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Batman v. Superman RT Thread: like standing ovations in rain

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I feel that if I say a good thing about this movie I'll burn to death, but it is my duty to say that is nowhere near as bad as the critics or most people here say. Actually if you say you hate this and love Marvel's output, well you're a hypocrite.

This considering that the only decent Marvel movies are Iron Man, Winter Soldier and Ant Man.

Just my 2 cents, please continue the hate parade.



lol..Probably best way to experience it, yes. Enjoy!

It's glorious over here if you're a fan of the film. This was my Avengers or Star Wars and I loved every minute of it. It isn't perfect but it's a great start.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm back home with about 30 minutes or so to collect my thoughts. Here be spoilers....

Hoooo boy, ok, hmmmm, where to start? I'll try and work my way through the movie. Just to say, I studied Film at university, which whilst not making me some amazing critic, does help me formulate a bit of an educated opinion. That being said, I'm happy to be debate and admit I'm wrong if others disagree.

First off, I believe it was mentioned before but an awfully strange voice-over by Bruce about the dreams that isn't repeated or alluded to (as a couch scene) again in the movie. Metaphor too confusing? Eh, just have him explain it directly to the audience.

Personal note, I don't like how they made Thomas throw a punch and at the angle Chill's gun was given the pearl necklace, it would've blown half of Martha's face off, yet we only see a small splatter of blood when we cut to her - not good.

The first hour is quite compressed in my memory - what stuck out to me was; Perry White giving out headlines (that isn't how he is supposed to work), Lois & Clark had zero chemistry and the bath scene just made me feel a bit yuck. It ***really*** bugged me how the locations were 'Somewhere in the Indian Ocean' but then an incredibly specific location in Africa that Joe Sch-mo will have never heard of. And what was the point of the African warlord scene? To show that Lex is funding weapons tech research? To show that Superman intervening got the surrounding village killed? They were already going to use testimony from people in Metropolis so it really was an unnecessary plot point.

The editing in this whole first hour was super-sloppy and made little sense at some points. Midway through, two things jumped out at me;
1) When Superman was pulling that ship through the ice, holy shit that CG was bad. There is one other point when I noticed really sub-par CG and that was the first time Doomsday awoke, grabbed Superman outside by the leg I think it was - that was Matrix Burly Brawl bad.
2) When Amy Adams sits up in the bath, you can see part of the flesh cup holding her boob in place so there is no nipple-flash to the camera. It sounds distasteful I know but to me, parts of the costuming that we are not supposed to see as an audience coming into shot is as bad as a boom mike (for me)

Then the Senate blew up...they killed Mercy and I was extremely pissed at that. She was bigged-up as a character but yet we saw no real interaction between her and Lex, something to humanise him. Now, Lex will have no real anchor and continue being his oh-so-kooky self....something that really didn't seem to sit well with the audience I was with. They were mostly just laughing at him.

Couple of design points by this time - the lighting and color correction at time was way too high. Scenes at Bruce's lakehouse were far too dark and there seemed to be heavily under-saturated. It looked badly washed out and Alfred looked rather corpse-like.

As an audience member who knows something about the comics, it was a bit shit to see Wayne Manor already burnt out. I want to enjoy a Batman at the height of his career. Any movies going forwards, even if they are prequels, will have Wayne Manor burning down and well, it make Bruce seem unsuccessful in his endeavors. I want to be excited for a Batman prequel but I don't think I would now because of things like this.

Another design-issue, in the fight club, where Bruce clones the phone, the audio was way off and you couldn't hear either Bruce or the other bloke due to excessive noise. The subtitles helped at the beginning, yet when they spoke in English, it was intelligible.

Skip ahead a bit - oh no! Martha got captured...wait a minute, how did Lex figure out Superman was Clark Kent? That bit seemed to be lost on me and the audience. Was it whilst Lex was in the ship? Important shit like this gets glossed over for plot-progression's purposes yet other stupid shit gets way too much screen-time.

Flash in what appears to be a mecha containment suit didn't make much sense to anyone else. No-one cared about Lois and he wasn't recognisable enough for anyone else to care - plus his sound was off and you couldn't understand what he said well.

Also on that bit, the scene with WW looking at the files felt really shoe-horned in and could almost take place at any part of the movie. The Cyborg bit was schlocky, Aquaman bit made him look like a mermaid (though the supersonic swimming was cool) and Flash with milk....well, ok sure whatever.

Then there is a big fight scene with Superman and Batman, the motivations felt really off and it ended as soon as it started with a word that could have easily been said at the beginning for clarity's purpose - it felt so forced.

Doomsday arrives, more bad CG, downtown city being completely deserted yet all the lights being on, yuck from a story-telling perspective.

