Best first 45 minutes of the generation.
Just introduced Bioshock to my fiance. She's new to gaming and still has trouble with the dual sticks for FPS (plays Skyrim 3rd person).
She absolutely loves it (despite not able to play the game well), mostly due to the atmosphere. She skipped quite a bit of material due to not being used to exploration type gameplay, but found much of the beginning moments in Rapture to be terrifying.
Yep, what he posted were rashersThat's not bacon bro. It might come from a pig and even be made from the same process as bacon, but this my friend is bacon:
Goddamn, this thread is in full hype mode. Reminds me of the Diablo 3 pre-launch thread, lol.
Goddamn, this thread is in full hype mode. Reminds me of the Diablo 3 pre-launch thread, lol.
I hope this thread doesn't have reason to become like that thread after the game is out.
I envy guys whose girlfriends are gamersMy GF hates them
It will turn into awkward Elizabeth fanfiction and nude mods, book it booker.
Skyrim, Bioshock (buying those two, Bioshock a couple of hours after introducing it to her), and FEAR.
My girl plays the hell out of bejeweled 3 and the Ms. Pacman machine I bought her. Well, wait...does that even count?I envy guys whose girlfriends are gamersMy GF hates them
I envy guys whose girlfriends are gamersMy GF hates them
Damn, son. That's pretty hardcore. My most recent Ex just played The Sims all day, which made her horny for some reason. That's about all I remember about that.
I hear gf has made me realize how daunting the modern controller is to the uninitiated...that and she has no interest in games in general.
Well, she spent some time at her father's recently to help take care of her brother whose house was destroyed in a vehicle accident, so passing the time ended up focusing on the Xbox. She started with Alice: Madness Returns, moved to Minecraft, and started trying out Skyrim, Bioshock (buying those two, Bioshock a couple of hours after introducing it to her), and FEAR.
She's not a gamer quite yet, but we'll see down the line if she can get used to combat in First-Person titles. The right stick still remains to be a bit of a mystery to her, so she still has plenty of hate for them alongside her worry that the months she's dedicating to the Corps will leave me glued to them.
I think The Walking Dead could be a great "spring-board" game for a lot of girlfriends. I already have quite a few female friends who are great fans of the show.
I think The Walking Dead could be a great "spring-board" game for a lot of girlfriends. I already have quite a few female friends who are great fans of the show.
I think The Walking Dead could be a great "spring-board" game for a lot of girlfriends. I already have quite a few female friends who are great fans of the show.
Part of the reason Portal is such a great jumping off point for most. Great intro to modern games.
SD to LA drives are nice. I did it for The Stone Roses, Blur, Pulp, and sadly Oasis when I was in high school and a freshman in college.
Interestingly enough my wife just wanted to watch me play that instead of playing herself.
I was actually thinking it would be a nice game to play together, with each person trading off after 1 episode (1 a night, or 1 a week) because it's equally as fun to watch. Lots of nice emotional moments and jump scares perfect for cuddling and blankets and the lights off and shit.
I was actually thinking it would be a nice game to play together, with each person trading off after 1 episode (1 a night, or 1 a week) because it's equally as fun to watch. Lots of nice emotional moments and jump scares perfect for cuddling and blankets and the lights off and shit.
Alright, reinstalling Bioshock 2 and GFWL seems to have fixed my crashing issue.
The drill is still as awesome as I remember it and hacking is soooo much better in Bioshock 2.
I think the reason she didn't want to play is because she played the demo and found it too tense for her to react within the time constraints.
As the guy above said, the male can handle the controller and the significant other can call out the dialogue choices, still a good way of involving both people in the action and having an experience "together".
Then you could talk about it afterwards and share your feelings.
Now I'm just living out a fake relationship in my head.
Alright, reinstalling Bioshock 2 and GFWL seems to have fixed my crashing issue.
The drill is still as awesome as I remember it and hacking is soooo much better in Bioshock 2.
Cory Davis, Lead Dev on Spec Ops:
and of course:
greenmangaming has a very good offer as well, for $60 you get 3 extra games with bioshock infinite, xcom enemy unknown, bioshock 1 and an extra game of your choosing, i believe they have spec ops the line, civ 5, bioshock 2 and the darkness 2, you can also get either $15 GMG credit or $14 dollars back
Hmm... I like that GMG deal. Seems better than the Amazon offer.
I suppose I have a couple more days to make up my mind.
But Bioshock Infinite, Bioshock, XCOM, Civ 5 (what I would pick since I already own Spec Ops The Line) and $15 sounds like a good deal.
EDIT: Putting that $15 credit towards the Season Pass may be a good thing. Practically get the three DLC issues for a couple of bucks. I wonder if they'll be worth getting at all?
I had the same traumatizing experience. You need to disable dx10 and play in dx9. This is the most unstable game I played for a long time.Really? I tried that earlier and still can't get past the first Big sister encounter without it crashing on me.
Really? I tried that earlier and still can't get past the first Big sister encounter without it crashing on me.
I just hyped out my coffee.
I don't drink coffee.
This makes no sense.
Here's a small version of the LA-only Midnight Opening poster that our devs will be signing if you go to the Universal City walk location.![]()
We have custom posters for each of the 5 locations, and I'll be posting them all live either tomorrow or Friday.
Ken Levine's the creative lead on two of the three parts.
According to him, all three will be original, story-driven installments meant to flesh out the game's lore and world.
No one knows enough to allay concerns about quality, but having Irrational at the helm certainly eases some of the incredulity often associated with DLC content.
Fuck. I can't remember the last time I was so hopelessly hyped for a game. Probably LA Noire.
I suppose so, but she seemed content with me "Directing" the experience. She screamed out at me to go back and redo a part, and I refused to because IT HAPPENED, ITS OVER.
I still went back and redid it, same result. You can probably guess which part of Act 3 I was at.
Wow, I know this probably PC footage, but the little bits of gameplay interspersed between the interview look absolutely jaw dropping.
Especially in the 1080p option.
I did the same thing with a girlfriend a while back and Heavy Rain. She wasn't very good at controlling, but she wanted to play it, and made a lot of the bigger "moment" decisions, and it allowed for a really fun experience, until we hit a certain section about halfway through, where we both wanted to do something opposite.
It all came down to a 2 out of 3 RPS match.
She won.
Apologize if this has been asked many times already but there's too much to read in here. Is there an estimated time it will take to beat the campaign?
Apologize if this has been asked many times already but there's too much to read in here. Is there an estimated time it will take to beat the campaign?