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Breath of the Wild 2 Revisits The Same Hyrule - Eiji Aonuma



Unconfirmed Member
This was really disappointing news for me. Was expecting a totally new world. Whatever they add/change, I can’t imagine they’d just reuse the exact same world.
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And let's not forget, this is the only game I've ever played that added an update letting you trace your footsteps on the map. In 120 hours, I think I saw half the map, with giant chunks of it not even seen once.
as someone who got all 900 korok poops I have been all over this map and have not played in over a year but I loaded this up last week and I was having trouble remembering what was around the next hill the place is just so damn huge.

I have no complaints to revist areas next year


I played Breath of the Wild for well over 100 hours, and I never really got bored of it. The systems just worked for me. The one thing I thought the game was missing was more traditional dungeons. Using the same world and adding to it will allow them to fill the world out a little bit, and give it some underground dungeons. It seems based on the trailer that Hyrule Castle may end up in the sky as well. Plenty of interesting possibilities here.

I hope they avoid another damsel in distress story with Zelda.


easier than you think, moving a few NPCs adding new NPCs adding new towns, a few places built up others transformed. New enemies and mysteries. It is very easy to enjoy this Hyrule like a brand new one.

Besides it would even be better for BoTW fans to find familiar places and meet old NPCs with new stories and quests.
I'm honestly hoping, that because the trailer opens with Zelda and Link discovering what could be Gannon underneath Hyrule castle, that maybe a good deal of what's under Hyrule comes to the surface.



BOTW had by far the greatest world in any open world game, what a shame to know that the "Sequel" is gonna be a lazy cash grab.

Yakuza games all have the same city, it's what made them repetitive, but i can understand why, Sega is fucking broke, but Nintendo on the other hand is not.



BOTW had by far the greatest world in any open world game, what a shame to know that the "Sequel" is gonna be a lazy cash grab.

Yakuza games all have the same city, it's what made them repetitive, but i can understand why, Sega is fucking broke, but Nintendo on the other hand is not.
Not a chance. Not one. There's no way Nintendo would create the sequel to one of their biggest franchises knowing the expectations and Hope's behind it and simply ... " chash grab"?
You're dreaming lol



BOTW had by far the greatest world in any open world game, what a shame to know that the "Sequel" is gonna be a lazy cash grab.

Yakuza games all have the same city, it's what made them repetitive, but i can understand why, Sega is fucking broke, but Nintendo on the other hand is not.
Do you also consider Majora's mask a lazy cash grab as well?


Yeah... I'm not too keen with this decision. We've already visited this Hyrule. There won't be a sense of exploration this time. They're fucking reusing Gannon again too, aren't they? They better at least do a dark world variation of it, so it feels somewhat fresh. This is starting to sound like a missed opportunity. They should have done something unique like Majora's Mask. Use the same engine, reuse assets, but have a new (smaller) setting, new weapons/tools, new villain and proper dungeons.

If this game is the exact same Hyrule, but fixes things like the lackluster dungeons, bosses, and story of BotW, then I sure wish I waited and played this instead.

A link between worlds is basically the SNES map.

That's different since it was remade. They aren't remaking BoTW's map, they're apparently reusing it.


I would like to see the BOTW map rebuilt with the damaged places and landmarks restored to their former glory,if enough time had passed since the previous title we could see some new villages and towns also appear.


I think this game will be out a lot sooner than people expect. They already have a base for the game (BotW), and the assets ready. All that's needed is to retrofit it with new locations, mechanics, assets and story, and bam, BotW sequel. Don't be surprised if it makes a late 2020 release.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I must be just about the only one who was disappointed with BotW. It just felt so... empty. Far to big with too little variety in it. The shrines were way too repetitive. The gameplay was great. I sunk about 50 hours in before I got bored and had no motivation to finish it.
But I miss the traditional Zelda games, with multiple, themed, epic dungeons and an actual story.
No, you are not the only one, I 100% share your sentiments.


I feel meh about the announcement, but I'll wait and see. No need to panic yet. I'm just hoping they get rid of the breakable weapons system.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Im ok with the same or similar map, im fine with breakable weapons. I am ok with shrines (I would prefer better dungeons).

What I am most worried about is that the enemy variety of the first game got old super fast. We need like double or even triple the amount of different enemies you can face, and not just pallet swaps.


This is the first time I don't get as excited for a Zelda announcement. Maybe because I hated the weapon system and the lack of proper dungeons. I'm sure they'll fix the lack of dungeons in the sequel lbut I really doubt they to get rid of the weapon degradation...


