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Black Popeye's Employee Body Slams White Customer After She uses the "N" Word


I can't even begin to imagine how bad that'd b trust n everything fuck me nightmare

it gets rough when you begin counting days and everything appears to be on loop

it's all worth it tho, if not you who else can they rely on to bring them back into the world

the smile on their faces when they leave the facilities with a clear head and a full heart, that's enough

Richard Packer

Gold Member
Fair enough, but keep in mind some people are very much capable of rehabilitation and becoming good, and even great people. I’m a convicted felon and even the most criminal minded individuals are capable of change. There are countless examples of this.

You know what. Jokes aside I really respect this post. You a good dude and I'd love to chill out and drink a beer with you.
It’s a slippery slope.

I don’t think anyone condones the use of racial slurs, but pointing out that using one shouldn’t excuse a young man breaking an old woman’s body viciously makes it look like one is “defending racism.”

I wanna make it clear, fuck that shit. I think people who use racial slurs like that are trashy as fuck. But this kind of retaliation only hurts “the cause.” This is a terrible look. You make her sympathetic, and you made her soon-to-be -rich. If you have video of her using the word then do what so many others have done, post that shit and expose her racist ass.

As far as I’m concerned unless someone is sincerely verbally threatening to cause harm to you or someone close to you then I just can’t justify use of force over words.

maybe it’s easy for me to say that because I’m white, I admit I’ll never know what it feels like to be called something like that, but I dunno man. I just dunno

pretty solid summary, and i generally agree

hopefully they both learned that there are consequences for their actions

Silent Duck

♫He’s mean and lady kickin’
Because he eats his chicken
He’s Popeye’s savage thug♫



You go to Popeyes and you know it’s gonna be mostly black people, she had it coming can’t just be saying it some people will attack. I will too depending on my mood.
I've always been of the belief that black folks who react this way to being called the N-word have a form of PTSD. Imagine being called all sorts of derogatory names and phrases, made to feel less than and probably degraded in some way at least once in life. You would probably overreact, too. It may seem trivial to many of y'all over a word, but going through that crap and then some white person says the N-word and it triggers THAT much rage in you...

I have a somewhat different take on the situation. I think when someone uses a slur, or says some other really loathsome thing, in a sense they're saying "Yeah, I said that! And you can't do anything about it." It's about asserting control, because the only step past that comes with consequences, and most people have the sense not to go down that road. Bullies are already willing to do things that comes with potential consequences, and they depend on others not responding in kind, or not properly standing up for themselves without going over the line.

Assuming all the negative things that have been said about both parties are true, he did it first by calling her a racial slur, although she might have said some horrible things first. But then she took the next step despite the consequences, and then he took it past even that. In a sense, everyone involved was Marty McFly, completely unable to handle the challenge of "what are you, chicken?" And now, two lives are most likely ruined, or were made much more difficult because of it.

Somehow, I just wrote that analogy completely forgetting this happened outside a Popeye's.
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What about the woman hitting her as well? No charges? You can see her clearly slamming her fists down on her.

Also, really sad, but you see the guy has absolutely no chill in the other videos from inside. From what I can surmise from the audio available, they were arguing about something (according to the woman's lawyer, about a refund). During this spat she likely raised her fist as they were arguing, not an uncommon gesture if you're mad. The guy then starts gauding her into hitting him, where she refuses and says she wasn't trying to hit nobody.
Then she says something that from audio sounds like: "Let me tell you something, you don't act like that, what a [foul neck? fowl neck? foul n*gg'?]". The guy taping recognizes it as the n-word, though it seems like the ending -a/-er can't be heard on the tape. Two possible explanations for this, perhaps it's a slang variant, cutting off the ending, or it ends up cut off due to problems with the recording of the audio, like the frequency or whatnot. It's of course also possible that the guy misheard as well, especially in a noisy environment.

Really, was dealt really badly. Who was the shift leader? Should've just gotten him away to cool off and put someone else in to deal with the customer. If the situation was to uncertain and not refunding immediately felt like something they could do, then at least should've given her a note and told her to come back tomorrow and speak to the manager. When I worked with fast food I've dealt with plenty of heated situations of all types and it seemed like a general failure of the staff when it came to de-escalation.


