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Best of the Double Dragon series?

Best Double Dragon?

  • Double Dragon (Arcade)

  • Double Dragon (Nes)

  • Double Dragon II: The Revenge (1988)

  • Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone (1990)

  • Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones (1991)

  • Super Double Dragon (1992)

  • Battletoads/Double Dragon (1993)

  • Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls (1994)

  • Double Dragon Neon

Results are only viewable after voting.


It's funny I loved both the arcade and NES version of the original as a kid and have finally discovered the NES is vastly superior after downloading the arcade version. The move set is so much better and the gameplay is tighter. I think I just saw the graphics of the arcade version and played it in short bursts. Not enough to realise its faults.

Anyway, the godfather of the beat em genre :messenger_sunglasses:




SNK DD was terrible and I've owned the AES cart at some point.

The best one is probably DD2 on the NES. The arcade games weren't that fun, especially DD3 arcade was trash (with the NES being superior again).


Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
I'm still annoyed to this day i couldn't beat DD3 on the NES. I made it all the way to the final boss just to get my ass kicked.
This game is pretty easy actually.

Double Dragon 2, Double Dragon 3 , Super Double Dragon and Double Dragon Neon are the best for me.

Interestingly, video game reviews say that Neon is garbage, but I say that they (Gaming revews) are garbage ... because Neon is an excellent game.


Gold Member
Double Dragon was one of my fav arcade games of that period, so I chose that. I only had the C64 version which was terrible really but just being able to play it at home blew my mind.

Really miss the magic of arcades back then, going in and seeing all those amazing games - Operation Wolf, Afterburner, DD et al. My kids will never know that joy, albeit they love it for different reasons (tickets to win crap toys).
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The sound effects literally sound like an old atari game
consider the sms has the same sound chip as the Colecovision, atari st, and a few other consoles/computers and is similar to the one in the intellivision, msx and a few others,
Actually a really good game.

EDIT: Nope, I confused it with this game:

Can't remember if that other Double Dragon was enjoyable.

the first double dragon fighting game isn't terrible, but completely forgettable outside of being part of the double dragon series and tied into the movie

anyway, neon,


Double dragon II is my favorite. The original NES double dragon was also fantastic once you got over the difficulty curve and could get some of the better moves like being able to ground and pound enemies. But 2 and 3 had co op and that automatically made them better to me. 3 also had the sweet shoulder grab flip. But yeah, 2 gets my vote for overall best.


Unconfirmed Member
no love for Double Dragon Advance?

Was a great entry. I'd go so far and say it is the best in the series before Neon hit the scene (which is severely under appreciated).

Was this any good? Not much hype around it at the time. Kind of just came and went.
it's pretty much Double Dragon 2: Part 2, including NES style graphics... and while that sounds good at first, we have to remember that the genre massively improved over the years. Compared to Super Double Dragon it's average. Compared to Double Dragon Advance it's below average. Compared to Double Dragon Neon its bad. Compared to SoR4 its garbage. Compared to the original two NES games it's decent, but it lacks the impact, historical relevance and its just not as fun, I can't exctly wrap my head around why that is though. The first two games just come across as way more passionate, they sincerely wanted to make good games and given the time period, they certainly achived this, while DDIV is a nostalgia sell in the sleaziest way possible... but hey, its better than this at least:

Double Dragon Advance is a remake of the original that incorporated several elements from DD1, DD2 and Super DD and it does a way better job at selling nostalgia than DDIV does. It's actually pretty good. So if Neon is too modern for you and you want something more akin to the originals, I'd say skip DDIV and get DD Advance instead.
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The Lunch Legend

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Hard to choose between 2 and 3 (nes). I'll go with 3 because of the new playable characters, moves, and locations.

Edit- Super Double Dragon is complete garbage.
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List is smaller than I expected....but my all time fav is DD2 on NES...great music and fairly dark with pretty awesome cutsecenes for it's time.

My 2nd favourite in the series is Double Dragon Advance...pretty solid for a remake. But Double Dragon remake on Zeebo is what I long for....hopefully through emulation in the distant future.
I would have said Double Dragon Arcade, just because it's how I most remember the series. A super old machine in the corner store near my school.

