through all the impressions in this thread, but from what I've read, it seems like people didn't like it as Infinity War. I am in the same camp. I actually feel that this is one of the worst MCU movies, in terms of plot/plot holes, pacing, and humor. I actually became annoyed at some of the overly long jokes.

And time travel is just the worst deus ex machina plot device ever. And it wasn't even a well thought out time travel plotline. It's like the writers just didn't care anymore. What happened?
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Went last night, enjoyed it but I feel that on repeat viewings that first two hours is really going to drag. Great final act though, nothing but over-the-top fanservice for an hour. Yes, it has plot holes you can drives a bus through, but don't they all? Humour didn't land with me but it hasn't for a long time with these movies. Thought it was a very fitting end to the OG Avengers, especially Cap's little bit at the end there. Surprised the shield wasn't passed to Bucky, maybe that would've been too obvious.

I'm not even gonna bother reading the thread because I know it'll likely be 3 pages of people complaining about how some women were on the screen for all of 30 seconds and they think it's the end of the world. Y'all are just as annoying as the people you spend all day complaining about, you know that right? Captain Marvel was no way near as much of a ringer as they could have made her, she was absent for 95% of the movie.
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I don't understand why they couldn't work Hulk into the battle with Thanos in some way. He's one of the OG Avengers and he needed to avenge his original loss and also the sacrifice that Widow had to make. He 100% should have been heavily involved more in the final fight to kill Thanos. You can still have CM have her moment, still let Stark die, but just find a way for Hulk to have some kind of impact in the final fight.
Ah, you've kind of misunderstood here. First, try not to think of them as timelines, but realities or multiverses if you will (hence why Cap is able to fight with his past self and still lose and why past!Thanos is able to die despite not having done anything and why Gamora is still alive). Even in that conversation between Banner and wise lady, they refer to them as "realities". Essentially, they borrowed these stones that are not their own from these different realities and then returned them. Loki disappearing with the Tesseract is more of a loose end than a plot hole. Same with Thor's Hammer. I actually think Cap takes the Hammer with him at the end when he goes to return the stones but I can't remember for sure
She meant distinctly the past would be screwed without them as, for example, the time gem (I still call them gems) is what Strange used to defeat Dormamu. Without it, he could not have done that. In fact, a lot of things would not have happened without the gems.
Well, it didn't seem like it was the past she was referring to alone, though it could be. The main reality is still without the stones thanks to thanos and it seems like it would be screwed if we took her literally, and she didn't just mean the past.


The only disappointment to me about this movie is the insane nitpicking

Holy shit the complaining, did we see the same movie?

I agree that nitpicking is annoying but people tend to nitpick things that they didn't enjoy or disappointed them.

I did enjoy the movie and certainly didn't think it was really bad but was still letdown by it overall as I didn’t enjoy the time travelling part of the storyline (so a huge part of the movie overall) and the pacing of the movie seemed really off in comparison to Infinity War. I'd say that a good 90-120 mins of this movie is somewhat boring and will be very hard to watch on repeat viewing. I think that's a fair and significant criticism that goes way beyond minor nitpicking about certain characters or SJW cheese.

I'm glad you and a lot of others enjoyed it but there also seem to be a lot of people that found it anticlimatic in comparison to Infinity War.
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
The only disappointment to me about this movie is the insane nitpicking

Ehh, nitpicking often just means that something was generally good and a person can't find any major issues. Others will have larger issues. You are on an internet forum though, you're going to generally see nitpicking. It'd be a pretty boring board if every post was just "hella epic dude".
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7/10 will probably drop to 6 in 3 mo when I really think about it.

Waaaay too much cheesy slapstick and "lol awkz!" comedy. Does that play well in PRC or something?


Spoiler Tag Abuser
The ending was insanely strong, the ride up to it was just B-tier marvel, I think.

For a mission this vital, the tone of the 3 teams going to retrieve the stones was oddly lax and comical much more than it felt dangerous and important. If you had literally only one shot to get the stones and the fate of half of humanity depended on it, I feel like you’d spend less time quipping and more time being dead serious.

That’s really my only gripe. The movie doesn’t FEEL epic until the final act. Infinity War took itself much more seriously throughout and I think that’s what makes this one feel “off” for a large portion of it.

