Has it been said what you have to do to play the industrial revolution things if you preordered from steam? I can't seem to find a code anywhere on steam that I can put in on the website.
I missed it. Just got a PC that can run games yesterday.
Has it been said what you have to do to play the industrial revolution things if you preordered from steam? I can't seem to find a code anywhere on steam that I can put in on the website.
Has it been said what you have to do to play the industrial revolution things if you preordered from steam? I can't seem to find a code anywhere on steam that I can put in on the website.
What's that, about a little over 2MB/s?Preload for Infinite should take me an hour and a half. I love my Internet Speeds.
Has it been said what you have to do to play the industrial revolution things if you preordered from steam? I can't seem to find a code anywhere on steam that I can put in on the website.
Got the PC for Bioshock or just for everything? Anyways grats, welcome to the master race, We have pie
What specs too?
My old laptop struggled loading HD youtube vids, haha. Needed an upgrade.
Here's the specs. Nothing too crazy, but it's all I really need:
i7 3632QM 2.2GHz
Geforce 650M
8gb DDR3 RAM
17.3" screen, 1600x900
I would get Infinite on PC, but I can't pass up the convenience of a console version atm
And I officially hate youMy internet speed gets 300 kb/s. time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes
I get about 2MB/s on Comcast cable these days, but I had dial-up until 2005 so I don't really feel sorry for anyone.
Yikes, Dial up? That's raw buddy lol
Anyone get the GMG bundle and looking to sell their Civ V key?
I can give it to you for free. Just gift me a game later on whenever.
pm me your steam info.
What's that, about a little over 2MB/s?
Got my hand on a copy.
I don't even feel like playing it until Monday, maybe it's exhaustion from work.
Fine, I'll even wait until tuesday.
I never thought I would find playing a video game too much after a long week.
Got my hand on a copy.
I don't even feel like playing it until Monday, maybe it's exhaustion from work.
So I'm finally playing the Industrial Revolution game...
Anyone know of a clear advantage between Founders and Vox Populi on the web game?
As the title says, I got my ps3 copy today (although I'm waiting for my xbox copy to ACTUALLY play it haha) and thought I'd try to unlock 1999 mode.
After start screen just enter up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, circle, X, start (on ps3) and a screen will pop up telling you you've unlocked it and it's available to choose from new game when selecting difficulty.
So I'm finally playing the Industrial Revolution game...
Anyone know of a clear advantage between Founders and Vox Populi on the web game?
I have most of the bonuses unlocked for Industrial Revolution except for the last one. Is it worth the slog to get it?
And I was still untouchable in Counter-Strike in high school on a 300 ping.
Just so you know ahead of time, the last unlockable is just some crappy FB stuff, so if you get bored, then just stop playing. It's not worth it.
Of course you were untouchable - literally - you had 300 ping. I can never hit you teleporting bastards.
It appears to be nothing more than a bullet point to put on the back of the box to appease old school PC gamers. Makes things harder and references this to 1999 which is when SS2 came out. You know the hardcore mode in Fallout New Vegas? Apparently like that.What is 1999 mode anyway? I haven't really actively kept up with information about the game.
What is 1999 mode anyway? I haven't really actively kept up with information about the game.
It appears to be nothing more than a bullet point to put on the back of the box to appease old school PC gamers. Makes things harder and references this to 1999 which is when SS2 came out.
That is unless the developers wish to give us more details.
This new generation doesn't know shit about LPBs and HPBs.
New generation? Do I qualify as a new generation person if I could tell what speed my modem was connecting at by the noise it would make?
Anyway - my statement stands. Owning people while playing with 300 ping ain't no thang.
New generation means people who were born the year Quake II was released are in high school now.
What is 1999 mode anyway? I haven't really actively kept up with information about the game.
All I know about it is that it's harder and you need to plan out your character build and upgrades a lot better. You have to specialize in 1999, you can't be a jack of all trades. I don't know how it limits those options though.
I'm loving the game on PS3. Runs really well and looks gorgeous. Has some slight tearing but nothing too bad. There's an unlock framerate version in the menu but I prefer a consistent feel.
Only blemish I've see so far. MEGATEXTURE!!!
There's tearing with vsync enabled?I'm loving the game on PS3. Runs really well and looks gorgeous. Has some slight tearing but nothing too bad. There's an unlock framerate version in the menu but I prefer a consistent feel.
Only blemish I've see so far. MEGATEXTURE!!!
I'm loving the game on PS3. Runs really well and looks gorgeous. Has some slight tearing but nothing too bad. There's an unlock framerate version in the menu but I prefer a consistent feel.
Only blemish I've see so far. MEGATEXTURE!!!