That was a 10/10 body slam, holy fuck.

But what impress me most of that video is who in the fuck has such a potato quality camera on their phone in 2019??
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does she get to sue popeyes for millions because it was an employee?

i feel like i've seen companies get sued for far less.


If you escalate to physical violence because of a word, you're a fucking pussy.

It's a word. Childish cunt.

In my personal experience, the kind of people that fire on a person for speaking out of turn or saying the wrong thing, are very rarely pussies unfortunately.


Perpetually Offended
Another case of "Dumb & Dumber"

Slip of the tongue... Saying the N-word is so uncommon to that lady that it just "slipped out" accidentally and caught her unawares!

The horror! And she didn't apologise for it because of the shock of having said it. She somehow was also acting like a douchebag, much to her surprise... Because obviously that isn't how she usually acts .. because, you know, slip of the tongue and all.
Oh, FFS, all people show that "mentality", because, wait for it, for most of the history of humanity we lived in tribes.
I'm not sure "all people" would clump together to suffocate a single elderly white woman as she was leaving the establishment. The employees had won at that point but wanted to escalate the situation and in turn became what they were supposedly fighting against.

And as a result of these words, I'll be branded as a racist and truth be told I can live with that. But speaking from my personal experiences knowing and being around black people they tend to be more animated and rowdier than any other race I've ever known.

But hey, that's just my opinion mannn!


Perpetually Offended
I'm not sure "all people" would clump together to suffocate a single elderly white woman as she was leaving the establishment. The employees had won at that point but wanted to escalate the situation and in turn became what they were supposedly fighting against.

And as a result of these words, I'll be branded as a racist and truth be told I can live with that. But speaking from my personal experiences knowing and being around black people they tend to be more animated and rowdier than any other race I've ever known.

But hey, that's just my opinion mannn!

Mob... it was one person who body slammed her. And I'm sorry but any time anyone uses that word as nonchalantly as she did (there's a before video showing her doing such) and you wonder why those black folks were hyped?

But yeah... We're a rowdy race. A mob. We're literal Nazis.


6 broken ribs
2 shattered kneecaps
1 broken arm

That was such a disgusting overreaction, regardless of the accuracy of the medical report.

He done.


Felony aggravated assault in Tennessee carries a sentence of 3 to 15 years, plus fine and restitution. Given the video evidence, a plea deal seems prudent.

I doubt he'll ever again be employable at any chicken restaurant.
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...yeah you should've just said a witty comeback insult at her and then had a guard escort her off the premises. The dude was being WAY too extra. Plus, I don't care if a woman is being retarded saying dumb offensive shit, as a man you don't lay hands on her unless your life is in immediate physical danger.

Which for the employee in this situation, it clearly wasn't. The girl is obviously retarded (assuming she said the Hard-R; I really don't see an issue with people saying nigga given prevalent it is in mainstream hip-hop these days and that these kids most definitely listen to it, so it's naturally going to become a part of their vocabulary), but the employee's response was in the wrong, too. Both parties are idiots.

That wouldn’t deter shit. First of all, almost certainly she was called cracker first. So who gets fined here? Both of them?

“That” word is not so special that it justifies physical violence. He is 100% at fault for what he did and it doesn’t matter how much of an asshole she was she didn’t deserve that kind of reaction. Cussed out? Yes. Banned from the premises? Absolutely. But any leaning toward her being responsible for his reaction needs to stop now.

You don't need to go into baseless speculation in order to condemn the employee for implementing excessive (and completely unnecessary) use of force.
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Perpetually Offended
...yeah you should've just said a witty comeback insult at her and then had a guard escort her off the premises. The dude was being WAY too extra. Plus, I don't care if a woman is being retarded saying dumb offensive shit, as a man you don't lay hands on her unless your life is in immediate physical danger.