- Cap getting Mjolnir was some of the best shit ever
- Entire posse showing up through Dr. Strange ring loops was so good
- Fat Thor is hilarious and kind of annoying
- Ironman goes out like a boss
- Spiderman’s kill mode is horrifying and awesome
- PottsMan suit looked dope
- All female hurrah scene was actually totally fine
- Captain Marvel looks so much cooler with the short hair

Airbus Jr

Another big questions:

1. How did Red Skull ended up in Vormir?
2. How do they returned the soul stone to Vormir?
3. Theres more than one captain America at the end ?
4. How did the stone moves from Thanos gloves to Ironman gloves?
5. Is Loki live again in the new universe?
6. Asgard back again since we saw Dr Strange bring reinforcement from Asgard? So Thor can actually return to his own home now? So why travel with the GoTG?
7. Gamora dead again?( snapped by Tony)
8. Did Thor return Mjolnir or he kept it for himself in the new universe?
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Darkness no more
Captain Marvel was no way near as much of a ringer as they could have made her, she was absent for 95% of the movie.

I was a bit worried Captain Marvel was absent most of the movie and was just going to swoop in and save the day at the end. I'm not a big fan of ultra powerful characters. I think they handled her well where she contributed big (destroying the ship) but then wasn't able to save the day herself. I like how they gave the end to Iron Man since his character has been around over 10 years.

I just woke up wanting to see this again. But now I've been to this thread I probably won't for a while at least. :messenger_sunglasses:

The internet can ruin anything :messenger_grinning_smiling:
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There was no way that this film was going to deliver on the hype for most people, everyone will have an opinion on how it should have played out. It makes sense for the start of this film to be as slow as it was, they were still reeling from the snap. It’d be no good starting with another crazy action scene, reflection needed to happen. I loved the fact that there was a lasting impact from the last film, it actually felt like they took more of a hit than the “Age” of Ultron. The slow moments were well played in my opinion.

Logically the film flies off the rails at many points, it’s probably the most blasé use of time travel I think I’ve seen but that might be its only major fault. But because it was so much fun and emotional I was able to overlook it’s messy logic. It might have been overcooked with an absence of a few ingredients but it tasted just fine.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Another big questions:

1. How did Red Skull ended up in Vormir?

End of the first Cap movie. Fell through a big portal thing.

2. How do they returned the soul stone to Vormir?

Cap went on his little crusade to return the stones. Presumably all you have to do is climb the mountain and throw it back in.

3. Theres more than one captain America at the end ?

No, the very last scene just shows what Cap decided to do when sent back in time. The cars you see indicate this, they're from decades ago.

4. How did the stone moves from Thanos gloves to Ironman gloves?

Unseen, but it's never shown that removing the stones is hard. Up until then all they tried to do was remove the gauntlet.

5. Is Loki live again in the new universe?

No, Hulk's snap only brought back the people lost in the original snap, "nothing more".

6. Asgard back again since we saw Dr Strange bring reinforcement from Asgard? So Thor can actually return to his own home now? So why travel with the GoTG?

No, Asgard is still destroyed, those reinforcements were presumably just returned to life in the ruins of Asgard. Thor is going with the Guardians because he likes them and doesn't want to be the king of Asgard.

7. Gamora dead again?( snapped by Tony)

No... the screen on the ship shows Quill trying to find her. That will presumably be part of the plot of Guardians 3.

8. Did Thor return Mjolnir or he kept it for himself in the new universe?

I believe Cap takes it with him on his mission to return the stones.
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My biggest complain is where the hell is Hulk when capt, thor and ironman is dying fighting Thanos

Tony wouldnt have to die if Hulk is around

They metrosexualed Hulk. So Captain Marvel can save the day with her flaming vag.

A bit much is complaining about 20 seconds of screen time taken by the collection of females in a 3+ hour movie.

That's not the point. Put that shit in a trailer or a tv spot or something. It just doesn't work.

A better ending because I am a sociopath would be Hawkeye with his family....but then the authority's turn up and take him away for his crimes. Fin.
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I think they did about as good as anyone could have hoped considering what they had to work with.
Very very difficult to get the ending right in something that's as long running and hyped up as this.

I left feeling satisfied that I've had my fill of Marvel movies and can leave them to whatever, surely inferior, stuff they come up with going forward.
Can't imagine what they've done here from Iron Man up to Endgame will ever be bettered, though it's not flawless.

