I got lucky, I downloaded the patch after starting my game and didn't get progress blocked. I did find a few opened chests 4 or 5, but it was gear stuff. Only 1 was late game so most probably was anything great.
Anyway, got to the final boss last night, or should I say this morning

, really really like it. The framerate died (base PS4) during one of the last bosses though,
the coin guy from COTM, as the game couldn't handle all the magic I was doing plus rendering his
poker chip attack.
I also like that even with all the SOTN homage that the game goes full....
Aria/Dawn of Sorrow at the end, even final boss gave me Aria flashbacks.
Did all the special locked doors.
The last one being a zombie Belmont boss, with the quest being getting revenge for Richter, was a feels bad moment. At least he's got SMERSH.
This game is to Castlevania (and Symphony of the Night especially) what Stardew Valley is to Harvest Moon.
Fans of the genre will absolutely love it and recognize the talent that went into crafting such a loving homage that exceeds the games it's emulating in almost every conceivable way.
There is more SOTN references, but I would compare the game itself more to the Sorrows than SOTN. Most the stuff from Dawn of Sorrow return with some missing SOTN stuff and a little OOE thrown in.