Which for the employee in this situation, it clearly wasn't. The girl is obviously retarded (assuming she said the Hard-R; I really don't see an issue with people saying nigga given prevalent it is in mainstream hip-hop these days and that these kids most definitely listen to it, so it's naturally going to become a part of their vocabulary), but the employee's response was in the wrong, too. Both parties are idiots.

You don't need to go into baseless speculation in order to condemn the employee for implementing excessive (and completely unnecessary) use of force.

I posted the video of when she's saying the word ... Scroll up a bit.

And she's not a girl. She's an older woman in her 50s.
I'm not sure "all people" would clump together to suffocate a single elderly white woman as she was leaving the establishment. The employees had won at that point but wanted to escalate the situation and in turn became what they were supposedly fighting against.

And as a result of these words, I'll be branded as a racist and truth be told I can live with that. But speaking from my personal experiences knowing and being around black people they tend to be more animated and rowdier than any other race I've ever known.

But hey, that's just my opinion mannn!
Where do you live?
Just wondering because, growing up in the bay area, every race and denomination can get "rowdy".

Shit, I've seen white girls flip their shit and mob out far more often than people of color.

Also, anecdotes man. Anecdotes. Your personal experience in life does not paint an accurate picture of the world as a whole and every.
On earth.
Should check themselves in this manner.

Tldr: Dont generalize. Seriously. Makes you look very narrow minded.
Mob... it was one person who body slammed her. And I'm sorry but any time anyone uses that word as nonchalantly as she did (there's a before video showing her doing such) and you wonder why those black folks were hyped?

But yeah... We're a rowdy race. A mob. We're literal Nazis.

Get the fuck outta here dude. He picked this old broad up and body slammed the shit out of her on pavement. Words or not, that guy is a psychopath. If some old black lady said some rude racial shit towards me my reaction wouldn’t be to break her in half. Defending this type of act is fucking crazy.
No black person alive today in America was a slave, so the notion that the word causes harm is more memetic than anything.

By this very logic, we shouldn't be seeing so many white people get offended by being called a Nazi. Like nigger (not nigga; I think the two deserve a designation of their own given the use-cases they tend to be used in), Nazi is predominantly used as an insult, and the idea it causes any kind of harm to a white person (German or otherwise) born today should be held to the similar idea of being more memetic if anything, because the vast majority of white people alive today were not born during the time of Nazi Germany. So then...why do so many people cry up a storm about it being used on them?

Either all of these similar things are equally silly, or none of them are. Making an exception for one but not the other predicated on an idea that one is more "valid" of decrying than the other based simply on traits of the affected parties, already betrays a bias built on nothing substantial. If my personal opinion is that blacks shouldn't be offended being called a nigger, then if I were an honest man, my opinion should also be that whites shouldn't be offended being called a Nazi. Both terms are used to betray an "other" as evil, sub-human and spoken with general points of inferiority/hatred/dislike towards those being labeled with it (when not be discussed in an academic context).

So why is it okay to tell a black person that being called a nigger should not register an emotional response from them, but a white person being called a Nazi justifies them in criticizing its usage or using its usage as motivation for their own retaliatory actions? You are still dealing with two words being used in hateful ways on people who have little or no connection to ancestors who bore the brunt of its usage (either in terms of ostracization/violence or fraudulent pride). And in both cases, usage of those words (when done in an antagonistic/malicious way to slander) done by parties who take at least some belief to extremists groups who regularly use the terms on those they dislike.

Saying one side has validation in complaining and taking action against a word that is essentially used as a slur against them, but the other side has no valid reason to do the same with a comparable slur that may be used against them, smells a lot of ironic bias and failing to see the forest from the trees. And funnily enough, just drives the extremes on both sides further apart, because you have a common point of shared problem that both sides are too prideful and arrogant to acknowledge the other has in common with them.

Whilst throwing her to floor was inappropriate, I would have been surprised had there been no physical contact. Notice the mob-like mentality the black people show when somebody happens to insult them. It's almost as though they crumble into a thousand pieces at the very mention of the word "n***ger" and resort to being rage-filled simpletons, instead of rising above it and showing they're better than that.

