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Buy/Sell/Trade Thread 2015

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For Sale

Olly Moss Mondo Studio Ghibli Screenprints 20 x 36 Numbered out of an edition of 430.

Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle $140 each shipped.





Assassin's Creed Unity Xbox One (digital version) $20 or willing to trade for Steam games
Splinter Cell Blacklist (Uplay code) $4

Accept Paypal.

Phantasy Star Online Episodes 1+2 Plus, sealed, for Gamecube

I know it's a longshot, but if anyone has it, I'm willing to pay a decent chunk of change. PM me!

[SOLD] Nvidia Pick your Path (Assassins Creed Unity, Far Cry 4 or The Crew) (EU, but don't think that makes a difference) - $25
Saints Row IV Amazon code (US) - $4

You can try trade offers, but Paypal preferred, fees for the buyer.

Smash Bros Wii U with Wii U Gamecube controller, both sealed.

Game only:
Mario Kart 7
Super Mario 3D Land

Sega Dreamcast with some controllers and Soul Calibur

Will add prices after doing some research but offers are very much welcome!
Preorder for sale on amazon: PENDING. Thanks for the heads up maxcriden

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D Limited Edition

I managed to order 2 of these, and I already gave away one of my preorders to another gaf member. Decided I don't really want the other one either. If you want a preorder of the Limited Edition, but couldn't one in, I'd be glad to offer mine.

I'm not looking to upsell anymore, and rip anyone off. The cost is $52.54 after tax, so if you want my preorder, you can have it at cost. I have the slowest shipping though, so if you want faster shipping, I'd ask you pay the difference.

Just looking for an amazon gift card so you can cover the cost of the preorder, and I'll send it to you.


Preorder for sale on amazon:

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D Limited Edition

I managed to order 2 of these, and I already gave away one of my preorders to another gaf member. Decided I don't really want the other one either. If you want a preorder of the Limited Edition, but couldn't one in, I'd be glad to offer mine.

I'm not looking to upsell anymore, and rip anyone off. The cost is $52.54 after tax, so if you want my preorder, you can have it at cost. I have the slowest shipping though, so if you want faster shipping, I'd ask you pay the difference.

Just looking for an amazon gift card so you can cover the cost of the preorder, and I'll send it to you.

I know Peagles was looking for one!

If anyone managed to get a spare preorder for the Majora's Mask 3DS LE (NA) and feels like hooking me up, send me a PM please. Thanks!



little mac amiibo that it's NOT at acalpers price, pm me if you would like to sell me one, not without a price, please

Hey wiibomb, have you met TheBatman? :)

Want to Sell: (PM me reasonable offers) All are USA items.

Amiibo - Captian Falcon, Diddy Kong, Little Mac, Pit All New.

Want to Buy

Xbox One Kinect New/Like New - 80 dollars shipped, all fees included.

Shadows or Mordor PS4 - 25 shipped

Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate PS4 - 25 shipped

Amiibo - Marth or Wii Fit Trainer - Willing to trade two of the 4 amiibos I have listed for one.


thank you a lot max, I PM'd just now.. I hope the price is not that high

Sure thing. Keeping an eye out for you elsewhere too. BTW on GameTZ I wonder if these guys would sell theirs:





One of those dudes has like four Little Macs o__O


Anyone selling the wiiu gamecube adapter at a reasonable price?

Couple peeps for you to hit up:

WTB: NBA 2k15 (PS4 Digital)

WTS: Wii U Gamecube Adapter (Brand New)

Looking to sell:
Gamecube Wii U adapter. Used once and actually found that I prefer the Wii U Pro Controller. Comes with the box (opened) and all original booklets, styrofoam sleeve, etc.
I'd simply like to get my money back, so I'm asking $59 shipped.

Willing to Trade/Sell

  • Wii U Gamecube adapter (new) - $60 shipped


WTB: Fire Emblem Path of Radiance

H: Paypal, Amazon Gift Cards

Oh hey conan--I'll PM you this too--

Want to Sell: (PM me reasonable offers) All are USA items.

Fire Emblem Path of Radiance Gamecube - Like New

Skies of Arcadia Gamecube - Disc is like New

Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door Gamecube - Very Good, Not original Box

Super Mario All Stars Wii - New

Kirby 20th Anniversary Collection Wii - New

Xenoblade Wii with Pre-order Artbook - New

Want to Buy

Xbox One Kinect New/Like New - 80 dollars shipped, all fees included.

