I can do Vita fine without a grip, though I have been eyeing some.
My new 3DSXL... I've been thinking of importing the CPP XL for the ergonomics alone. This thing DESTROYS my left thumb if I reach an hour of play time.
What destroys my thumb is after a good 2 years of use, I still can't get used to the slidepad and always treat it like it's a legit analog
Doesn't help that it can't real grip for shit, even after the XL revision. Sliiide pad, get it? laaaawl!
What do you mean by you people? and yes, i have no grip. I bought a grip one time for my psp and never used it. no grip is the only way to play.
What do you mean "you people"?!Yes I can. lol.
Doing a quick thread necro because I finally imported this:
I'd say it's almost the perfect grip, but not quite. It's comfortable and gives access to all ports and slots on the Vita, most importantly the game slot and the power. However, the handles are not quite as long and comfortable as the CTA grip.
Overall for comfort I'd go:
Vita Assist
For most people I think the Vita Assist is probably the way to go, the one downside being it's a bit pricy. People like myself whose hands cramp easily and don't feel like playing a premium might want to go with the CTA grip. I don't think the PDP grip is really worth it for anyone.
Sometimes my right hand goes numb but i just shake it off.
I really can't play my Vita without my CTA grips. My left hand starts to cramp up and eventually falls asleep. In fact, I never got a grip with the PSP and probably would have played it more if I had looked for one.
And just to prove I don't work for CTA, this is the grip I really want that I just found - I really need to find out how to get it.
Assist Grip from Datel Japan
Well, I can... but now I kind of want that.
Yeah, that's the biggest downside for me too. I can only use it at home.If I put a grip on my Vita then it wouldn't fit in the cradle.
Vita feels great IMO. Never even occurs to me to get a grip for it.
I use this. It is godlike.
The vita is fine on its own, but this is SO much more comfortable and it increases the battery life by about 8 hours, in my experience. The downsides are that it itself takes a very long time to fully charge (maybe like 12 hours? lol) and that you can't directly hook your Vita up to a computer while this thing is on.
Nyko Power Grip
This looks pretty cool. Anyone know if this fits the new Vita model?
i don't use one. works fine for me. i carry my vita in case at all times so i really don't want to carry around grips too