Didn't like that you could see Gotham from Metropolis - I know that they have been close in other media but it felt forced.

The movie ends with Supermans death, except, no wait, it doesn't. There are bagpipes that go on forever, then Lex has his head shaved for......reasons. He goes kooky and everyone in my screening was just laughing at him and his bells line - it fell really flat. Then it RECUTS back to Lois who is *still* standing at the grave after two or three different endings....then the movie ends.

Thoughts? Around the time when Superman appeared on Lois' balcony I thought "Shit, I would do anything for a happy, blue skies, colourful Superman movie right now" and then started thinking about the 1990's cartoon and Dean Cain.

The biggest enemy was editing and saying that the extended cut will fix that is a bit of an insult to the audience - why the hell should I go watch it in the cinema then?

Overall, it wasn't really fun or memorable. Superman's death means nothing and lacked punch because we know he will come back. And if he does (which of course, he will) what are the stakes? No one cares about Lois, WW only got a few lines and Batman is in his latter days....so, why should I care?

By the way, I think I read someone say that they saw Lex getting a robot suit...that was never in my cut of the film - did I miss something?
he knows how much security is on the convoy, he doesn't know where the truck is headed or how much security there will be at that unknown location when it gets there?

Just in case he looses them? I dunno..Its actually smart thinking.

Lex could have done something with it or moved it if he had wanted to once he had it. If he had, Bruce wouldn't have had a second chance to get it. The only reason he got the second chance was that Lex wanted him to steal it.

And ofcourse you need a Batman car chase.

The simplest thing to do then would have been
to take out everyone before they ever loaded it on the truck or even better just stealing it from the ship since he knew it was there after decrypting the files. With all that shooting he could have ended up destroying the every thing he was trying to steal -_-


I really don't care about comic books that much and went to see this with the mindset of "is this a good movie?"

The idea that anyone could defend this film is baffling. BvS is fucking incompetent. Regardless of how respectfully they handled the characters or otherwise, just in terms of cinematic construction this film is a complete disaster. Honestly, I think this is the beginning of the end for superhero movies. Regardless of what this is gonna pull opening weekend, the residual damage this movie is gonna leave is enormous. I haven't talked to one person who liked the movie. Are people really gonna show up after this to see Wonder Women, or fuckin Aquaman? Are people gonna care about Justice League when this movie is such utter trash? And the thing about bad movies is they just get worse over time. When all the hype and excitement and novelty over Batman and Superman fighting goes away, all that's left is a shitty movie.

That's you. Me and my roommate loved it and are now more hyped for Justice League than ever before. Another 2 friends really liked it too. A few others were middle of the road on it and I've only seen one of my friends flat out dislike it. Quite a few of them disliked Avengers AoU quite a bit, though, too. They're all interested in more comic movies. Hasnt burned them out. Sometimes you don't like a movie.

E the Shaggy

Junior Member
WB is doubling down. Get ready for all of the DCU to be just like this one.

"There is no question this is an extraordinary achievement," said Warners domestic distribution chief Jeff Goldstein (via THR). "Clearly, audiences have embraced it and we are already seeing repeat business. It's just fun. Often, there's a disconnect between critics and audiences."
WB is doubling down. Get ready for all of the DCU to be just like this one.

Well, what are they going to say at this point? We know it's shit but we'll do better in the future? They gotta act like their shit is the finest smelling rose on the planet and then quietly retool the rest of the DCEU.
The simplest thing to do then would have been
to take out everyone before they ever loaded it on the truck or even better just stealing it from the ship since he knew it was there after decrypting the files. With all that shooting he could have ended up destroying the every thing he was trying to steal -_-

I don't entirely disagree, when they first showed him on the crane I thought he was about to infiltrate the ship to do just that.

But I suppose they needed a Batmobile chase and it was a good one, perhaps they should have shown that he was too late to infiltrate the ship to atleast somewhat justify the chase. My only problem with the sequence was Superman completely ignoring the truck and the armed guys that had been shooting up the street that Batman was fighting by just flying off after intercepting Batman and giving him the ultimatum.

Kind of like part of what PepsimanVsJoe complained about. Admittedly they then would have needed something to happen to stop Superman from stopping the truck from getting the last of the way to Lex, but I would have wanted to see that.


I'd say Winter Solider, Guardians, Cap 1, and Avengers 1 are definitely better. Iron Man 1 is probably within BvS's range. Actually haven't seen Ant Man.

Thor 2 and Iron Man 3 are the bottom tier. Iron Man 2, Thor 1, Norton Hulk are all a step above, but I'd rank them below MoS and BvS by a pretty wide margin.

Whatever you're smoking must be good.