Honestly the whole SJW vs Anti-SJW thing with these films is just getting tiresome now. It's so toxic and poisonous and it makes me wonder how much people actually enjoy these things when their own personal politics aren't being validated on screen. Or how much people are just going over the movie with a fine toothed comb looking for something that "panders" to the other side.

Saying that, I do feel like Captain Marvel is setting up to be the Roman Reigns of the MCU.
Nebula and Gamora are 2 of the most underrated characters in the series and it would have been cool to have them face off against Thanos or be involved in wrecking his ship.

In hindsight I also wonder if they would have been better off replacing Ant-Man & The Wasp and Captain Marvel with 2 movies that took place within the 5 year period after "the snap". I think the Black Widow movie could have easily been placed here and could have centered around her keeping the team together while trying to get Hawkeye back on the right path. Similarly it might have been a good time to have a War Machine movie in there too. It just seems like that whole 5 year period had a lot of potential stories with characters that were already established and that could have added to the weight of Endgame.

I know they were always going to go "epic" in the final battle but I think I would have preferred if they actually just kept it a bit more personal with Iron Man, Captain America and Thor taking on Thanos together and winning. With the snap reversing time right back to the ending of Infinity War or something like that. The whole "everyone was gone for the past 5 years but now they are right back and ready to fight" seemed a bit off to me. I ain't a writer though so whatever.

How come Wakandans are like the Earth's cannon fodder against extra-terrestrial armies?
Seems like when there's an alien invasion they are cool with sending thousands of their people to certain death while the rest of the world is like "nah, we only use our armies to fight each other".

I don't have much to criticize about the movie overall. Considering how hard it is to get an ending right with these things, it was a pretty great ending.
It did seem a little forced with;

the russo cameo being a gay dude
the all female superhero scene near the end
captain giving the shield to falcon instead of bucky (who was his equal in strength/fighting skill/etc.)
thor making diversity valkyrie king of the asgardians

I would add....

Metrosexual Hulk.
Fat Thor

Basically making the physically strongest male characters look weak and mostly for jokes. Cause a big strong white/green man is bad folks. :messenger_bicep:

For example see Superman in Supergirl. I said it before the Avengers and MCU is turning into Supergirl.

Oh and the way Captain Marvel is used at the cost of Hulk in my opinion. Would have been better to hold her back until the next Avengers.

Except she doesn't save the day at all. She just contributes before she gets smacked by Thanos. Stark finishes the fight. Did you watch the movie?

Oh sorry your right. I was watching the porn version.....hence the flaming vag reference. My apologies.
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What I don't get that niggles the shit out of me is Spiderman at the end of the film going back to school. Did Ned (his fat friend) get snapped as well? And as from the trailer for the new Spiderman film did all his friends get snapped as well? I find that hard to believe, there has to be some consequence of the 5 year time gap.

Unless Marvel are lying dick bags and the new Spiderman film isn't set after Endgame.
What I don't get that niggles the shit out of me is Spiderman at the end of the film going back to school. Did Ned (his fat friend) get snapped as well? And as from the trailer for the new Spiderman film did all his friends get snapped as well? I find that hard to believe, there has to be some consequence of the 5 year time gap.

Unless Marvel are lying dick bags and the new Spiderman film isn't set after Endgame.

If Marvel had any sense they would have set the new Spidey BEFORE Infinity War thus giving some speculation that maybe Parker is not coming back.

Fox Mulder

The only disappointment to me about this movie is the insane nitpicking

Holy shit the complaining, did we see the same movie?

All these get nitpicked and they still do great. They're comic book movies and this used time travel to resolve things and that's always a bit messy.

I've enjoyed these for a decade and think it was great fan service and payoff ending to an era. I expected all the feminist and diversity rage from people anyways after Captain Marvel.

Airbus Jr

1. How did Red Skull ended up in Vormir?

End of the first Cap movie. Fell through a big portal thing.

2. How do they returned the soul stone to Vormir?

Cap went on his little crusade to return the stones. Presumably all you have to do is climb the mountain and throw it back in.

3. Theres more than one captain America at the end ?

No, the very last scene just shows what Cap decided to do when sent back in time. The cars you see indicate this, they're from decades ago.

4. How did the stone moves from Thanos gloves to Ironman gloves?

Unseen, but it's never shown that removing the stones is hard. Up until then all they tried to do was remove the gauntlet.

5. Is Loki live again in the new universe?

No, Hulk's snap only brought back the people lost in the original snap, "nothing more".