But after Jotego released his updated Double Dragon Arcade core for MiSTer a couple days ago, I have to say this new version is my favorite. Played it through and the total lack of slowdown makes it feel like a whole new game. Recency bias, for sure, but finally playing the original with none of the stuttering or sluggishness is so good.

Daniel Thomas MacInnes

GAF's Resident Saturn Omnibus
It’s a toss up as to which was the biggest butcher job for NES, Double Dragon or Strider.

Strider on the NES was great fun. It had a great pulp serial adventure style that was all class and the adventure made for a pretty good challenge. The "triangle" wall jumps were murder to pull off, however, but you only had to do that once or twice. It's unfortunate that it's become mostly forgotten in the last 30 years.

As for Double Dragon, DD2 on NES is a stone-cold classic and just about my favorite videogame for the system. The original arcade always played loose and sloppy, but it was a genre-exploding smash hit that always stole our quarters. And DD Advance is about as perfect an update/remake one could ask for. It runs even with Gekido Advance for the handheld's best beat-em-up.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Double Dragon Arcade and Neon gets my vote.

Arcade for just being one of the quintessential arcade games of the 80s/90s that you could not get the same experience at home. The sprites were bigger, you had multiplayer, it was just an aweseome arcade game.

Neon also was a great coop game.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
The best one is Double Dragon on GBA. By far the best, with a parry system and more advanced moves.


But you didn't have it on the list so I voted for the 2nd best, which is the SNES one.

Third place would be Double Dragon Neon.

Fourth place Double Dragon III.


It's by far not the best (DD2 NES is running away with it, which warms my heart since in the NES days I always thought I was alone in loving that version), but I have a thing for the Game Boy version of Double Dragon 2. It's limited, which the video below shows (and it's technically a Kunio-Kun / Renegade game reskinned; I mostly fell for the Kunio game since I had an import somehow, but the DD version has some spooky sprites,) but the timing system of the duck leading into an uppercut was challenging and rewarding at the time.

The VS mode in Double Dragon NES was pretty fun at the time. Had dozens of hours in that. I was thought it strange how they redrew the sprites for the characters and each animation.

Weird, I never saw the two modes side-by-side, not even sure if I really realized the character sprites were different or thought about the work that went into putting both character sets on the cart. (You'd think, dude, just use the good sprites in the Campaign!, but moving sprite limits were a thing then and VS shows the hardware hitting its limitations in the flicker, the Campaign only has 2 enemies on screen at a time and no 2P mode as it is, supposedly for technical limitation reasons.)


Super Double dragon for me! Also, the movie was so cool as a kid.

You could add DD4 to the poll. It's a follow up to dd3 using the same Nes sprites

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Because of this thread, I've found a soundboard of DD2 online, I am going to use that Knee kick sound(pzzhzhzhzhzhz), and hurricane kick,

and most of all that "POW!" as notification sounds for my phone.

Double Dragon 2 is the best double dragon.
Double Dragon Advance is the best by...a lot.

Of the ones listed it's either Double Dragon II NES or Super/Return of Double Dragon. The caveats for each of course being NES has platforming that may kill it for some while the SNES game is really slow and a long game (By genre standards).
Double Dragon 2 I would say has the best fighting system but Super Double Dragon is my personal favorite and the best 2 player pick up and play game in the series.

All the weapons, the various attacks with the strength meter, being able to catch punches and then proceed to backhand the shit out of enemies or throw them. Such an awesome game.

People rag on it cause it's "slow", it is I guess but it's fun as hell and has a fantastic OST.

I remember enjoying DDIII on the Genesis but I have no idea if it holds up well. DDIII on the NES could have been amazing but the game is balls difficult and just not worth the effort. Even when it was new, all the kids knew that the game was absolute bullshit.


Really cool to see Super Double Dragon get some love, for years I felt like I was the only person who remembered it fondly and still do.
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The VS mode in Double Dragon NES was pretty fun at the time. Had dozens of hours in that. I was thought it strange how they redrew the sprites for the characters and each animation.

My buddy and I would play as Abobo and just charge at each other. Oftentimes hitting the oppositte wall and then proceeding to laugh our asses off. Such a fun mode.
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