Lionel Mandrake

Alright, so the dust has settled. It's been over half a year since the glorious thread that was the Amazingly AWESOME fan art thread was locked. I don't really know exactly why the last thread was locked, but I've been craving some more. If the mods feel like it's too soon, feel free to lock it up, but until then, I need a little ARRRaHHH! in my life.
Post any fan art of dubious quality. Just bad craftsmanship, unusual subject matter, insane crossovers, bizarre wish-fulfillment, and what have you.
Don't lose your minds. Keep it SFW, even though you shouldn't view any of these at work. You'll probably get fired just for being insane. But, regardless, keep it PG. Yes, there's a lot of AMAZING erotic fan art out there, but it's obviously not GAF-appropriate. No dicks, nipples, and you know. Use your head.
Also, let's keep the Nazi stuff to a minimum. I don't know why there's so much Nazi fan art, but there is and it's just uncomfortable.
And, let's not do Sonichu either. Just.... because.
One more warning: If you want to join in on the fun and go diving for gold in the vast reaches of the internet, be warned... You will see things. Things that cannot be unseen.

Again, sorry if it's too soon. I've just had some bizarre desire to see more lately.