6. Asgard back again since we saw Dr Strange bring reinforcement from Asgard? So Thor can actually return to his own home now? So why travel with the GoTG?

No, Asgard is still destroyed, those reinforcements were presumably just returned to life in the ruins of Asgard. Thor is going with the Guardians because he likes them and doesn't want to be the king of Asgard.

7. Gamora dead again?( snapped by Tony)

No... the screen on the ship shows Quill trying to find her. That will presumably be part of the plot of Guardians 3.

8. Did Thor return Mjolnir or he kept it for himself in the new universe?

I believe Cap takes it with him on his mission to return the stones.


Ok one last question

When Hulk and Racoon came to visit Thor theres a rocky guy in Thor house sitting playing Fortnite on ps4 who is that?
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
What I don't get that niggles the shit out of me is Spiderman at the end of the film going back to school. Did Ned (his fat friend) get snapped as well? And as from the trailer for the new Spiderman film did all his friends get snapped as well? I find that hard to believe, there has to be some consequence of the 5 year time gap.

I think this is probably something they're going to just sweep under the rug. Or maybe even poke fun at it (wait, did we ALL get snapped away?!). But you're totally right, half of that school would be 5 years ahead now.

When Hulk and Racoon came to visit Thor theres a rocky guy in Thor house sitting playing Fortnite on ps4 who is that?

He's from Thor: Ragnarok. He's actually voiced by the director of that movie. Minor funny character, not important.
Honestly the whole SJW vs Anti-SJW thing with these films is just getting tiresome now. It's so toxic and poisonous and it makes me wonder how much people actually enjoy these things when their own personal politics aren't being validated on screen. Or how much people are just going over the movie with a fine toothed comb looking for something that "panders" to the other side.
I'm not white, but goddamn... shit like personal politics in film comes across as annoying to me. I don't go out of my way to get offended for things that I don't agree with, but when people try to "represent" me or my background on film, it comes across as pandering 99% of the time. I doubt there'll be a movie that fucks with both sides just for the hell of it.

As for Endgame, it's a good matinee movie. 3/5, not nearly as good as Infinity War. The movie thankfully stops its use of humor to lighten the dramatic mood during one key part.
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
My whole screen fucking roared at this bit then when the Mjolnir + shield combo happened...goosebumps for days

Yeah, everyone in my screen gasped and we got a few "ooooo" and even a couple of people clapping. That's a lot for England, we usually find that shit really awkward and obnoxious.


It comes off as pandering. I'm not white, but goddamn... shit like personal politics come across as annoying to me. I also don't go out of my way to get offended for things that I don't agree with, but when people try to "represent" me or my background on film, it comes across as pandering 99% of the time. I doubt there'll be a movie that fucks with both sides just for the hell of it.

As for Endgame, it's a good matinee movie. 3/5, not nearly as good as Infinity War. The movie thankfully stops its use of humor to lighten the dramatic mood during one key part.

It's unfortunate but I think just a product of the times we live in.

I think you could look back on this movie and reflect on how Fat Thor was popular with the audience but also consider if they had made "she's fat now" the butt of the joke for one of the female leads people would probably express some extreme displeasure online.

Same with Star Lord taking a boot to the balls. Of course "man gets kicked in the balls by a woman" is a tried and tested way to raise a laugh but nowadays you feel like there's people waiting to get upset about the "misandry" on display there. On the other side I cannot imagine that Marvel could show something like Gamora kicking StarLord in the nuts and then she turns round to walk way but Drax gives her an almighty boot in the vag and not be met with some very harsh criticism.

They have to pander to some extent since a big part of any movie like this is going to involve playing to the audience.
They also have to navigate the various "outrage mobs" online, unfortunately.
This is basically how you end up with a double standard but they want to please their audience so here we are, for now.

I think the superhero genre is largely seen as the domain of the white straight male and as a direct consequence of that any character that bucks the trend tends to be defined by they race, gender or sexuality. It's interesting to note that Marvel hasn't gone there yet regarding sexuality.

So "it's a superhero movie but this one is a woman" kind of probably misses the point about how these things have become popular in the first place.

I was really struck by the video of those dudes standing beside the Black Panther movie shouting "this is what white people feel all the time".
I'm sitting there thinking "wait, you think I only like these movies because the characters are white?"

