California Teen arrested for smuggling Tiger Cub purchased in Mexico for $300



Are you fucking serious? It's a tiger


Checks out.

Gonna be a sad day once that cat realizes that he's 3x as strong as his owner


Wtf $300 aren't they an endangered species?


Yep. From over 100k a century ago in India alone, ti under 2600 worldwide and dropping. Chinese poaching for herbal medicine and shit balms, villagers killing them for attacking domesticated livestock as they keep encroaching on jungles and forest lands to build houses, and the clearcutting of jungles have pretty much meant they'll be extinct in the wild in under 40 years. The image above is King George the VII killing 7+ Bengal tigers alone on a single hunting trip in 1911. The British are more responsible for their decline than any other group.
At one point in the 80's my dad was trying to sell an old Korean War army van that was sitting on blocks in our yard. A couple came over to look at it and they randomly brought a tiger with them to see if it would fit in the back. They had bought it to try and resell it to a zoo for a bunch of money, but zoos don't really buy rando animals like that, so they were stuck spending a fortune trying to feed and care for the poor thing.

After they bought the army van the tiger came inside the house for a drink. My dad claims that our floppy ass house cat was dead asleep, and immediately upon the tiger entering the doorway she sniffed the air and then shot across the room and clear through a window screen, and then she monitored the house from a remote location for 2 days until the coast was clear.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
At one point in the 80's my dad was trying to sell an old Korean War army van that was sitting on blocks in our yard. A couple came over to look at it and they randomly brought a tiger with them to see if it would fit in the back. They had bought it to try and resell it to a zoo for a bunch of money, but zoos don't really buy rando animals like that, so they were stuck spending a fortune trying to feed and care for the poor thing.

After they bought the army van the tiger came inside the house for a drink. My dad claims that our floppy ass house cat was dead asleep, and immediately upon the tiger entering the doorway she sniffed the air and then shot across the room and clear through a window screen, and then she monitored the house from a remote location for 2 days until the coast was clear.

This is such a Back in the 80s Dad Story.


I'm not sure how this joke is supposed to work

There's an ambiguity in the sentence structure. For the intended meaning, a more proper structure would be "California teen arrested for smuggling tiger cub, which he purchased in Mexico for $300."

For humour, I intentionally misread it is "California teen, arrested for smuggling tiger cub, purchased in Mexico for $300."

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
There's an ambiguity in the sentence structure. For the intended meaning, a more proper structure would be "California teen arrested for smuggling tiger cub, which he purchased in Mexico for $300."

For humour, I intentionally misread it is "California teen, arrested for smuggling tiger cub, purchased in Mexico for $300."

It isn't ambiguous without inserting meaningful commas in several places and it's not a full sentence because those qualifiers don't fit in a thread title.

Hyun Sai

Cats are never 100% domesticated, whether it is a tiger or a normal cat.

Thats the beauty of them, thats what cat owners admire about them. Their instincts remain largely unchanged even after thousands of years of human interaction. That is the "exotic" thing about this species. They are independent animals that if you let them roam free, are fully capable of supporting themselves. And they know that. The know they do not need you to survive, unlike dogs, who are completely dependent on either being fed or scavenging trash. Cats will hunt their food and deal with their personal hygiene themselves.

That doesnt mean that cats dont show affection, on the contrary they are very affectionate. But they will always do so, knowing that they are simply sharing space with you sort of like awesome roommates, never as your "property".

That's why there is a saying that goes: "a human chooses his dog, but a cat chooses its human"

So the answer is no.

A cat will never be fully domesticated., much less a huge Tiger which is capable of even killing you by trying to play with you or trying to show you affection.

Great post. We can share space with cats with no risk because of their size. Trying to do this with Tigers is beyond stupid.
I suppose $300 for a tiger is a pretty good deal. I paid four times as much for my dog, so in that sense I can see why the proposition was too good for the guy to pass over. I would have expected a tiger to be way more expensive.
I suppose $300 for a tiger is a pretty good deal. I paid four times as much for my dog, so in that sense I can see why the proposition was too good for the guy to pass over. I would have expected a tiger to be way more expensive.
If you paid $1200 for a dog, you got ripped off. Sorry. But what?


I wonder if he really wanted to keep it for himself or wanted to resell it. I mean a tiger cub should be easily be worth ten times as much.
Kid smuggles in a $300 tiger cub.

San Diego Zoo benefits.

Not sure how I feel about the San Diego Zoo using this smuggled tiger to promote their park; as cute as the videos are.


Kid smuggles in a $300 tiger cub.

San Diego Zoo benefits.

Not sure how I feel about the San Diego Zoo using this smuggled tiger to promote their park; as cute as the videos are.

Zoos do a lot of work for conservation and wildlife rescue. They're doing good things for this tiger. What's so terrible about them benefiting?
Zoos do a lot of work for conservation and wildlife rescue. They're doing good things for this tiger. What's so terrible about them benefiting?

Because they're benefiting from an exploited tiger?

Also by showcasing the "cuteness" of the baby tiger in these videos, they're actually just encouraging more misguided people to purchase/smuggle exotic pets.

