The thing about MoS is that it hurts, it makes you hate the character you're supposed to root for
MoS Superman has no heart, he's apathetic to everything around him, we see no reaction of him at the end realizing that Metropolis is in ruins, he never tries to save civilians at all, in fact the only people saving civilians in the movie are civilians
And what it hurts the most is that we've actually seen a great Superman on movies recently, only without his powers, we've seen him in the MCU and his name is Steve Rogers
Cap has a heart in Marvel movies, he's the one the audience is rooting for, he's the boy scout, the one that can inspire people to do their best, the one that will try to save everyone even if he can't and this is what's lacking in MoS
The moment he let Pa Kent die is the moment MoS lost the audience, now he's no longer the character the audience roots for since you've striped the heart out of the character and audience can no longer root for him
Even in the worst superhero movies this doesn't happen, even in the worst of the worst, you can still somewhat root for them, you want the character to win because come on, he's the hero and you still feel he's the hero, MoS doesn't understand what a hero is, loses the audiences in the way and they can't root for him and it never tries to recover from this which is why I can totally understand why you would put Superman III or Batman and Robin above this