Shadows or Mordor PS4 - 25 shipped

Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate PS4 - 25 shipped

Amiibo - Marth or Wii Fit Trainer - Willing to trade two of the 4 amiibos I have listed for one.


Sorry for the double post, all.



WiiU titles. The New super Mario/Luigi combo. Mario 3D World. Windwaker HD. Pikmin 3. Other stuff you might want to trade that;s exclusive to the system! Will consider all offers.



Mario Tennis
Mario Golf
Mario 3D Land (cart only)
Pokemon X
Pilotwings Resort
Star Fox 64
Luigi's Mansion
Mario Kart
Fire Emblem Awakening

Killzone Shadowfall
Need for Speed Rivals


Sly HD Collection like new
God of War Collection sealed
Resistance: FoM


Blue DSi with accesories

Steam Gifts:

Just Cause
Hero Academy
Faerie Solitaire
Civilization 4

Steam codes for: Titan Quest, Puzzle Agent 2, Zen Bound 2, Dawn of War II, Humble Klei Bundle Games, Humble Bundle 8

Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls for PC, new sealed


Diablo 3 Collector's Edition: code used but everything else pristine condition

Persona 3 FES for PS2

2 copies of Lord of the Rings trilogy on Bluray new and sealed (non-extended)

2 sets of the Cards Against Humanity Limited release Xmas Expansion

A sealed copy of the Summoner Wars Master Set

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Positive seller feedback for SmokeManX. Quick, easy transaction, great communication. Thanks for the Xbox Live Cards! Would do business again. :)



its a shame that the site is blocked on my computer's work, I was tempted to check it



Satellite Reign Humble Gift (redeems on Steam). Have a spare copy as a KS backer.

Looking for a copy of X-Plane 10 Global while it's on sale. It's currently the same price as Satellite Reign, so I can offer $5 PayPal in addition.


Prices lowered again!


The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season Download Voucher (Vita) - $12
Bought a used Vita bundle from Amazon Warehouse, and the code is still active. Have already played through the game on PS3.

4GB Vita Memory Card - $9 shipped
Came in the aforementioned bundle and I upgraded to a bigger card. Still sealed in the package.

God of War III (PS3) - $6.50 shipped
Received as a Christmas present, is opened (used), but I have no intention of playing it.

$20 US PSN Card - $17

WTB/WTT for...

Persona 4 Golden
Minecraft (PS3)
Killzone Mercenary

Please buy these things so that I don't have to go to eBay. If you would like to negotiate, just PM me. I'm looking for copies complete in box, but I'm not picky. I pay with and accept PayPal only. US only. Can provide pictures upon request.


Wanted to report, paypal has decided in my favor (obviously) against Kyo645
Seems that he has not been banned yet but he has not logged in since the 25th.
People please be careful of doing business with this dude.
Wanted to report, paypal has decided in my favor (obviously) against Kyo645
Seems that he has not been banned yet but he has not logged in since the 25th.
People please be careful of doing business with this dude.

Glad it worked out for you.

What's funny is I've interacted with this person as a buyer - had no issues with payment, though he/she sent first. Sad to see how quickly someone can scam.



White iPhone 5 64 Gigabyte for Verizon Wireless. Intended for Verizon use. Comes with a standard Apple Power Brick and a Lightening charging cable. Also comes with a case that I have used. The device recently had the battery replaced!


Pm for pics. It's in great condition.

Xbox Slim 250GB console w/ 3 controllers, original box, etc. (will trade for Vita or Wii U)
Modded SF4 360 fightstick w/ sanwa buttons
Softmodded Wii console w/ multiple controllers

Final Fantasy 8 (CIB, black label)
Final Fantasy 9 (CIB, Black Label)
Parasite Eve (CIB, Greatest hits)
Final Fantasy Tactics (CIB, Greatest Hits)

La Pucelle Tactics
Linux install kit (case and disk 1 only)
Neo Contra

Wii fit w/ Balance Board
Super Mario Galaxy 2 Complete
New Super Mario Bros Wii
Wii Sports complete (paper sleeve)

Free Loader (plays imports on non-modded console)

PSP Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core

Batman Return of the Joker

Super Tennis
Rock n Roll Racing
Super Mario Kart

GEN Tournament Golf (case and cart)

