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Battlefield series begins up-hill battle, feature reversions coming to next title as "valuable lessons" learned from Battlefield 2042


We're mad at DICE because they said "We're going to learn from our mistakes on BF2042"?

Could they have said ANYTHING that wouldn't have been made fun of?
At this point, probably not, but they have a lot to prove.

The source of the mistrust/irony as the article points out is that DICE sold this one as a return to form, the Battlefield for Battlefield fans. It's good that they're signalling an intention to fix things, but can you really blame gamers for doubting that DICE even knows how? Plus, with EA as the puppetmaster, players are always on the lookout for the nickel and dime angle that will mess everything up.

If they deliver on the next one, all (or most) will be forgiven. Until then they just have to take their lumps.


We're mad at DICE because they said "We're going to learn from our mistakes on BF2042"?

Could they have said ANYTHING that wouldn't have been made fun of?

‘this is a list of significant fixes to gameplay and game modes that we are making over the next month, we feel these will address all of the issues with the game, we’re bringing forward season 1 to start in mid April and we’re giving everyone £30 worth of v-bucks as an apology. Also, if you send us your address someone from the team will personally deliver you a burger king and will suck your dick whilst you eat it. Peace.’
I think the next title should just be a remake of BC2, with modernized controls, movement and visuals. Everything else should stay exactly as it was in the original. I remember them saying something similar after the poor release of BF4, Star Wars, BF5. I don’t trust them.
Just dont believe them.

So many people told them of the bugs and problems in the beta and they gave us the old "This build is several months old and are fixed in the latest build already" and was a straight lie

Sorry but don't lie directly to me then expect me to believe your next lines of crap when you call the community toxic and threaten to shut down Reddit because you don't like the feedback

I guess so.

I see a few issues going on here.

- "Gamerz" have a hard time reading PR. They read advertisements as gospel. I don't know why everyone isn't 100 percent skeptical when companies are trying to take your money. McDonald's constantly tries to tell me their hamburgers are delicious. I don't get mad when every commercials shows me a burger that doesn't look remotely like anything I've ever seen at a McDonald's.

- They're intrinsically incentivized to fix their mistakes. BF2042 was likely a commercial failure. If they don't learn from their mistakes, the next BF will be a commercial failure too. I assume the people making these games want to keep their jobs and reach milestone bonuses.

- Maybe the next game will suck. If that's the case, I don't think it's due to a lack of trying. If the talent + leadership at DICE is gone, not much can be done.

That being said, I don't have much attachment to Battlefield. Perhaps I would feel different if one of my favorite franchises hit the dirt.
Can't you basically play that in portal? Also the games not that good by modern standards and it would be dead.
The game is amazing by modern standards aside from the few things I mentioned that should be modernized. I don’t see how it isn’t?

No, it cannot be played in portal since it’s only like two maps.


Tag, you're it.
"valuable lessons" have been learned

EA/Dice are so stupid they can't even look at what worked in previous BF games WHICH EXIST FOR ALMOST 20 YEARS FFS, all they needed was to BUILD on what worked before rather than trying to introducing MOBA elements. How can it be so hard to understand.
We're mad at DICE because they said "We're going to learn from our mistakes on BF2042"?

Could they have said ANYTHING that wouldn't have been made fun of?
Jim Carrey Yes GIF

The fact they needed this backlash to understand what the community wants is incredibly wrong. In every aspect this game is a failure. They almost killed the IP (future will tell), this is in itself an incredible achievement so yeah, fuck them for that.
They can make all the excuses they want, in the end all the design choices were made knowingly.


Gold Member
I guess so.

I see a few issues going on here.

- "Gamerz" have a hard time reading PR. They read advertisements as gospel. I don't know why everyone isn't 100 percent skeptical when companies are trying to take your money. McDonald's constantly tries to tell me their hamburgers are delicious. I don't get mad when every commercials shows me a burger that doesn't look remotely like anything I've ever seen at a McDonald's.

- They're intrinsically incentivized to fix their mistakes. BF2042 was likely a commercial failure. If they don't learn from their mistakes, the next BF will be a commercial failure too. I assume the people making these games want to keep their jobs and reach milestone bonuses.

- Maybe the next game will suck. If that's the case, I don't think it's due to a lack of trying. If the talent + leadership at DICE is gone, not much can be done.

That being said, I don't have much attachment to Battlefield. Perhaps I would feel different if one of my favorite franchises hit the dirt.
I used to love the BF franchise and it hated what they did to this game.

PR hardly ever sways me but will say I had it preordered and thankfully got to play 10 hours of it through Gamepass and think I still have a couple of hours left as that allowed me to cancel my preorder

Not much more that I despise then these companies straight lying then double down on it and blame us and funny enough blame Halo's launch

I want to trust them I just don't at this point and the next BF better also have some sort of free trial if they want to earn at least my business back
On Steam, BF1 has 4x peak players and BFV has 12x peak players. Both gained a ton of players since 2042 launched.
I assume most direct purchasers bought 2042 on Steam rather than Origin, and apparently nobody buys Origin keys. CDKeys made some hilarious social media posts regarding their 2042 key stock a month or so ago.