It doesn't help to much that people have managed to spin this narrative that white dudes are enraged because they saw an action movie that stars a woman or a person of color. I'd really like to think that there aren't too many people who are all that upset because Marvel decided to make a Black Panther movie.

And, of course, that narrative attracts trolls because such things offer fantastic trolling opportunities.

Like, I think you can see the one scene with all the women in the last act of Endgame and roll your eyes at the obviousness of it but not be angry or upset that the directors decided to do this. It was a cringey moment for sure but really it was only a moment and these movies are already full of cringey or cheesy stuff so... meh.

Problem is that people have turned it into a battleground and so you feel like you have to watch what you say even though your "complaints" are at least partially valid.


I would add....

Metrosexual Hulk.
Fat Thor

Basically making the physically strongest male characters look weak and mostly for jokes. Cause a big strong white/green man is bad folks. :messenger_bicep:

For example see Superman in Supergirl. I said it before the Avengers and MCU is turning into Supergirl.

Oh and the way Captain Marvel is used at the cost of Hulk in my opinion. Would have been better to hold her back until the next Avengers.

Oh sorry your right. I was watching the porn version.....hence the flaming vag reference. My apologies.

For fuck sakes dude banner Hulk was a reference to the comics. During the 80s and the events of Infinity Gauntlet, Bruce and Hulk reached an agreement, Hulks body, Bruce's brain. He wasn't physically as strong but he was still a force and intelligent. Would I rather had seen world breaker hulk show why Thanos normally avoids dealing with him? Sure the fuck would. But I like that we got Banner Hulk.

And while we're in the subject, while I'm glad Rescue (Pepper Pots in armor) showed up, she took up way too much screen time from War Machine.
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Airbus Jr

For fuck sakes dude banner Hulk was a reference to the comics. During the 80s and the events of Infinity Gauntlet, Bruce and Hulk reached an agreement, Hulks body, Bruce's brain. He wasn't physically as strong but he was still a force and intelligent. Would I rather had seen world breaker hulk show why Thanos normally avoids dealing with him? Sure the fuck would. But I like that we got Banner Hulk.

And while we're in the subject, while I'm glad Rescue (Pepper Pots in armor) showed up, she took up way too much screen time from War Machine.

I think Champion of Sakaar Hulk from Thor Ragnarok would wreck Thanos badly even without the help from other avengers

Untamed Hulk at its finest savagery
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
For fuck sakes dude banner Hulk was a reference to the comics. During the 80s and the events of Infinity Gauntlet, Bruce and Hulk reached an agreement, Hulks body, Bruce's brain. He wasn't physically as strong but he was still a force and intelligent. Would I rather had seen world breaker hulk show why Thanos normally avoids dealing with him? Sure the fuck would. But I like that we got Banner Hulk.

Don't sweat it too much, these people will literally look for "SJW AGENDA REEEE" in every tiny detail they can, source material and logic be damned. They're just as bad as ERA in that regard, even though the politics are reversed.

See also: Vulture getting the shield rather than Bucky is because he's black, nothing to do with the fact that both of them were Captain America at some point in the comics and Bucky probably has zero interest in being Cap in the MCU.
See also: One character mentioning his male partner which is a "gay agenda", obviously designed to... I don't know, get more gay men to watch Avengers? Or something? And not just a completely throwaway line no one else noticed or cared about?
See also: Thor giving control of Asgard to a woman is feminist pandering even though Valkyrie is basically the only person left alive that it makes sense to give leadership to at this point.

Really, it's getting old. You lot are on the same mental level as the same people you spend all day screaming about. It's embarrassing, let it go.


4. How did the stone moves from Thanos gloves to Ironman gloves?

Unseen, but it's never shown that removing the stones is hard. Up until then all they tried to do was remove the gauntlet.

Nah dude, it's the fancy new nanotech that Stark got also in his armor. Remember, the gauntlet was built by him and not Thanos. So some kind of override mechanism would make sense. And if I remeber corretly, you can even see the gauntlet "shifting" were the stones were beforehand.
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Nah dude, it's the fancy new nanotech that Stark got also in his armor. Remember, the gauntlet was built by him and Thanos. So some kind of override mechanism would make sense. And if I remeber corretly, you can even see the gauntlet "shifting" were the stones were beforehand.

Ah you're right, at that point the stones were in a new Stark-built gauntlet. He'd obviously but in some kind of "transfer stones to me" override. Good point. Stark outplayed him.