What was the first thought in your head when you saw the vet stroking the baby tiger's belly, hand feeding it milk, and the baby cub licking/gnawing her hand? Did you think how cute the baby cub was and wish you had one? Or did you think how traumatized this cub must be being ripped away from its mother and how it was probably raised in a black market tiger mill. I'm guessing most people who saw the video initially had thoughts of the former.

The video just promotes baby cub "cuteness" and the San Diego Zoo. It doesn't responsibly explain the gravity of the situation or make any efforts to discourage smuggling. Like I said, boy smuggles baby cub for $300, Zoo gets a free tiger and promotional tool. I could have done without the cuteness video which just further adds to the misconception of a baby tiger being a domesticated pet.


Because they're benefiting from an exploited tiger?

Also by showcasing the "cuteness" of the baby tiger in these videos, they're actually just encouraging more misguided people to purchase/smuggle exotic pets.

What was the first thought in your head when you saw the vet stroking the baby tiger's belly, hand feeding it milk, and the baby cub licking/gnawing her hand? Did you think how cute the baby cub was and wish you had one? Or did you think how traumatized this cub must be being ripped away from its mother and how it was probably raised in a black market tiger mill. I'm guessing most people who saw the video initially had thoughts of the former.

The video just promotes baby cub "cuteness" and the San Diego Zoo. It doesn't responsibly explain the gravity of the situation or make any efforts to discourage smuggling. Like I said, boy smuggles baby cub for $300, Zoo gets a free tiger and promotional tool. I could have done without the cuteness video which just further adds to the misconception of a baby tiger being a domesticated pet.

I think more good will come from people actually going to the San Diego Zoo and preserving wildlife than your post will.


Because they're benefiting from an exploited tiger?

Also by showcasing the "cuteness" of the baby tiger in these videos, they're actually just encouraging more misguided people to purchase/smuggle exotic pets.

What was the first thought in your head when you saw the vet stroking the baby tiger's belly, hand feeding it milk, and the baby cub licking/gnawing her hand? Did you think how cute the baby cub was and wish you had one? Or did you think how traumatized this cub must be being ripped away from its mother and how it was probably raised in a black market tiger mill. I'm guessing most people who saw the video initially had thoughts of the former.

The video just promotes baby cub "cuteness" and the San Diego Zoo. It doesn't responsibly explain the gravity of the situation or make any efforts to discourage smuggling. Like I said, boy smuggles baby cub for $300, Zoo gets a free tiger and promotional tool. I could have done without the cuteness video which just further adds to the misconception of a baby tiger being a domesticated pet.

What benefits are they getting, as a non-profit that spends its funds on conservation efforts?


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
When there are thousands of dogs in rescue centres that desperately need a home, paying $1200 for a dog is not just a waste of money, it's irresponsible.

I have kids. As much as I like the principle of taking a rescue dog I would never take that risk.
What benefits are they getting, as a non-profit that spends its funds on conservation efforts?

What about my point of it furthering spreading the misconception that tigers can make cute pets?

Helping to discourage smuggling is the best type of conservation. Showing the cuteness of a tiger cub in the hands of man does not discourage the desire for people to acquire exotic pets.


When there are thousands of dogs in rescue centres that desperately need a home, paying $1200 for a dog is not just a waste of money, it's irresponsible.

I see where you're coming from, but how is that irresponsible? 1200 isn't even a lot for a dog and there are reasons for/against both methods. It's not something to nitpick


Yeah. Let's raise a goddamn tiger in a suburban area. Let's see how that goes. I've owned enough adult cats to know I would not want one that could ragdoll me in a playful moment.

Seriously, anyone who has ever owned a cat, even if they love you completely, sometimes they get all "im a fucking CAT!" and take a swipe and can do real damage.

A big cat like this? Hell no.
I'm kind of surprised that only narrows it down to four states...

Six actually, but I moved to Alabama from Georgia for work, so I went from no chance to sure, why not on all 3 haha

Surprised you can't own any of those here in Georgia. Sounds like some redneck shit you'd hear about.

"Hey, man! I got a bear! Anybody want some meth?"

Atlanta probably legislated it, the rest of the state would probably be cool with it.


can own an assault rifle but can't own an animal?
get your shit together america

Both are deadly and while the assault rifle thing is ridiculous, you make it seem like it is backwards and you SHOULD be able to own a dangerous animal.
When there are thousands of dogs in rescue centres that desperately need a home, paying $1200 for a dog is not just a waste of money, it's irresponsible.

It's my money to spend how I please, and I'm giving a dog a good home where she is loved to bits. I don't really care what you think.
What about my point of it furthering spreading the misconception that tigers can make cute pets?

Helping to discourage smuggling is the best type of conservation. Showing the cuteness of a tiger cub in the hands of man does not discourage the desire for people to acquire exotic pets.

It's not furthering that misconception because it's not some amateur posting it, it's an official wildlife conservation group. And it's making the video using a confiscated exotic animal. If anything it's furthering the notion that if you attempt to own one of these, it will be taken away. Also, if every video of animals "furthers the misconception that _____ makes a cute pet" then why watch nature documentaries? This is a silly point.
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