The individual who assaulted her will lose his employment, gain a criminal record and pay damages to the appropriate parties as noted above. As for the rest of the mob, they'll most likely be severely cautioned as it's Popeye's name they've dragged through the dirt.

Hope it was worth it morons.

Nice to see how lowly you think of me as an individual by judging me on the actions of other people I don't even know exist. I wish I could be naive enough to do the same with white kids at metal mosh pits. Those GG Allin videos are something pretty special.

Get the fuck outta here dude. He picked this old broad up and body slammed the shit out of her on pavement. Words or not, that guy is a psychopath. If some old black lady said some rude racial shit towards me my reaction wouldn’t be to break her in half. Defending this type of act is fucking crazy.

You can disavow the actions of the employee without stereotyping a group of people based on the actions of a few bad apples. That's...kind of the point. I don't see how you people are thinking this is so complicated.
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You don't need to go into baseless speculation in order to condemn the employee for implementing excessive (and completely unnecessary) use of force.

More like straight up attempt to murder.
More like straight up attempt to murder.

Most people don't body-slam in attempt to kill. Granted, there was a much greater risk of that happening here given the assumed frailty of the woman, but I'm not going to assume murder was the attempt here as I'm not a psychic nor was I there. Neither are you, nor were you.

Again, no need for baseless speculation to condemn what happened here; the employee is in the wrong legally. The woman is in the wrong in just being a decent "disgruntled customer" (why else would they have been at a Popeye's and seemingly angry while leaving?).

I posted the video of when she's saying the word ... Scroll up a bit.

And she's not a girl. She's an older woman in her 50s.

Still can't hear her clearly saying it in either form. Didn't even know their age until other posts were mentioning it. And to be fair, there are some younger women who dye their hair silver. Maybe not "girls" per se, but eh.

Basically my opinion is, the employee overreacted. I wouldn't have even entertained this woman; just call up local police if they refused to leave the premises, and at least get them out of the way from actual decent customers. Ignore her completely in the meantime while having an employee or two keep them isolated, and tend to other customers. Then let the cops handle her from there.

Physically removing her out of the restaurant is the absolute furthest it should've gone for any of the employees. Take her outside, keep her there until cops arrived, done. Even all the back-and-forth circus-level stuff between the employee and the lady wasn't necessary IMHO. But the slam to the ground was DEFINITELY not necessary; she was no actual threat by that point (or ever, honestly).
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Slip of the tongue... Saying the N-word is so uncommon to that lady that it just "slipped out" accidentally and caught her unawares!

The horror! And she didn't apologise for it because of the shock of having said it. She somehow was also acting like a douchebag, much to her surprise... Because obviously that isn't how she usually acts .. because, you know, slip of the tongue and all.

DeafTourette DeafTourette , can you point out where she says the n-word? I've been listening over and over and the only thing I can hear is "what a foul neck". As I've presented in my earlier post, it might be either some slang or dialect (i.e. "what a foul n*gg'), or it could be a failure of the recording. Though it might equally be that the guy recording it also misheard. The lady herself has communicated through her lawyer rejecting that she said a racial slur. And following the video, it's all about her fist, until the guy recording comments (after the "foul neck" part as it sounds to me) "ey, you're in the wrong place saying the n-word". The problem is that as far as I hear, there's no n-word being spoken, only the interpretation of someone up in the noise. And there's pros and cons in regards to who to trust, whether the recording or the person standing there.

Is there some dialect/slang that makes it more understandable to interpret it as the n-word?
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The stupidest part of this entire thing is that we literally don't have any recording of what started the confrontation.

From my limited Popeyes experience, the employees are surly and have bad attitudes and probably didn't care when she complained. They probably mouthed off at her because she is white. Since there is no more evidence of that happening than there is of her dropping the n bomb, I am going to go with that story because it appeals to my prejudices developed from years of experience dealing with certain demographics (lower income fast food workers in bad neighborhoods).


Most people don't body-slam in attempt to kill. Granted, there was a much greater risk of that happening here given the assumed frailty of the woman, but I'm not going to assume murder was the attempt here as I'm not a psychic nor was I there. Neither are you, nor were you.