I loved BotW, but i hope the new game won't be too similar to the first.
The world will certainly have lost some of its mystery.
The most interesting thing in any Zelda game is the exploration and feeling of discovery. It would be extremely luckluster if they 'd recycle the full map from the previous game. Anyway, untill we see real gameplay it's too early for making predictions. After a masterpiece like BOTW it's hard to believe that Nintendo will mess this one up.


Gold Member
i'm fine with that. the map is perfect. surely there will be some changes to the map though. i think they should just take what they have from BOTW and just update/tweak things. add maybe a new town, remove some places, different buildings etc.

all i've ever wanted (well since 2017) is a sequel that is set in the same map but have a darker creepy feel to it. so far it seems that's exactly what we're getting.

the positive here is that the game might arrive sooner than we think! no need to create an entire new map from scratch. they just need to use BOTW as something to build upon. also, BOTW was developed with the Wii U in mind. This game will be the first major Zelda title for the Switch. Hopefully they can push the Switch hardware even more now.


I must be just about the only one who was disappointed with BotW. It just felt so... empty. Far to big with too little variety in it. The shrines were way too repetitive. The gameplay was great. I sunk about 50 hours in before I got bored and had no motivation to finish it.
But I miss the traditional Zelda games, with multiple, themed, epic dungeons and an actual story.

Nope, you aren't alone. I was disappointed as well and I actually finsihed the game with all shrines and beasts completed.

If the "same Hyrule" means just the same shrines and stuff with no normal temples and stuff, I am going not even bother with it. I really disliked BOTW and have no desire to play or a sequel that"s more of the same again. I would much rather have the next different Zelda instead of a "Majora's Mask" type sequel.

Though I am curious to see how it sells, I guess we'll see just who really did like this style of Zelda and if BOTW is worthy of all those sales.


Gold Member
i really hope this game doesn't have a "tutorial" area like BOTW. the great plateau was fine in BOTW but most people who play BOTW 2 will know how things work. i'm sure there will be gameplay changes but doesn't need a whole area to explain them. this game definitely needs to be more challenging and even less handholding but not that is a criticism of BOTW. the game explains everything early on and you just go figure it out yourself.

I loved BotW, but i hope the new game won't be too similar to the first.
The world will certainly have lost some of its mystery.
i expect it will be mostly the same but they'll make it clear early on that things have changed which will give you the incentive to go explore to see what's new.

i really can't see them having things like korok seeds/shrines all in the same places. if they keep shrines they won't use the same puzzles/quests. that'd be dumb.

i think they'll just take the map itself and wipe it clean and add new POI's that make sense to this game.
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i expect it will be mostly the same but they'll make it clear early on that things have changed which will give you the incentive to go explore to see what's new.

Hmm. Doesn't sound too exciting. But i will wait and see what Nintendo comes up with.


My suspicion is that they will add underground dungeons. So rather than the shrines, we will have more traditional Zelda gameplay.


The same world does not mean the exact same map, per se. If it is the same map, they'd better make some major changes, but keep it smart. Crackdown 2 reused too much of the first thinking the addition of zombies would make all the difference, and it was miserable.

Not to harp, but one thing that could make the same old areas seem new again would be a new moveset (and perhaps a different protagonist). Replace the glider with, say, double-hookshots, and it might not be better, but it would certainly be a different place to get around.

I don't mind weapon durability necessarily, but it got old fast in BotW. On the other hand, without the risk of your favorite weapon wearing down and breaking, a lot of the tension of combat encounters would be out the window, and you'd soon have a slew of favorite weapons with no reason to exchange them.

I hope they at least tweak the formula in some way to make it less tedious, like, let us combine two or more of the same weapon to repair it, or perhaps even create a plus version that's more durable or has marginally better stats or something.
How weird will this be when in the exact same world shrines disappeared, weapon durability went away and dungeons became a thing? Any lore snippet to explain that?


This is the first time I don't get as excited for a Zelda announcement. Maybe because I hated the weapon system and the lack of proper dungeons. I'm sure they'll fix the lack of dungeons in the sequel lbut I really doubt they to get rid of the weapon degradation...
I think they will do something with the weapon weapon system. I didbt dislike it as much as I found it tedious with menu system. I have some ideas.

1. Base weapons that dont break and reward playing well. Like at full hearts its strong, but get weaker the less hearts you have.

2 Easily switchable weapons without takong you out of the gameplay, having to essentially pause the game mid combat take me way out of the action, and its hard to for me to adjust back into the situation im in.

3. Grinding stones or something similar where your weapons dont break but you need to be out of action and maybe have the matetials to restore them.

