Dragon Age: The Veilguard | Review Thread

What scores do you think Dragon Age: The Veilguard will get?

  • 60-64%

    Votes: 14 4.9%
  • 65-69%

    Votes: 14 4.9%
  • 70-74%

    Votes: 23 8.1%
  • 75-79%

    Votes: 59 20.8%
  • 80-84%

    Votes: 107 37.8%
  • 85-89%

    Votes: 53 18.7%
  • 90-94%

    Votes: 8 2.8%
  • 95-100%

    Votes: 5 1.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
so? Movies, music, arts in generel, and offcourse video games are made by people. And all of them will always have political ideas, preferences, believes etc. Why is the mere mention of these kind of aspects/topics already enough for you to dismiss the whole product? I really dont get that. Every single medium created has some kind of underlying agenda. Thats how it works.
this is the counter argument... Imagine if Veilguard was its own IP as is, then 10 years down the line it becomes a dumb, crass, macho hack 'n slash with themes similar to the first Gears of War or Duke Nukem. A huge fan of Veilguard would be rightfully insulted. Now imagine new "fans" insulting fans of the original for being insulted and saying that they're acting stupid and that their opinions should be invalidated.

I could go on about arts vs products and the pandering of initiatives for the sake of pan-handling, but this is the basic gist of it... And then you also got the crazy people on the internet which ofc is something else entirely.


I think it depends more on person at this point.

Some people see purple hues in art style and take offence at that. While others are scratching their head at whats issue with the game?

It's not all over the place. What will be all over the place is bad writing. The woke stuff will be sprinkled here and there - character creator, character design, occasional bits of dialog. No doubt there is some selection going on, rage-bait for clicks, confirmation bias, and exaggeration. For example, I suspect that the Grummz clip above is something that will not be forced on everyone but only seen by people who choose to use pronouns they/them earlier in the game - in which case, they've asked for it. Non-wokies will not choose to use they/them pronouns and will not be subjected to that embarrassing lecture.

But where there's smoke there's usually fire, and there's plenty of smoke here. How much woke is baked into the cake, it's hard to say. All we've heard from so far is access journalists who have been specially selected for being favorable to the game, so they're not going to be critical of the woke stuff. I'd look to user reviews and to non-access journalists you trust for a better idea about the scope of the woke.

Thanks you both, will wait for more reviews to judge the game for myself.


Geez. Totally unnecessary in a video game. I'm fine with having options to create these types of characters....but keep this lecturing nonsense out of my videogames.
truth. if i wanted to learn woke culture i would fucking take gender studies 69 back in community college.
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I don't know who is worse: the overly woke crowd or the butthurt right-wingers who basically fill their entire existence with anti-woke content, posting to indulge in their hate for different opinions and lifestyles.

Y'all are both equally insufferable and contribute to the destruction of our beloved hobby. Absolutely mental what people write on here. Get a life.

its a work of fiction. And creators get to choose what they create. Thats called creative freedom. You dont like what they produce? Dont buy it. Simple as that. Nodboy ows you anything. Even if you are a fan.

Your derogatory epithets are meaningless. They're silly these days, because they're grossly overused. No one gives a shit.

Opinions are a bitch, sometimes they diverge.

The fact that the creators chose to make a video game, promote it and sell it means that they should take self-accountability regarding its reception. I'm free to shit on it based on what i see. Whether me shitting on it or not is justified is open for debate. The debate in question can be civil, honest and constructive. Or it cannot be, in which case, i'll just shit on it for the horrid writing i have witnessed until i'm bored of doing so.


I don't know who is worse: the overly woke crowd or the butthurt right-wingers who basically fill their entire existence with anti-woke content, posting to indulge in their hate for different opinions and lifestyles.

Y'all are both equally insufferable and contribute to the destruction of our beloved hobby. Absolutely mental what people write on here. Get a life.

its a work of fiction. And creators get to choose what they create. Thats called creative freedom. You dont like what they produce? Dont buy it. Simple as that. Nodboy ows you anything. Even if you are a fan.

Creative freedom is something that gets lost if your project needs to be reviewed by shits like Sweet Baby. They are likely responsible for toning down certain designs and events you might have conjured up as a creator.

This is the problem. People here have no issues with games and studios not being tainted by these agendas. Its the ones pushing diversity for the sake of being diverse that gets flak.


So EA pro is $17 for a month. Can probably try to knock out this and Jedi survivor, but don't like the idea of being pressured to play, hence why avoiding sub services. Is there a good deal on veilguard otherwise?



This brings me back to when 'SJW' was a sincere term years and years ago. I remember various people lecturing others on sites like Livejournal, Tumblr, etc. about how to make a correct apology. For example, it was highly offensive to say: "I'm sorry if I upset/hurt you." - because there's no "if" in a genuine apology. This kind of behavior was the precursor to cancel culture because it eventually devolved into apologies are offensive - the person should have known better in the first place and should just disappear entirely.

Funny how things change, but don't really, over time. We still have people lecturing others on how to correctly say they're sorry. It's just gone from randoms on the internet to dialogue in a game. :messenger_expressionless:


Reseterror Resettler
Damn, so he was on 4chan at some point, like the ALLEGED self-confessed culprit of the theft (which was 100% not a troll) and few millions of other people.
This clearly holds up as OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE stacked against him.

