Oh boy, it's happening, isn't it? We are finally scratching the bottom of the barrel
It introduced a thinner Scarjo. I did not like that so it now sits at the bottom of the trilogy.
Oh boy, it's happening, isn't it? We are finally scratching the bottom of the barrel
Considering that Iron Man's solo comic has been pretty terrible for awhile, it's a miracle the first Iron Man film was good.
He's the most mistreated character in Marvel by far. IM2 and 3 were just playing catchup.
What are you guys talking about?Iron man 2 is good
The /r/dc_cinematic is like... tearing itself apart. Like it's actually painful to look at what people are posting on there... Holy shit.
Edit: the thing with the "paper mache" were pretty self explanatory imo. Tony was stressed and working on his armor non-stop and getting very little sleep. It made perfect sense to me that they were hastily built without any kind of reinforcement our quality control.
Can we all agree that IM2 Tony has the worst hair?
The worst.
The /r/dc_cinematic is like... tearing itself apart. Like it's actually painful to look at what people are posting on there... Holy shit.
The mentioning of better superhero movies in this thread bums me out, man.
Can we talk about The Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer?
That movie exists.
This makes perfect logical sense, but that doesn't mean it's the direction an Iron Man film should go, particularly since we don't get that many of them. I mean, you COULD do a Batman film where Bruce has developed Parkinson's disease and wanders around the country trying to gain absolution for his sins and never actually fights anyone. And while that might be a good film in its own right, it would be a very disappointing Batman film.
Hey, hey, easy there. Don't get too crazy now.Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance is good
IM 2 was really fun
But Iron Man 3 is shit tier
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance is good
Guys...stopCan we start talking about how BvS has made us gain a new appreciation for Fant4stic?
Hey, hey, easy there. Don't get too crazy now.
And you know he would have, if given the chance.Nick Cage is a god among men, he should've played Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman in the same movie
No need to talk. They're both pretty bad, IM2 is worse.What are you guys talking about?
IM 2 was really fun
But Iron Man 3 is shit tier
"It could be my favorite movie of all time but all I wanted was a DCEU movie I didn't have to defend."
You're going to bleed for this, Santa.
I predicted this movie would get 30% and people thought I was trolling. This is the really something to behold.
He wouldn't have to look like the purple Big G from the comics. Just something imposing that looks like the end of the world.
Lol even the RT thread on the DCEU subreddit is also discussing Iron Man 2 and 3
How about read something with him not from the 60s instead of telling people to go fuck themselves. Even armored adventures has a better version than white guy in a business suit.and it's solid for what it does, has most of the comic / cartoon plot points in it, and is actually better made than the previous movie, which gave the impression of having been made in editing.
Yes, Galactus was a fucking cloud, we yelled at it like children but seriously: that was the right choice to make. Try to image a planet sized guy wearing inside-out underwear on the big screen and not laugh at the image. Also Tony Jay has sadly passed away so no booming voice to make it sound serious.
Come at me, gaf. Also, that particular plot twist in Iron Man 3 was awesome and fans asking for that blatantly racist stereotype instead should be padded on the head and then fucking ignored, because fuck em. As a whole it's a really forgettable movie though and that kid / portal subplot went nowhere until the start of Age of Ultron or: the movie that should have been Iron Man 4.
It was Tony Stark's fourth movie appearance in five years (and not counting the TIH cameo).
Ironman 3 was great.
The Shadow was also great, the dad from everybody loves Raymond was in it.
Daredevil was also not thaaat bad.
Iron Man 3 was dogshit.
I mean it's actually a pretty good representation of the comic character in that he jobs and jobs hard, but coming off IM1 and The Avengers, it was such a massive disappointment.
You keep thinking it's going to get awesome, and then it just never does. The suit malfunctions... again. Runs out of battery power again. Gets blown apart by a truck like its a Frogger arcade machine.
Absolute dogshit.
and it's solid for what it does, has most of the comic / cartoon plot points in it, and is actually better made than the previous movie, which gave the impression of having been made in editing.
Yes, Galactus was a fucking cloud, we yelled at it like children but seriously: that was the right choice to make. Try to image a planet sized guy wearing inside-out underwear on the big screen and not laugh at the image. Also Tony Jay has sadly passed away so no booming voice to make it sound serious.
Come at me, gaf. Also, that particular plot twist in Iron Man 3 was awesome and fans asking for that blatantly racist stereotype instead should be padded on the head and then fucking ignored, because fuck em. As a whole it's a really forgettable movie though and that kid / portal subplot went nowhere until the start of Age of Ultron or: the movie that should have been Iron Man 4.
Let's be honest here. Half the people on this board made up their mind about the film as soon as it was announced. We all go in with pre-conceived notions due to word-of-mouth/reviews/etc.
The fact that the film is being trashed is a plus for me. I want to see how bad it's going to be.
Oh, fuck everything, this is what you've done Snyder, are you happy now?
No. Please, God, no.
I don't know how SP has more than 5%Oh god, I've just realized the movie is only 10% away from Sucker Punch
So if Suicide Squad ends up bad, are we going to talk about how much we like Thor and Thor 2?
So if Suicide Squad ends up bad, are we going to talk about how much we like Thor and Thor 2?
At this rate, until the end of the weekend people will say that Batman & Robin was a better movieWe've already passed that phase a few pages ago...
We've already passed that phase a few pages ago...
Suicide Squad will suck as well.
At this rate, until the end of the weekend people will say that Batman & Robin was a better movie
Nah, it has better talent behind it.Suicide Squad will suck as well.
Hell, I'll just come out and say it right now that not only is B&R not that bad a movie, but, if it were to come out today, people would probably actually appreciate it, since it isn't really that far off from the MCU films.
Please put down the pipe. You've clearly had too much.Hell, I'll just come out and say it right now that not only is B&R not that bad a movie, but, if it were to come out today, people would probably actually appreciate it, since it isn't really that far off from the MCU films.
The IM3 love phase came and went, so too shall the Thor love phase return.