Battlefield V 8,024 playing 6 min ago 26,546 24-hour peak

Battlefield 1 3,280 playing 6 min ago 9,000 24-hour peak

Battlefield 2042 1,965 playing 5 min ago 2,261 24-hour peak


This is heartbreaking tbh. Battlefield was my goto. Years of memory's playing 1942, Vietnam, 2, 3 and bad company.

Absolute mess, can't fix it and already talking about future versions. That's like 5 years away. Joke
My man! 1942, BF Vietnam, and BF2 were the fucking bomb! The others were good too, but that was when my kids were little so I didn't have time to play them much. Sneaking through the jungles in the BF Vietnam maps was something else, these young'ns today don't know what's good.


Just skimming through the responses you can see how so many people didn't even read what the OP posted and just came in to take shots at DICE.

Anyways, I do agree with those stating that they have lost the good will that they may have had from titles before BF5(since that is when they realistically got overly egotistical). There is hope that resides in Zampella since about everything that guy touches turns to gold. However, the part that makes me wary and frankly not surprised is how they frame the feedback about the operators as them trying to make it go back to it's roots but then insidiously mentioning they want the players more "invested" in these characters. Either A taking the approach like COD/BF5(special characters limited to a faction) or sticking with the specialist/hero system and then locking them to a role(like overwatch or keeping what they have in 2042 but then reintroducing classes with the specialists locked in the classes)

Also for those that bring up the numbers that fluff up the count. Just keep in mind that bf3-bf5 were given out as free and many keys flooded the 2nd hand market place for super cheap/free. I wouldn't really do a true 1/1 comparison until they give bf2042 away(which is inevitable at this rate)
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DICE has made nothing but bad games after the horrendous BF4 launch. They fixed that game eventually and turned it into a great BF.
they made a shallow Star Wars game. Then instead of using BF4 to build onto to create BF1....they used the dumbed down Star Wars game. Which inturn caused BF1 to be a hollow experience but loosely held up by cool aesthetic and horses which made it somewhat fun.
Star Wars BF 2....a somehow even worse game than the first one. Years later they were able to turn it around to a somewhat tolerable experience
BF5 a bad game. Gameplay loop sucks. Was never fun. DLC maps were good but still why bother.

and here we are with 2042. Which feels like an ubisoft battle royale game.

like shut this studio down already. Wtf are they doing


Also "there is a strong team working on DLCs and updates" my ass. Game already on a skeleton crew. Their first update after 3 months of nothing was a big pile of dogshit. game came out 4 months ago and got 0 new content. What a nice live service game

Sounds like Halo at the moment.
Sad to see what they did to Battlefield. My favorite current shooter on consoles for years (RIP OG Ghost Recon) and they are trying their best to fucking kill the franchise. I will not buy the next installment until well after launch, if at all, and I've been day one for just about every previous version of Battlefield.

At this point I just wish they would release a next-gen update for BF4 but obviously that's not going to happen. Just up the resolution & framerate and that's all I need.


Given another chance
They can fuck right off. If they don’t bring back BF2042 from the grave then the next BF title I buy will absolutely be in the region of £10. I’ll never pay full price again.


Article is constructed weird. First three quarter is about the next game and how they're learning from 2042. Doing all sorts of testing and changes. The last quarter is a footnote saying that "don't worry, we'll still make stuff for 2042."

I guess


Neo Member
I say just reskin and "next genitize" BF BC2, 3 and 4 and folks will come back. Don't fix things that are not broken. They had the formula and crumpled it up and threw it in the trash. DUMB! I can't say I have been this disapointed in a game release in a very long time. I, like many of you have hundreds of very fond memories playing the games I noted above.
They didn't put any resources into Anthem when that flopped so anyone expecting E.A. to turn BF2042 around will be sorely disappointed. Both Dice and E.A. deserve all the criticism they've received. Hell, Dice is a shell of what it used to be..


I am quite shocked that the content pipeline is so dry for what was going obviously designed as a live service game. They haven’t even opened a store. Where are the new maps? They need some smaller modes as well, with 24 to 32 players on small maps.
I actually think the game could be salvaged, which is something I did not think about Anthem so hopefully they don’t give up on it. As it is, it’s far too chaotic and not fun to play, there are too few maps, and they need need to work on ways to make the average players feel like they are doing something other than being cannon fodder.
Biggest lesson is, if you are going to release a Battlefield game, for the love of all that is holy, make it a Battlefield game….oh, also, bring back the premium pass please
Despite the poor numbers that Battlefield 2042 has generated, there is a new Battlefield title in active development, and EA is providing the resources needed to bring back the franchise.

Not sure if this is a argument in favor or against market capitalism ... somebody help me out here?!
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They dismissed every concern the community had, put their head in the sand, and let their community managers badger anyone who dared question their awful design choices. Not just with 2042, but with V as well. Now, with their newest expensive game DOA and a laughing stock, they decide their community - their paying customers - actually do know best? Good luck with that. The internet has a long memory.