Uncharted 2 GOTY greatest hits (CIB)

360/OG Xbox:
Halo 4
OG XBOX Sega Rally/Jet Set Radio Future
OG XBOX Fable Lost Chapters


Multi System Component Cables: PS3, 360, Wii
Wii Nyko Perfect Shot attachment
Wii Wireless Sensor Bar
Wii Motion Plus Dongle
Wii remotes white/black
Wii Nyko Dual Charging station with battery packs and back covers

Final Fantasy Generation S CD w case

PS+ codes
Wolfenstein PS4
Lightening Force GEN
Kickmaster NES
Skyblazer SNES
Marvel war of the gems snes
Soul Blazer SNES
SNES Final Fantasys
Vita console and mem card
Wii U Console/games
3DS Zelda Ocarina
PayPal, PSN content/credit, eShop credit, PS3 games
Retro games specifically NES, SNES, Genesis, TG16
Try contacting me in the e-mail below if I don't respond quickly! Sometimes the PM system fails and I might not get your message. I will get back to you.

Lurkers contact me here: [email protected]

Windows 8.1 Pro key - $45! Only for a Limited Time
Windows 8.1 key - $35!

Office 365 1 Year - $70! Last One!

WTS - Neogaf Gold Seller! 96 Positive Seller Feedback(100%). Google Wallet or Paypal.
Windows 8
Upgrades from Windows 8 Pro to 8.1 Pro is FREE!

  • Windows 8.1 Pro key - $45
  • Windows 8 Pro key - $60
  • Windows 8 key - $55
  • Windows 8.1 Enterprise key - $65
  • Windows 8 Pro N key - $55
  • Windows 8.1 Pro N key - $55
  • Windows 8 N key - $50
  • Windows 8.1 Enterprise N key - $60
Windows 7
  • Windows 7 Home Basic key - $50
  • Windows 7 Home Premium key - $55
  • Windows 7 Pro key - $60
  • Windows 7 Ultimate key - $65
  • Windows 7 Enterprise key - $65
  • Windows 7 Home Premium N key - $50
  • Windows 7 Pro N key - $55
  • Windows 7 Ultimate N key - $60
  • Windows 7 Enterprise N key - $60
  • Windows Vista key - $35
Microsoft Office
  • Office 2013 Professional Plus - $60
  • Office 2010 Professional Plus - $50
  • Office 2010 Standard - $45
  • Office 2011 for Mac and Home Business - $45
Project, Visio and Visual Studios
  • Project 2013 Professional - $35
  • Visio 2013 Professional - $45
  • Visual Studio 2013 Professional - $40
  • Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate - $48
12 Months Hulu Plus(US) - $45 Few Left!

Marvel Unlimited Subscription 1 Month Gift - $5

Restaurant.com $10 Gift - $2

WTB Amazon (80%), BestBuy (80%), Starbucks Gift Cards (70%)

Positive Buyer Feedback to GifGafIsTheBestGaf


WTS: Steam Gifts, all region free, very limited stock:


Divinity: Original Sin - $22

Transistor - $6
Costume Quest 2 - $7
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - $10
The Banner Saga - $6
The Stanley Parable - $6
Prison Architect - $5
Octodad: Dadliest Catch - $5
Planetary Annihilation - $5
Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition - $10
The Legend of Korra - $10
Shovel Knight - $10
Selling an Alienware Alpha console. It's the $550 one, and I'm including the original box and Xbox 360 wireless controller (with dongle) with it.

Here's a link to the one I am selling: http://www.dell.com/us/p/alienware-a...lienware-alpha

And another link:

I have owned it for a week and like it, but I can't afford to keep it, nor do I have time for it.
I'm selling it for $425 shipped.

I have awesome feedback on here and on GAF, so buy with confidence!

I'm willing to negotiate a bit on the price.


Have (all PS3)

  • The Last of Us
  • Saints Row IV
  • Star Wars TFU
  • Just Cause 2
  • Spiderman 3
  • Ben 10 CD
  • R&C: A4O
  • Rayman Origins
  • Marvel SHS
  • Super Street Fighter IV
  • Bulletstorm

Want (all PS3)

  • Dark Souls II
  • PS3 Dragon Ball Z games
  • Dragon Age Origins UE
  • Offers
  • Money $$$
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