It was another GOTY candidate of Gaf, like Halo Infinite.
Look at that trailer thread:
So I was wrong, best technical version(ps5) got 76 score
and it seems technical issues are the lesser part of problems.
I requested a refund on Steam.
Look at that trailer thread:
It looks so ugly and blurry. Creature designs aren't scary either. I regret pre-ordering, I will probably return it within the first 2 weeks. If they don't delay it, it will be a disaster. My metacritic score prediction is between 65-72.
I watched it again and I can't believe GAF's hype about it. I mean look at that creature running on the wall towards you(at 1:32). It's pathetic. Kimiko looks like Keanu Reeves model from Cyberpunk 2077 Ps4 edition. We already saw the gameplay recently. It's not hard to put them together to find that Metacritic prediction of mine. I hope I will be wrong though, because I paid for it already lol.
So I was wrong, best technical version(ps5) got 76 score
I requested a refund on Steam.