Are you for fucking real?

Stop making better sounding sidequests than the game features.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Lighting in this game is very odd when it comes to skin tone.

I picked the male albino cool option and I still look like I’m Latino in shade. Only if the area is bright as hell does my skin tone reflect correctly.
Lighting in this game is very odd when it comes to skin tone.

I picked the male albino cool option and I still look like I’m Latino in shade. Only if the area is bright as hell does my skin tone reflect correctly.
woah woah woah mr. chud man. As a self identified latin american, the proper white washed term is latinx.

Also how is it so far? have you encountered at least one interesting side quest?
As expected…this thread is a shit show. I was just here for the reviews, holy shit 😂

How I Met Your Mother Barney GIF by Laff
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So EA pro is $17 for a month. Can probably try to knock out this and Jedi survivor, but don't like the idea of being pressured to play, hence why avoiding sub services. Is there a good deal on veilguard otherwise?
Jedi Survivor is on Gamepass, better deal :D
I've been reading some of the lower review scores and most of them recommend skipping the character quests/side content and focusing on the main story for the best narrative experience. The downside is potentially getting a much worse result/ending than normal.
Companion quests are the bread and butter of BioWare games
Companion quests in other Bioware games found a way to move the plot forward in a meaningful and impactful way while making your co-star the star of their own mini-narrative adventure.

Not saying DA:V doesn't do this as I haven't played it yet, but from everything I'm reading it sounds like the companion quests in this game have many moments that are similar to watching a slice of life TV show/anime.

Edit: There was a game I played not long ago that had similar slice of life companion quests and I was trying to remember what it was, but I remember now:


I kind of speed-read through Scarlet Nexus' companion quests for that reason.
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
woah woah woah mr. chud man. As a self identified latin american, the proper white washed term is latinx.

Also how is it so far? have you encountered at least one interesting side quest?
Only in the tutorial kind of stuff. Just landed in the first real area I think.

So far combat was fun as a mage on hard mode. Music is good. Voice acting is good. Visuals are top notch.

The plot set up so far is good too. Im sure it’ll shit itself soon enough.
Imagine if this was classic BioWare and you had the renegade option just to slap them.
The best Renegade option in terms of being comedic instead of you know genociding an entire alien species was the one in ME2 where you just said fuck it and kicked a dude through a glass window and he fell 200 stories to splat on the sidewalk below
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The best Renegade option in terms of being comedic instead of you know genociding an entire alien species was the one in ME2 where you just said fuck it and kicked a dude through a glass window and he fell 200 stories to splat on the sidewalk below
Damn, ME2 was so good, those Renegade options were delicious AF, the responses in DA Veilguard in comparison feel like the aftertaste from a burp after a great meal the night before.


I've never even heard of this dude until the dragon age stuff. Now I'm starting to watch his videos.
He seems fine to me so far.

I like him and enjoy his takes on games and various other subjects. However, to a certain segment, he's racist, sexist, every "ist" and "phobic" in existence - he's not, but has expressed views that some don't like and is too big to be cancelled. The over the top reactions to him and his audience have become something of a meme as illustrated by this comment on the Concord petition.
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The nicest person on this forum
I don't know who is worse: the overly woke crowd or the butthurt right-wingers who basically fill their entire existence with anti-woke content, posting to indulge in their hate for different opinions and lifestyles.

Y'all are both equally insufferable and contribute to the destruction of our beloved hobby. Absolutely mental what people write on here. Get a life.

its a work of fiction. And creators get to choose what they create. Thats called creative freedom. You dont like what they produce? Dont buy it. Simple as that. Nodboy ows you anything. Even if you are a fan.
That part I agree, every developers are free to make what they want to make and players are free to like or not like what they made and so we speak with our money.

I personally dont like idea developers should be limited just because noises on internet.
its a work of fiction. And creators get to choose what they create. Thats called creative freedom. You dont like what they produce? Dont buy it. Simple as that. Nodboy ows you anything. Even if you are a fan.
It's also a business, and it's made by a big corporation aiming for the mass market to maximize revenue/profit.

forget about the culture war, fans are just a more enthusiastic and invested consumer you know? the type of people (especially in games) that are willing, even happy to spend a lot of money for a broken product and still defend it.

... this is not a New IP, and because of that there are consumer expectations.

real fans (im not taking about fanboys/trolls) want to enjoy everything from the IP they love, 100% of the time.

so, if they feel bad, dissapointed, sad or even mad.... they should voice their opinions if they like. especially because they are the ones that buy this shit day one.

when you think about it....entertainment... your "work of fiction" is so fricking lame. why do some people attach so emotionally to stories and characters? but people do 🤷🏼‍♂️
Lighting in this game is very odd when it comes to skin tone.

I picked the male albino cool option and I still look like I’m Latino in shade. Only if the area is bright as hell does my skin tone reflect correctly.
Yes, I encountered the same issue.


Gold Member
I watched the Skillup review as I surfed the net. Wow did he grill it. Sounds like total junk.

I should watch more of his reviews. I remember his review of Dark Alliance and he grilled it too. His reviews are well done and very detailed so it shows he plays the game (complete with gameplay snippets to prove his point).
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