Blizzard loses 11M players in 3 years


As they should. That studio is a shell of its former self now. More and more vets and older employees have bounced, and for good reason.

The sold out to godless commie chinks. Fuck em

There's actually alot of hackers that gaming developers are banning lately, and it's a massive deal (behind the scenes largely). PubG just recently banned over 2.5 million frauds/hackers/cheaters IN A SINGLE WEEK from their product. That particular company that does pubg has weekly cheating reports with bans, and the numbers are staggering. Very often over a million players banned. Shortly before the 2.5 it was 2.2 (in a week).


I'm surprised that WoW still has a monthly fee with all the extra shit people are paying for these days, mounts and all that crap. Should have gone free to pay years ago.


well, 11 million players paying 10$/€ a month that's 1.3 billion a year, not even counting the cosmetics MTX... That's a lot of money loss anyway.
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