Yup. Also Im sure he isn't as fit all the time, specially if he doesn't have to do a shirtless scenes.
But he clearly maintains a level of fitness to keep the action roles coming his way.
She is a millionaire (with a famous daddy too), in a role in a shitty blockbuster action movie where half her job is looking good (just like, gasp!, her male costar).
She's not a cashier in a supermarket worrying she won't be able to afford rent if she doesn't loose weight because of a whim from her boss.
There are jobs where there's certain expectations regarding your physical appearance and/or fitness. If you don't like the pressure of staying fit then don't work in the field.
This video shows how hard it was for him to change habbits and to mantain the new habbits so he can keep his shape for his new roles
Now, this is BDH in Jurassic World

And this is BDH last year

Imagine Christian Bale going from ripped in Batman Begins to fat in Dark Knight
Or even Chris Pratt going from ripped in GOTG 1 to chubby in 2
You have to mantain weight or loose weight for a job if your character demands it.
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