If I remember the room correctly, a travel shard you should have at that point makes it much easier as you can travel through it without jumping.
If you're talking about the room I think.... You'll probably find it gets impossible to continue that wayLater, you get a certain armour that helps a lot
I just watched the "Bloodstained is Brilliant - But What's Up With The Switch Port?"
I saw that the switch had problems, but my biggest shock is that the game runs at 1080p on ps4 pro...and native 4k on one x. Why is the pro only at 1080p? That doesn't make any sense. There has to be a resolution update in the works, right? The pro should be able to push 60fps at a way higher resolution than 1080p. I'm not talking 4k native, but something between 1440p and 4k. There's no way it can only do this much.
I thought you can change outfits?? I read that what you wear is always visual? :/Occasional crashes aside, this game is great. I do wish that you could chabge outfits as well as helmets. Fighting in a frilly maid's costume when I'm supposedly wearing plate mail just seems silly. Was changing outfits that a stretch goal we didn't hit, or is the need to see the spreading stained glass stuff that important?
Hmm... not that I've seen. I'll have to take a look around (been trying to avoid spoilers, so I haven't seen a lot of media on the game). Maybe it's a Switch thing. *shrug*I thought you can change outfits?? I read that what you wear is always visual? :/
i think it's just scarves/headgear/weapons but the main clothes don't change.
i think it's just scarves/headgear/weapons but the main clothes don't change.
There is a treasure chest in the underground / waterway area that you have to return once you have either the high jump or invert ability. It has all the "fish" related recipes.
What is a man?99% weapons.
97% head armor.
97% body armor.
97& accessories.
99.80% map.
... what am I doing with my life?
... why do I keep hurting the ones I love?
... what is the meaning of existence?
99.80% map.
99.80% map.
I'll give it a shot tomorrow after work! Thanks!One would think that I couldn't possibly tell you where to find the two rooms you're missing, but I can give it a shot.
Ceiling of a big room in the library, in the floor close to and above the save point that is right next to when you first met Zangetsu, or in the floor of the secret laboratory on the far left of the room that's right next to the fast travel.
I'm betting at least one of your two remaining rooms is in a floor or ceiling somewhere.
rank 9 grade 9 for 20 hours.Detective Eye Shard.... ?
Hey I think I might buy this. I played Bloodstained Curse of the Moon on Switch which was fun. The problem I had with it though was the controls. The game is quite fast paced but it didn't feel responsive enough. It felt like you could only do one action at a time. Maybe because it's just a simple 2d game.
I can't really explain the issue properly but I guess I'm just asking how the controls are in this? Any issues or is it smooth/fluid?
I didn't play Curse of the Moon, but this feels very much like Symphony of the Night. If you enjoyed that game, you should pretty much know what to expect.
This video is from three years ago, so the animation and graphics improved significantly, but see for yourself:
Hey I think I might buy this. I played Bloodstained Curse of the Moon on Switch which was fun. The problem I had with it though was the controls. The game is quite fast paced but it didn't feel responsive enough. It felt like you could only do one action at a time. Maybe because it's just a simple 2d game.
I can't really explain the issue properly but I guess I'm just asking how the controls are in this? Any issues or is it smooth/fluid?
Will the chest bug be fixed so I can do the food sidequests?
Can I keep my items/shards and foes on New Game +?
Recently played SOTN for the first time.
Holy shit. That game is incredible. My main criticism is bosses became a bit easy at some point and the mist form let's you cheese everything.
Did you finish it "wear ... clock ..." "... in ... tower" style?
Starting a New Game + after having the latest update actually fixes the chest bug. You basically get to keep every shard and item unless it acts as a "key" of sorts. So you have to re-earn the double jump, reflector ray, etc.
"Hard" mode, despite being considerably harder, is easier in New Game +. That's because you're likely to be pretty over-leveled going into it. If you want to give yourself more of a challenge, don't use any armor, weapon, or shard until you "find" it again. That's what I did, and it helped my enjoyment for the second playthrough. Using the "favorites" feature allowed me to keep track of what I had earned again.
It's also a good time to master weapon techniques with weaker weapons, and level your passive shards up to 9, which turns them into permanent character upgrades. Once you master a weapon technique, it can be used with any weapon in its class. By the time I got the last Katana you get in the game, I had about five special moves I could do with it.
Before you start a new game though, I'd definitely suggest picking up the accelerator shard, if you don't have it. Also, be sure to keep looking at the crafting menu. It's easy to overlook the fact that you can actually make new ability shards once you find the book containing their alchemy formulas, and some of them are amazing. I'd say high jump, and augment gold are especially useful. Oh, and eat or drink everything you can, especially the beverages that give you permanently faster magic regeneration.
Does it keep my Quests too? I dread to think I have to do Lindsays and that Church girls all again.
Should do... If not love it!I've played and beaten every GBA, DS, Igavania and SotN. Am I going to like this?