
BritGAF, BritGAF, BritGAF…
Discovered in 1925, BritGAF is a land beyond rules. When measured on a 30 centimeter ruler. A country that is always united (except when it it's not), that always maintains dignity (except when it doesn't) and can always take a joke (except when it can’t).
But it’s about the people of BritGAF we explore today. But who is they? When did they? And why?
People of BritGAF, or "plebs" as they're known, trade for goods with petty change and petty arguments. They will farage long into the night to catch their favourite fish, the ukipper.
The country is also home to the creature known as ducks, although nobody is quite sure what one really is.
The trading of songs is an ancient tradition. At least three songs are known to the community, all of which by the classical composer The Brothers Chuckle. At ten past eveningtimes, the people unite to worship the red haired Queen Williams. While rumoured to have used a guitar, she is mainly known for her work in “jifs”.
There are few things loved more in BritGAF than mathematics. Friends often demand to hear skills of their fellow countrymen by the demanding shout of "Count!". The sign of true friendship is how many people call you this. The leading count is known only by the name Piers.
The BritGAF have no concept of sport.
They do however have an interest in perfume, regularly discussing the fragrance "Clique". Members will often alert each other to this with a call of "What's Apppp". It's believed to be a reference to an ancient beer commercial. You must request the secret password to join this What's App, but must locate it first. The password is not given away easily and can only be revealed through a sequence of riddles.
The secret password is "hey who do I message to join WhatsApp group".
You've arrived on a rather special night...
by The_Poet
The community consists entirely of carnivores, due to an interest in "Meats". These Meats are often hunted in the London area, several times a year. Anybody proclaiming to have located a Meat in the Northern area of the country is a liar and a charlatan who should not be trusted.
Here, the latest meet could potentially be edited.
The next meet is taking place in the Swindon of the North... Manchester.
MEET INFORMATION: NeoGAF UK Meet Summer '15 - Manchester
When - Saturday 27th June
Where - Manchester m8
Tuesdays are my favourite days. What's yours? Here are some days people enjoy. Ooh, 17th Smarch. I love a Smarch.
8th January - Slowdive
11th January - woodsey1982/BGBW
14th January - Addnan
30th January - Guerrillas in the Mist
1st February - NinjaBoiX
6th February - IamMikeside
13th February - N7Commander95
20th February - Wunder
4th March - SuperSah/Vashetti
6th March - Inanna
14th March - Blink Me
16th March - Vereataes
18th March - Romez/alan666
19th March - Nerdkiller
26th March - Shane
5th April - CyanideStrike
6th April - Recall
7th April - Reknoc/Jedeye Sniv/Volotaire
9th April - SteveWD40
29th April - sploatee
30th April - wetflame
6th May - deli2000
11th May - Danj
18th May - show me your skeleton
22nd May - theaface
24th May - TCRS
29th May - shorty_symd
31st May - richisawesome
3rd June - Tarahiro
5th June - kyser73
8th June - Marc
9th June - Darren870
18th June - runlikehell
25th June - MrGlass
27th June - WraithBringer
6th July - Chopper
10th July - toweringinferno
12th July - Olliewilldie
19th July - Jordan91
27th July - Gumball
31st July - Son of D
4th August - cableathan
6th August - QuicheFontaine
7th August - TetraxShards
9th August - JonathanEx
17th August - afoni
27th August - Lollipop Dave
31st August - ittoryu
1st September - Cindres
2nd September - TheHollowNight
6th September - Mark1
9th September - Doc_Beaker
15th September - Screaming Meat
23rd September - Kentpaul
24th September - phisheep
25th September - SovanJedi
27th September - 8bit
7th October - caffeinedreamer
14th October - Juicy Bob
23rd October - NandyRewman
31st October - donkey show
3rd November - Hot Coldman
7th November - Deaf Spacker
15th November - jufonuk
26th November - zorlaczerohero
27th November - dapperbandit
29th November - Snarfington
8th December - poshclown
13th December - Lirlord
15th December - SamRambles
16th December - Musha_Soturi
19th December - jimbor
20th December - Tashbrooke
28th December - Little Old Man
Upon joining, it is ritual to complete the great questions. It is written that these are from the Great Inquisitor himself, Sir Jeremy of Paxman.
Where do you come from? (Where do you go, where do you come from Cotton Eye Joe etc)
What's your job/current education/whatever the heck it is you're up to?
What do you hope to achieve before your futile existence comes to an end?
Favourite daytime TV show?
Fish or chips?
Daddy or chips?
What's your tipple of choice?
Favourite party snack?
Who is the best bald person?
What's your disappointing claim to fame?
What's your perfect Sunday?
Did you threaten to overrule him?
Did you threaten to overrule him?
It's a yes or no question minister, did you threaten to overrule him?
BritGAF on Steam
BritGAF Gaming IDs
The Rulings of This Fair Land
For discussions of all things that matter, you may wish to join UK PoliGAF. In which we shout PARKLIFE at weird-haired blokes who uses fifty words when four would do.
The latest series of Britain’s favourite reality show, The Election Factor, starts in May. If you’re being, binge-watch the coalition series here.
Wall of Shame be updated with finalised shame:

We apologize for the faults in this post. Those responsible have been sacked.