Ah you're right, at that point the stones were in a new Stark-built gauntlet. He'd obviously but in some kind of "transfer stones to me" override. Good point. Stark outplayed him.

One more reason why Stark HAD to survive at the end of IW I presume.


The ending was insanely strong, the ride up to it was just B-tier marvel, I think.

For a mission this vital, the tone of the 3 teams going to retrieve the stones was oddly lax and comical much more than it felt dangerous and important. If you had literally only one shot to get the stones and the fate of half of humanity depended on it, I feel like you’d spend less time quipping and more time being dead serious.

That’s really my only gripe. The movie doesn’t FEEL epic until the final act. Infinity War took itself much more seriously throughout and I think that’s what makes this one feel “off” for a large portion of it.

- Cap getting Mjolnir was some of the best shit ever
- Entire posse showing up through Dr. Strange ring loops was so good
- Fat Thor is hilarious and kind of annoying
- Ironman goes out like a boss
- Spiderman’s kill mode is horrifying and awesome
- PottsMan suit looked dope
- All female hurrah scene was actually totally fine
- Captain Marvel looks so much cooler with the short hair

I have long gave up for an epic MCU movie. The closest was IW and perhaps the ending assembly montage in EG.
Kevin Fergie will never make it a Lotr thing.
But that is fine, im all fine with quips and comicbook light-heartedness. I rank EG along side A1, pretty good pay-off for a decade of journey.
That aside, this formula is tired out for me. I predict the next phase will have to rake in younger viewers to be as successful


Another big questions:

1. How did Red Skull ended up in Vormir?
2. How do they returned the soul stone to Vormir?
3. Theres more than one captain America at the end ?
4. How did the stone moves from Thanos gloves to Ironman gloves?
5. Is Loki live again in the new universe?
6. Asgard back again since we saw Dr Strange bring reinforcement from Asgard? So Thor can actually return to his own home now? So why travel with the GoTG?
7. Gamora dead again?( snapped by Tony)
8. Did Thor return Mjolnir or he kept it for himself in the new universe?

Cap took Mjolnir with him when he went to return the stones so I assume he also returned Mjolnir.


What is the explanation when Antman did the time travel trial gag?

Anyone thinks Thor will get off in AotG3? He is the last anchor of the Infinity saga.

Xaero Gravity

Last night, some fucking cunt ran in 5 minutes into the theatre and spoiled a major, major death. What was the point of ruining the experience for a bunch of random strangers?

That being said, even that wasn't enough to ruin the film. Absolutely fantastic from start to finish, although the blatant pandering with the girl power scene was pretty cringy.. Now after sleeping it off, the two major deaths/character arcs are starting to get to me. Such an incredible way to say goodbye to those characters, even if I wasn't, and still I'm not.
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Airbus Jr

Sounds like a party.

Another easy victory is for dr Strange to create a portal when Thanos arms is trying to reach him in infinity war..and then cut it out....there he just lost the gauntlet..

Actually he can create as many portal as he wants...

create a portal bellow Thanos left legs...wait until some part of it fall inside the othe side of the portal.....close the portal again...

rinse and repeat for the other limb....Thanos will ended losing all his limb and finished....

Seriously this is so easy why does someone as smart as Dr Strange never think of this

I had this idea when i saw Wong cut Black Dwarf hand in Infinity War with his portal
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I think in hindsight, history might be a bit kinder to this movie. Myself with some time to reflect, I think the Russos probably realized they were never going to be able to duplicate the same impact and surprise as IW. I mean with the time travel aspect already spoiled within days of IW's release(when Endgame set pics leaked), I think they just focused on trying to make the most entertaining and fan-pleasing movie they could, and not focus so much on "twists" or surprises. And I think they mostly succeeded. Also they kind of wrote themselves into a corner by letting Thanos win in IW, so the only way to bring those people back was something crazy like time travel.

The lack of a good Hulk/Thanos mashup still bugs me though. All the other OG Avengers got great closing story arcs, but he was totally ignored for some reason. I was kinda hoping using the Gauntlet and absorbing more Gamma rays was going to turn him into World Breaker Hulk. But alas it was not to be.

Also wanted to make a point about Black Widow.
If she didn't die, I think her presence in the movie would have been pretty pointless. She is already pretty useless and did nothing in IW. So I think her sacrifice/dying was actually a good way to make her seem useful.
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