Again, no need for baseless speculation to condemn what happened here; the employee is in the wrong legally. The woman is in the wrong in just being a decent "disgruntled customer" (why else would they have been at a Popeye's and seemingly angry while leaving?).

Still can't hear her clearly saying it in either form. Didn't even know their age until other posts were mentioning it. And to be fair, there are some younger women who dye their hair silver. Maybe not "girls" per se, but eh.

Basically my opinion is, the employee overreacted. I wouldn't have even entertained this woman; just call up local police if they refused to leave the premises, and at least get them out of the way from actual decent customers. Ignore her completely in the meantime while having an employee or two keep them isolated, and tend to other customers. Then let the cops handle her from there.

Physically removing her out of the restaurant is the absolute furthest it should've gone for any of the employees. Take her outside, keep her there until cops arrived, done. Even all the back-and-forth circus-level stuff between the employee and the lady wasn't necessary IMHO. But the slam to the ground was DEFINITELY not necessary; she was no actual threat by that point (or ever, honestly).

This aint high school u hit people in real world u go to jail. U do not harm or touch people without their permission.

He hits a 50 year old lady with intend to harm her badly, because that's what happens when u attack people like this at that age. She gets off with 7 or 8 broken bones? He could have basically killed her on the spot or injured her so badly that she couldn't move anymore and that all because of a word?

What if your wife said something towards me or i didn't like her face? and i break 8 bones in her body? how long will it take before you start to hunt me down with a gun? yea there you go.

Dude needs to go to jail for the rest of his life. Total psychopath.
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This aint high school. He hits a 50 year old lady with intend to harm her badly, because that's what happens when u attack people like this at that age. She gets off with 7 or 8 broken bones? He could have basically killed her on the spot or injured her so badly that she couldn't move anymore and that all because of a word?

What i your wife said something towards me? and i break 8 bones in her body? how long will it take before you start to hunt me down with a gun? yea there you go.

Dude needs to go to jail for the rest of his life. Total psychopath.

If he's a psychopath, then that would also potentially mean he has a mental illness. And I thought the whole debate around addressing mental illness these days was to treat those with them for their underlying conditions, not permanently brand them as criminals or treat them like freaks.

...though to be completely honest, it seems like only certain groups of people are afforded the excuse of mental illness for their bad actions and behaviors, sometimes even in lieu of regular legal punishments in case those bad actions result in others being harmed. It's happened enough as a pattern to definitely worth noting.

My answer to that wouldn't be to take the employee off the hook; they deserve legal punishment for what they've done. But if they're really a "psychopath", are they then a psychopath in the same vein of a Ted Bundy or Hannibal Lecter (fictional character but whatever, some people can only understand examples with fictional characters sadly), or a "psychopath" in that they have aggression issues that could likely be the result of emotional baggage and mental issues? Because it's just kind of funny that the same people always label people like the employee as the former (or insinuate as such) but not the latter.

...But the dude that shot up Las Vegas? Nah, it was a psy-op, never happened. And if it did, he clearly had a mental illness, his family should've gotten him help and stopped him beforehand. His wife should've. It's not really his fault you see, society pressures guys like him WAY too much!

Those are actual arguments I regularly saw online regarding that Vegas strip shooting back in the summer, by the way. Something tells me the arguments would've been completely different and less oddly sympathetic if the shooter were a few pigments darker, though. That's all I'm pointing out here, and again it's not because ANY people who do messed up things like that shooter, or the other examples, or this employee here, should get off for their actions.

Just that, with such being said, if you're going to entertain something like mental illness for some, you'd better be prepared to entertain that for all, otherwise people will get a whiff of the selective BS from a mile away and very early at that.
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The stupidest part of this entire thing is that we literally don't have any recording of what started the confrontation.

From my limited Popeyes experience, the employees are surly and have bad attitudes and probably didn't care when she complained. They probably mouthed off at her because she is white. Since there is no more evidence of that happening than there is of her dropping the n bomb, I am going to go with that story because it appeals to my prejudices developed from years of experience dealing with certain demographics (lower income fast food workers in bad neighborhoods).

