Uhh.. what? Why would SJW's be over this game, Hammerlock has been gay since Borderlands 2 and in Borderlands 3 you supposedly go on a quest related to it, the games have their "strong power women" , Borderlands 2 was all about "inclusivity" and if you don't believe me
So I would figure the people who would be anti SJW would actually be up in arms about this game, but crazily enough, some people seem to think that Gearbox is the good guy in this and that they are just trying to stave off SJW's and Epic Torch mob
. Fucking hilarious logic here.
Also that one guy who said they were super confident in their product is why they only sent out a few review codes.
Now, why are these characters gay or bisexual? The answer is simple: we wanted to make our cast more diverse and inclusive, and it cost us effectively nothing to do so. We’ve received only a few negative emails or forum feedback about these characters. In fact, the positive feedback faroutweighed the negative feedback – how often can you say that on the Internet – and by being more inclusive, we’ve potentially increased our audience. In the future, I’d like to be even more overt in discussing the sexuality of gay or bisexual characters
So I would figure the people who would be anti SJW would actually be up in arms about this game, but crazily enough, some people seem to think that Gearbox is the good guy in this and that they are just trying to stave off SJW's and Epic Torch mob
Also that one guy who said they were super confident in their product is why they only sent out a few review codes.
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