Iron Man 1 had a clear and concise script, great delivery, and managed to make its supposedly unsympathetic protagonist to be sympathetic. BvS is the very opposite of that. None of the characters are sympathetic that the ending wasn't even earned. And I haven't even touched on its messy, trash-dump script/editing.

Funny how you say that Thor 2 is on the bottom tier because that's where BvS resides. And MoS is even lower than that due to its sheer boredom in comparison to BvS.

And smh @ the PoTC comments. The first 2 were much much better by miles in comparison to BvS. BvS wishes it has the same sense of adventure and intrigue that those "escapism/popcorn" films had.
I really don't care about comic books that much and went to see this with the mindset of "is this a good movie?"

The idea that anyone could defend this film is baffling. BvS is fucking incompetent. Regardless of how respectfully they handled the characters or otherwise, just in terms of cinematic construction this film is a complete disaster. Honestly, I think this is the beginning of the end for superhero movies. Regardless of what this is gonna pull opening weekend, the residual damage this movie is gonna leave is enormous. I haven't talked to one person who liked the movie. Are people really gonna show up after this to see Wonder Women, or fuckin Aquaman? Are people gonna care about Justice League when this movie is such utter trash? And the thing about bad movies is they just get worse over time. When all the hype and excitement and novelty over Batman and Superman fighting goes away, all that's left is a shitty movie.

Civil war confirmed as destroyer of the box office outselling Avatar, Titanic and The Force Awakens combined


But Snyder is already directing the next one ;_;

No? The next one is Suicide Squad, followed by Wonder Woman next year. Neither are by Snyder. I have no problems with him doing Justice League. If this was any indication, it will be big, messy, ambitious, and glorious to behold.
Haven't Primethius, bananafactory and a hundred others repeated the same posts a lot? Time is a flat circle.

And no, I don't think I've repeated that particular post.

Yep! No idea what that guys trying to say.

My opinions don't agree with yours at all, but it's nice to see and read differing opinions.

I still hate BvS though.
You got Patty Jenkins on Wonder Woman and Seth Grahame Smith on the Flash, though.

So there's that?

He meant Wonder Woman and Suicide Squad

No? The next one is Suicide Squad, followed by Wonder Woman next year. Neither are by Snyder. I have no problems with him doing Justice League. If this was any indication, it will be big, messy, ambitious, and glorious to behold.

Oh, I was only thinking about JL next year. Snyder is involved with SS production though but damn those trailers really look good.
No? The next one is Suicide Squad, followed by Wonder Woman next year. Neither are by Snyder. I have no problems with him doing Justice League. If this was any indication, it will be big, messy, ambitious, and glorious to behold.

Let's just hope that they release the "Director's Cut" in the theater, so we aren't left waiting for the rest of the movie this time.


Okay so I'm not comic reader but...is Lex supposed to be this batshit? I always got the impression that he was charming yet cold, calculating and ruthless? Seems like this version is just insane...and kind of dumb.


Okay so I'm not comic reader but...is Lex supposed to be this batshit? I always got the impression that he was charming yet cold, calculating and ruthless? Seems like this version is just insane...and kind of dumb.

He's insane and a bit of a sociopath in this movie, but he's clearly not dumb...
Okay so I'm not comic reader but...is Lex supposed to be this batshit? I always got the impression that he was charming yet cold, calculating and ruthless? Seems like this version is just insane...and kind of dumb.
It's they way they wrote him in this universe. He's perfect. It might just be a case of you not getting it. 😐


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Okay so I'm not comic reader but...is Lex supposed to be this batshit? I always got the impression that he was charming yet cold, calculating and ruthless? Seems like this version is just insane...and kind of dumb.

The Lex Luthor we have is the Jr version. (aka the son of the original Lex Luthor)

The original Lex Luthor has passed away in this movie.
Superman Returns is worse than any Marvel movie, Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 included. I can't get over how pointless that film was. It was a real waste of Kevin Spacey, who could have been a great Luthor in a movie with an actual story.


He's insane and a bit of a sociopath in this movie, but he's clearly not dumb...

Well he did stand in front of Doomsday as he was let loose, a being built from Zod whom he knows has a distain for human life. The only reason he didn't die was because Superman saved him. And even if you argue that he knew he would, why even create Doomsday if your sole reason for hating Superman is that he has godlike powers that goes unchecked?...so does Doomsday.
In a way I can sort of understand DC doubling down on dark and dour, because trying to compete with Marvel directly on straightforward popcorn flicks probably isn't wise since they're so far behind. They're the second place company and trying to add a bit of edge would work better for them.

This is like Sega vs Nintendo in the SNES/Genesis era, and Snyder is DC's Sonic.
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