"Although not extremely vocal within our deeply engaged community, we see from our game data that the wider player base is dying too fast leading to faster churn - meaning players may be getting frustrated with dying too fast that they choose not to log back in and learn how to become more proficient at Battlefield V"
DICE in their quest to figure out why their core audience is not playing their game, completely ignore the praise of the current TTK and change it to cater to people who play the game for a week and leave or have already left.
So they change one of the few good things in BFV because people are leaving, because that has to be the reasons right? Not that this is not a true Battlefield game, not that this is not a proper WWII experience, not because of their horribile marketing and pandering. Nope the problem MUST be the TTK.
I think the low ttk is a problem, at least for me. I dont want to run half way across a map to get sniped or to go down in 2 hits during a free for all. I like to move in and out of firefights, utilised healing and just stop seeing the zoom inout restarts.
Has there been an objective check for old BF games ttk rate, those should be lower iirc. Cod constant ttk validation feedbacks is what changed modern BF games imo
What a shit show this game is?
Drive away the audenice pre launch and no try to do it to those who bought it.
I personally like the new TTK they just need to tweak it here and there. I hope it stays.
I meant something older than bf3, i think that game was when it felt off to me. Bf4 was even worse iirc.Apparently BF4's TTK was faster than the one BFV launched with..
You will kill people faster.I'm playing the game now and I love it! I'm super casual. What does the new update mean for me?
Like COD? Fuck I hate COD. This is bad news.You will kill people faster.
Did you play this years cod? It takes forever to kill people especially in blackout. Maybe try that game.Like COD? Fuck I hate COD. This is bad news.
Yeah I played it and hated it. Sold it and bought BF. I like this a lot better.Did you play this years cod? It takes forever to kill people especially in blackout. Maybe try that game.
I really want to buy this.. but.. I just can't. $30 seems like a shoo-in price, but now I'm wondering if I should just wait for EA Access? Game pass?
at 30 bucks its a no brainer. Ignore all the hate the game is getting its actually really good and a ton of fun.
at 60$ it was light on content, but at 30$ there really isn't anything to complain about.
Thanks, I liked the beta for the most part too, maybe I'll just bite the bullet.
1If you don't have any big January games planned it will give you plenty of hours of enjoyment.
If you liked the beta, while the actual game is way better. Attrition was fixed, gun play is better, and Narvik is one of the less interesting maps.
BTW I don't play conquest so my opinion is based on the other modes so I can't say if conquest is good or bad.
They should just make a tank superiority version. Everyone get a tank. That is what I want to return from BFPanzerstorm is a good map and I like the large design of it. The problem is that the vehicle spawn in system doesn't fucking mesh with old school big BF maps.
The system encourages you to sit at the spawn screen doing nothing for the team waiting for a tank to spawn that you can maybe get. I hate the vehicle spawn in system so freaking much, I can understand using it for planes maybe, but for tanks it's just such an unfun experience. I hardly ever get a freaking tank unless it's the start of the round and load the game super fast.
Not to mention that the system actually penalizes you for actually playing and defending an objective, if your defending an area as infantry and a tank spawns in BF4. Your like "oh awesome!!", hop in and your good to go. In BF5 that can't happen, your forced to run everywhere or take a shitty half track or rabbit if you want to get somewhere. Instead, the system rewards the asshole who's sitting in the spawn menu not playing. Like at least you had a chance when your playing with the old system.
I have no idea why they had to change the old system which literally lasted for over a decade starting from 1942 to BF4.
Is Panzerstorm a breakthrough map or Grand Operations map?
If these new maps are not all mode maps then big time screw up by DICE. The live service will only drop 2 maps and if those are conquest only then I have to say Premium was way better than this.
I highly doubt we're going to get large drops of 3-4 maps at a time like with BF4 and BF1 with a season pass.
However I would 99% bet what will happen is a $39.99 expansion with 5-6 maps that will include the Americans and Russians.
I’m not interested in the hideous SJW campaign in the game, but how’s online? Just as politic, or has that mode not been cursed?
How many players are online on Xbox One? I have a fear that the game is pretty dead when it’s alreasy half off.
http://bfvstats.com/ is still not active. I’m not much for conspiracies but I suspect the info is getting suppressed because the result is so poor.
I’m not interested in the hideous SJW campaign in the game, but how’s online? Just as politic, or has that mode not been cursed?
How many players are online on Xbox One? I have a fear that the game is pretty dead when it’s alreasy half off.
Hm that’s what I fear as well. As I’m not interested in SJW propaganda and are only interested in the online part I probably won’t bite.
The game is easily worth $30, imo.The game is 30 dollars. I think I might buy at that price point or should I wait for the 20 dollar drop? That might not happen for some time though? I know its entirely speculative