That is what we call convenient ignorance.

They said she did, right there on video so it's entirely believable.

That said it look like it deescalated shortly after that. It looks like that employee escalated things a second time off camera. She's the customer, you can't go after her after deescalation like that. I'm sorry but that dude looses, he had time to cool down.
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...yeah you should've just said a witty comeback insult at her and then had a guard escort her off the premises. The dude was being WAY too extra. Plus, I don't care if a woman is being retarded saying dumb offensive shit, as a man you don't lay hands on her unless your life is in immediate physical danger.

Which for the employee in this situation, it clearly wasn't. The girl is obviously retarded (assuming she said the Hard-R; I really don't see an issue with people saying nigga given prevalent it is in mainstream hip-hop these days and that these kids most definitely listen to it, so it's naturally going to become a part of their vocabulary), but the employee's response was in the wrong, too. Both parties are idiots.

You don't need to go into baseless speculation in order to condemn the employee for implementing excessive (and completely unnecessary) use of force.

it’s not baseless any more. It’s pretty much confirmed they called her cracker first in that other video. But, you’re right. She could have put a sign around her neck that said “I hate niggers” and still shouldn’t have had what happened to her happen to her.

But this whole “Don’t start nothin, won’t be nothin” is some playground ethics bullshit. And that’s what I was responding to. Even on those grounds, she didn’t turn it racial first.

On the other hand, from the other video it also looks like she is one tone-deaf motherfucker. They told her many times to just leave. She thought she was so well protected socially that no one would touch her. She failed to grasp what was happening to her. I wanted to leave that restaurant just from watching the video because the tension was so thick.
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The stupidest part of this entire thing is that we literally don't have any recording of what started the confrontation.

From my limited Popeyes experience, the employees are surly and have bad attitudes and probably didn't care when she complained. They probably mouthed off at her because she is white. Since there is no more evidence of that happening than there is of her dropping the n bomb, I am going to go with that story because it appeals to my prejudices developed from years of experience dealing with certain demographics (lower income fast food workers in bad neighborhoods).

For those of us who complain about identity politics, this sort of thinking is exactly what we hate, just usually on the opposite side of the coin. If you're promoting negative generalizations about people because of their skin color, you're saying that it's not wrong to judge people based on their immutable characteristics. That logic is the same thing that promotes white privilege, and all the generalizations that go with it. That's what all woke wielders of negative assumptions of white people don't realize. In reality, all they're doing is promoting the idea that it IS okay to make assumptions about people because of their race.

So you need to decide. You can either get away from your prejudices and think of people as individuals (as I'm sure you want to be thought of), or you can continue to enable the divide.


For those of us who complain about identity politics, this sort of thinking is exactly what we hate, just usually on the opposite side of the coin. If you're promoting negative generalizations about people because of their skin color, you're saying that it's not wrong to judge people based on their immutable characteristics. That logic is the same thing that promotes white privilege, and all the generalizations that go with it. That's what all woke wielders of negative assumptions of white people don't realize. In reality, all they're doing is promoting the idea that it IS okay to make assumptions about people because of their race.

So you need to decide. You can either get away from your prejudices and think of people as individuals (as I'm sure you want to be thought of), or you can continue to enable the divide.

I don't like IDPol either. I am in a way lampooning the reaction to these type of situations.

At the same time, most stereotypes - be them positive or negative, tend to be based in reality.

People can be both individuals and stereotypes. If you want to be treated like an individual act like one. If you want to be treated like a stereotype, act exactly like how people expect you to act, like the body slamming worker here.

Richard Packer

Gold Member
Is a body slam when someone slams their own body into another or is it more like this video?

In wrasslin, it's usually a splash when you use you body and a slam when you slam someone on the ground. There are different variations.

This is an Olympic slam.


woke culture gives people a little voice in the back of their head that says violence is ok and justified as long as it’s carried out in accordance with the church’s principles.
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