Firstly I want to say Im really enjoying this game
Secondly I WOULD tell what is good about it. But I rather tell you a story.
Once upon a time, in a hell hole, far, far away there was a nameless man who could punch insanely quickly and break bushes with his fists.
He plopped into existence on a remote server. With nothing more than his starting items and a zombie mauling his face due to server latency.
His journey started light heartedly. He came across a body of a dismembered fellow citizen, he politely inquired if the citizen would be requiring that wrench on his persons any longer. The man took the gentlemans silence as a yes, please good sir! I cannot bear to have it in my locale any longer!
The man then starting using the head of the wrench to mate with the faces of walking dead - It was the start of a beautiful relationship and symbiosis between two sentient objects. Man and wrench.
After some through mating with skulls; the wrench began to tire, the man acknowledged his silent partners weary state and left her (My lawyers say the wrench must be a she due to gender neutrality) in his inventory to rest.
The man travelled onwards, admiring the fly tippers that had plagued the lander with their rubbish tipping on public highways. Are there no gentlemen left anymore? the man asked himself. His companion would retort, is she were not so tired.
The man after many minutes of walking the man was ambushed by 4 gentlemen, all armed with firearms pointed at him.
The gentlemen asked in the most gentlemanly fashion:- Want 2 help us come build a town

That man pondered for a while, this could be a trap. What he was more worried about is that following 4 burley white men into the bushes late at night could ruin his reputation as a stand up and decent gentlemen.
Weighing the risks he agreed politely.
The 5 gentlemen travelled down the road, for what seemed like many hours (20 minutes) until they came across a small town, partially build in the middle of a plains area.
For the next few days the man and his fellow gentlemen laughed, sang, and drank the polluted water from the river merrily. And as a result were plagued by the ungentlemanly affliction of diarrhoea.
Many days passed of incontinence and building.
Then, a large pack of ruffians assaulted the towns walls.
The more nimble ruffians simply vaulted over the walls IN A MOST UNGENTLEMANLY FASHION while the slower Ruffians pounded on the walls and demanded an audience with us.
I stood upon our half built watch tower. Gazing at the ruffians
The ungentlemanly behaviour
The pounding on the walls
The way they attacked us like feral beasts
The way they were dressed and many of them unclothed
Being a gentleman I knew this could only mean one thing. The French had found us.
The walls fell, many died from being driven indoors and (presumably) forced to sample their heathen food.
I did what I could, but there were too many Frenchmen to repel. I came down from my tower, firing my rifle as fast as I could at the hordes of unwashed Frenchmen. I could have sworn one was wielding a baguette.
I was forced inside, I fired my rifle with the most British and gentlemanly fury I could muster.
The Frenchmen piled up by the door. But there was too many.
I then barricaded myself inside buying myself only time.
In my last efforts, I took out my tired companion. I bashed and bashed and bashed the wall in front of me, breaking through enough to escape.
On the final swing my friend broke into pieces.
I heard her speak to me, broken on the floor
Be free
I ran outside, jumped over the fence and off to freedom.
Then I disconnected.