I stand firmly by my opinion in that this game has looked absolutely mediocre since its 1st showing.
It has no fucking soul, no "character", no distinguishable features to speak of compared to other fantasy RPGs, in fact, it looks like
the poster child for "Generic, Western-made high fantasy RPG®", everything about it just screams mediocrity, there's no gusto, no heart behind it, just a game to fill up your time, a game made with subscription services in mind.
Now, couple that with the recent shitstorm that is gaining traction and boyos, this - for better or for worse - is yet another game that will join the underselling sea of mediocrity composed of games like DA Veilguard, Ubisoft star wars tripe, Concord and the upcoming Assassin's creed Japan or whatever it's called.
It's yet another "you done fucked up" case and they have no one else to blame but themselves.
One the one hand, you have the fact that these products are - in reality - mediocre and on the other the fact that these stupid armchair/couch virtue signaling activists don't know when to shut the fuck up and can't help themselves from injecting a product (which is produced for the masses and not some minority and most definitely not with
their money) with their heavily biased, politically correct ideologies.
Add to the mix some highly toxic narcissism and holier than thou approach and...this is the result.
Here's the thing though : people, in the year of our lord 2024 are tired of this shit and are (finally) way more vocal and have started voting with their wallets , in the end, no one likes being lectured - and this is what these stupid, obnoxious, antagonizing and virtue signaling cunts can't get through their thick heads.
There's already some damage done after this whole ongoing furore and I think that it will reflect on the sales, then again, this is going to be "free" on the world's best subscription based service so the tens of people that are interested in this will play it either way
This is going to be yet another MS mediocre title that won't help in moving the needle not one bit - it will just continue to make the loyal fans hang on a just a little bit longer again on that promised "greatness" that's yet to arrive.