4. Kind of a reach, but magic. Applying buffs elemental or otherwise, using magic to restore weapons. Something where and mp meter effects or can help with weapons.

I really hope they dont keep it the axact same. I really wanna see them overhaul the combat system, maybe some weapon arts or character skills.

Would be sweet if zelds was a caster and you could fight with her.


How weird will this be when in the exact same world shrines disappeared, weapon durability went away and dungeons became a thing? Any lore snippet to explain that?
Off the top of my head? The temples were always there, just undiscovered. And shrines don't have to go away, they could just be inaccessible monuments. On the other hand, they rose up out of the ground, they could just sink again. *shrug*

The real problem is, if you have just eight big dungeons, what is there to do in the rest of that huge world? Why explore if there's nothing to find? I'm betting on new shrines or some kind of mini-dungeons (maybe teleporting gateways?).
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I must be just about the only one who was disappointed with BotW. It just felt so... empty. Far to big with too little variety in it. The shrines were way too repetitive. The gameplay was great. I sunk about 50 hours in before I got bored and had no motivation to finish it.
But I miss the traditional Zelda games, with multiple, themed, epic dungeons and an actual story.
It's been like one game and Link's Awakening is getting a remake so you're good.


I think they will do something with the weapon weapon system. I didbt dislike it as much as I found it tedious with menu system. I have some ideas.

1. Base weapons that dont break and reward playing well. Like at full hearts its strong, but get weaker the less hearts you have.

2 Easily switchable weapons without takong you out of the gameplay, having to essentially pause the game mid combat take me way out of the action, and its hard to for me to adjust back into the situation im in.

3. Grinding stones or something similar where your weapons dont break but you need to be out of action and maybe have the matetials to restore them.

4. Kind of a reach, but magic. Applying buffs elemental or otherwise, using magic to restore weapons. Something where and mp meter effects or can help with weapons.

I really hope they dont keep it the axact same. I really wanna see them overhaul the combat system, maybe some weapon arts or character skills.

Would be sweet if zelds was a caster and you could fight with her.
Yeah something like that would be better, or maybe having unbreakable weapons that are hard to obtain, like the hylian shield in skyward sword. In my case for example lost all interest in getting the guardian equipment because it can also break, whats th epoint of spending so much time to get something that is temporary. Another disapointment was the master sword losing power, it's goddam master sword!


Yeah something like that would be better, or maybe having unbreakable weapons that are hard to obtain, like the hylian shield in skyward sword. In my case for example lost all interest in getting the guardian equipment because it can also break, whats th epoint of spending so much time to get something that is temporary. Another disapointment was the master sword losing power, it's goddam master sword!
Absolutely agree. My personality has the cursed RPG consumabke trait, where I wont use consumables of fear of running out. Its mostly irrational but I cant personsally help it.

So yeah, same with me, I rarely used my high end gear. It actually incentivised me to use gear i didnt mind losing, which i cant imagine is how they wanted it to be played.

Side note, it took me years to use consumables in From Software games, granted im still really stingy with them and will never use the last one :D


Absolutely agree. My personality has the cursed RPG consumabke trait, where I wont use consumables of fear of running out. Its mostly irrational but I cant personsally help it.

So yeah, same with me, I rarely used my high end gear. It actually incentivised me to use gear i didnt mind losing, which i cant imagine is how they wanted it to be played.

Side note, it took me years to use consumables in From Software games, granted im still really stingy with them and will never use the last one :D
Holy s* thats exactly what I do too. Always finishing RPGs with lots of unused items and equipment XD



My suspicion is that they will add underground dungeons. So rather than the shrines, we will have more traditional Zelda gameplay.
I agree. Id make a healthy bet that they wont include shrines entirely. Interested in how they will tackle where your stats are assuming this takes place directly after BOTW. Id personally be taken aback if you start with 3 health bars and one stamina ring and have to find shrines to increase them again. I want the same BOTW with different gameplay systems.
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They might alter the world. Maybe destroy it, or make it tainted or something so it looks and feels fresh. And I wonder if performance will be better. Higher framerates and such.

God Enel

I love that they're using the old map and I'm excited to see what twist they're going to give it!

Love the whole idea, even though I didn't like botw because no dungeons and weapon durability.

I'm excited for this one!

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I'm calling it now. This will be the best Zelda game ever made. They have the engine, weather systems, physics, and giant overworld all done. Took them 5-6 years.

Now they can just focus only on new additional content, puzzles, story, dungeons. I don't see how it won't be the best one with this much of a head start. It's the perfect decision, and the only way we'd get another main Zelda on Switch. I am surprised people don't see how this was the only logical choice.

Playing both games back to back will be fun.
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