Remember that first trailer and how awesome it was? Battlefield is back!

Now there's only 2,000 players on Steam lol.
Nah, any good will left over from BF3 & 4 is now well and truly gone. This ‘we will do better’ nonsense is absolute bollocks to try and scam you of another £70.
They should be talking about how they're going to fix the CURRENT game and shut the fuck up about their next game until they do!

This song and dance about "we've learned our less and our NEXT game will be what you guys want" is bullshit. It tells me all I need to know about EA AND their DICE lacky's. They havn't learned a thing.

You fix the current game that people just paid your rip off $70 for first. A game that's only been out 4-5 months, lol.

BF2042 is obviously going to be shitcanned before it reaches its one year birthday. Remember "Anthem Next/2.0"? Yeah, they were going to fix that mess too but of course when they realized profits wouldn't be high enough they ditched it.

I paid $30 for Anthem and thought it sucked but had a ton of potential so them giving up on that pissed me off. Thankfully, I didn't buy BF2042 but if I had and saw these comments from the devs I'd be fuming right now knowing this is them starting the process of killing off the game by dropping subtle hints and trying to get fans thinking about "the next one".


Internet forum nerds are too eager to slam the door shut on games that aren’t perfect 10/10s

I've stuck with games I thought were 6/10 if they had interesting storylines or had some charm. We aren't anywhere close to slamming the door shut on a game that's merely not a perfect 10. This isn't like Hardline where some people liked the different direction, some people didn't. This is a completely soulless game that had no business being released.

And yes, BF4 launched broken, but at least the framework of a good game existed to work off of. We don't have any of that here. I'm not sure how we have people still defending this mess.


Gold Member
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A customer was buying a TV the other day and he said he needed HDMI 2.1 support, I asked if he played Warzone, because I know thats one of the few games that supports 4K120 output and is obviously probably the most popular. He then says this with a kind of smug lilt to his voice:

"No I only play grown-up first person shooters"

It caught be off guard and I laughed out loud for a second but he didn't laugh and it was really awkard. What a complete fanny. Its even funnier because as well as being meaningless gayface child fanboying from a man in his late 30s the last BF game was a pile of poo :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Gold Member
When your review was so bad you have to write an apology piece explaining why you gave it 5 stars. Sorry did I say "apology" I meant blame the community.

And that's the problem with early reviews for online focused games. The reviews they do are piddly, where their focus is launch day clicks than in depth play throughs.

These idiots are probably nagged by a manager to hurry up and send their article to a webmaster by a certain day and time xx:xx so it can show up by 7 am on launch day.

Based on limited playthrough and playing against other early access gamers on stable servers. Playing a shooter on 3 days time is not enough time to give any kind of valid review when shooters have a lot more depth to it in terms of getting a feel for gear, maps, modes, gun balance and bugs etc... over the long term. Not 3 day crams where "we played every map at least once".

Big difference vs. trying to a play a game on day one launch servers (which can be shit).

When it came to my 6,500-word review of Battlefield 2042, the other EGM editors and I went back and forth on whether to give it a score when we did. The review was based on a three-day online review and capture event that let critics and other content creators go hands-on with every aspect of the game, including all of its characters, weapons and gadgets. We played on every map at least once, and we played all three modes—All-Out Warfare, Hazard Zone, and Portal. Given the amount of time I played the game, and the amount of content I’d experienced, I felt that I had a pretty good handle on the actual design and gameplay to give my opinion, but I was concerned about the game’s launch.
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What FPS do gamers actually like lmao… Halo Infinite kept true to its Halo roots and gamers are saying its done…COD Vanguard went to WW2 again! and nobody cares… BF 2042 innovates but is buggy and everyone hates it… 🤡 I personally like Halo Infinite and BF 2042…


What FPS do gamers actually like lmao… Halo Infinite kept true to its Halo roots and gamers are saying its done…COD Vanguard went to WW2 again! and nobody cares… BF 2042 innovates but is buggy and everyone hates it… 🤡 I personally like Halo Infinite and BF 2042…


Substituting our franchise's unique selling points for the latest in a long line of passing trends is a belter of an idea boss. We'll make millions.

What FPS do gamers actually like lmao… Halo Infinite kept true to its Halo roots and gamers are saying its done…COD Vanguard went to WW2 again! and nobody cares… BF 2042 innovates but is buggy and everyone hates it… 🤡 I personally like Halo Infinite and BF 2042…
Doom is alright I guess. And Amid Evil, Cruelty Squad, Dusk, Hedon, HROT, Ion Maiden, Ultrakill. You can probably find a good recent shooter that isn't the same old AAA song for each letter of the alphabet without too much trouble, these are just ones I know to be good off the top of my head.

Perhaps vacillating between world war, modern war and future war is a creative barrel that only goes so deep :pie_thinking:

Oh and Cruelty Squad. Don't forget Cruelty Squad.
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Neo Member
Phew…..I couldn’t believe I didn’t preorder this crap…usd60 saved…. Tbh I found disrespectful moving DICE to the next game….
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