IMO only F2P can build a player base for 2042. No one will buy it anymoreFix 2042 or you can keep that shit EA.
Your series future depends on how you handle it.
IMO only F2P can build a player base for 2042. No one will buy it anymoreFix 2042 or you can keep that shit EA.
Your series future depends on how you handle it.
At this point, probably not, but they have a lot to prove.We're mad at DICE because they said "We're going to learn from our mistakes on BF2042"?
Could they have said ANYTHING that wouldn't have been made fun of?
Yeah:We're mad at DICE because they said "We're going to learn from our mistakes on BF2042"?
Could they have said ANYTHING that wouldn't have been made fun of?
I think the next title should just be a remake of BC2, with modernized controls, movement and visuals. Everything else should stay exactly as it was in the original.
Just dont believe them.
So many people told them of the bugs and problems in the beta and they gave us the old "This build is several months old and are fixed in the latest build already" and was a straight lie
Sorry but don't lie directly to me then expect me to believe your next lines of crap when you call the community toxic and threaten to shut down Reddit because you don't like the feedback
The game is amazing by modern standards aside from the few things I mentioned that should be modernized. I don’t see how it isn’t?Can't you basically play that in portal? Also the games not that good by modern standards and it would be dead.
Yeah of course, BECAUSE BATTLEFIELD IS STILL A VERY YOUG IP RIGHT???!!"valuable lessons" have been learned
We're mad at DICE because they said "We're going to learn from our mistakes on BF2042"?
Could they have said ANYTHING that wouldn't have been made fun of?
I used to love the BF franchise and it hated what they did to this game.I guess so.
I see a few issues going on here.
- "Gamerz" have a hard time reading PR. They read advertisements as gospel. I don't know why everyone isn't 100 percent skeptical when companies are trying to take your money. McDonald's constantly tries to tell me their hamburgers are delicious. I don't get mad when every commercials shows me a burger that doesn't look remotely like anything I've ever seen at a McDonald's.
- They're intrinsically incentivized to fix their mistakes. BF2042 was likely a commercial failure. If they don't learn from their mistakes, the next BF will be a commercial failure too. I assume the people making these games want to keep their jobs and reach milestone bonuses.
- Maybe the next game will suck. If that's the case, I don't think it's due to a lack of trying. If the talent + leadership at DICE is gone, not much can be done.
That being said, I don't have much attachment to Battlefield. Perhaps I would feel different if one of my favorite franchises hit the dirt.
Maybe that'll teach them a valuable life lesson?So i'm guessing the people who bought the ultimate edition of 2042 just arent going to get any new content with their 1 year pass now?
My man! 1942, BF Vietnam, and BF2 were the fucking bomb! The others were good too, but that was when my kids were little so I didn't have time to play them much. Sneaking through the jungles in the BF Vietnam maps was something else, these young'ns today don't know what's good.This is heartbreaking tbh. Battlefield was my goto. Years of memory's playing 1942, Vietnam, 2, 3 and bad company.
Absolute mess, can't fix it and already talking about future versions. That's like 5 years away. Joke
Also "there is a strong team working on DLCs and updates" my ass. Game already on a skeleton crew. Their first update after 3 months of nothing was a big pile of dogshit. game came out 4 months ago and got 0 new content. What a nice live service game
Despite the poor numbers that Battlefield 2042 has generated, there is a new Battlefield title in active development, and EA is providing the resources needed to bring back the franchise.
They should be talking about how they're going to fix the CURRENT game and shut the fuck up about their next game until they do!Nah, any good will left over from BF3 & 4 is now well and truly gone. This ‘we will do better’ nonsense is absolute bollocks to try and scam you of another £70.
Internet forum nerds are too eager to slam the door shut on games that aren’t perfect 10/10s
I don't even understand why people are mad. Are you just not bold enough to understand the 5-star perfection that is BF2042?
BF1 was good, but Battlefront 2 beforehand launched in a very shitty state.Is that two crappy BF games in a row (i.e. BFV and BF2042)? I don’t keep track of these FPS games.
This is the issue…stop asking for the SAME GAMES…we want new ideas…Just make a new Battlefield 4, how hard can it be?
And that's the problem with early reviews for online focused games. The reviews they do are piddly, where their focus is launch day clicks than in depth play throughs.When your review was so bad you have to write an apology piece explaining why you gave it 5 stars. Sorry did I say "apology" I meant blame the community.
When it came to my 6,500-word review of Battlefield 2042, the other EGM editors and I went back and forth on whether to give it a score when we did. The review was based on a three-day online review and capture event that let critics and other content creators go hands-on with every aspect of the game, including all of its characters, weapons and gadgets. We played on every map at least once, and we played all three modes—All-Out Warfare, Hazard Zone, and Portal. Given the amount of time I played the game, and the amount of content I’d experienced, I felt that I had a pretty good handle on the actual design and gameplay to give my opinion, but I was concerned about the game’s launch.
KillzoneWhat FPS do gamers actually like lmao… Halo Infinite kept true to its Halo roots and gamers are saying its done…COD Vanguard went to WW2 again! and nobody cares… BF 2042 innovates but is buggy and everyone hates it…I personally like Halo Infinite and BF 2042…
Doom is alright I guess. And Amid Evil, Cruelty Squad, Dusk, Hedon, HROT, Ion Maiden, Ultrakill. You can probably find a good recent shooter that isn't the same old AAA song for each letter of the alphabet without too much trouble, these are just ones I know to be good off the top of my head.What FPS do gamers actually like lmao… Halo Infinite kept true to its Halo roots and gamers are saying its done…COD Vanguard went to WW2 again! and nobody cares… BF 2042 innovates but is buggy and everyone hates it…I personally like Halo Infinite and BF 2042…
They still haven’t done a free weekend on Sony. I mean it’s like the lights are on but nobody is home. Pure incompetenceIMO only F2P can build a player base for 2042. No one will buy it anymore