Please tell me this is fake. Was actually taking a liking to Larson after, well....
....T H I S

....T H I S
People actually cheered this part in my viewing.God, this scene was so fucking cringey. I was happy to hear at least one groan in the theater that wasn't my own.
For one, Gadot is not an emotionless b**** who goes up and starts complaining about "40 yeae old white men". Gadot actually likable.I don't get it either. People hate Captain Marvel due to feminism and her being a "mary sue" but love Wonder Woman. But if you ask me, Wonder Woman is a more feminist film making Steve Trevor look silly and Diane doesn't struggle with anything either.
I personally like both film. Captain Marvel slightly more but the trench scene in WW is one of the best scenes in comic book films full stop.
Please tell me this is fake
“Woo good news guys. The woman who has been writing the Captain Marvel comic book for years, and was a consultant on the first one, will have no impact on this movie.”This whole thread is based on bullshit.
It's a fake article written by a no-name clickbait website called "Sausage Roll"
Meet the writer of the highly anticipated Captain Marvel 2 movie
UPDATE: Kelly Sue will be working along side a team of all-female writers, including Megan McDonnel, to bring Captain Marvel 2 to the big
They only have 270 followers on Twitter:
Sausage Roll (@_sausageroll) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from Sausage Roll (@_sausageroll). Australia's fastest growing pop-culture press. No outrage. No agenda. Trending in: #SurvivorAU #MAFS #MAFSAU #AlitaArmy #JusticeForJohnnyDepp. Brisbane,
They posted their fake clickbait and then edited IMDB to back it up. There's been no announcement of a Captan Marvel 2 writer as the movie isn't likely until 2023.
I don't get it either. People hate Captain Marvel due to feminism and her being a "mary sue" but love Wonder Woman. But if you ask me, Wonder Woman is a more feminist film making Steve Trevor look silly and Diane doesn't struggle with anything either.
God, this scene was so fucking cringey. I was happy to hear at least one groan in the theater that wasn't my own.
I know that not everyone had head protection, but if you did WHY THE FUCK would you take it off at that particular point in time during a massive battle to the death??I just thought it was kinda silly that in the middle of this enormous Final Boss Battle, every single female just happened to be on the same place at the perfect time
I look forward to the day your ego and agenda will take a back-seat to your (presumed) interest in discussing topics with others - as opposed to you gloating and dismissing them.
Maybe next thread, eh?
No, you projected your narrow view onto me and tried to bait me into your projection with deliberately leading questions.This just sounds like you are describing yourself. I’ve previously tried to engage you on your views to try and understand your perspective and you just deflected and resorted back to your catchphrase schtick.
No, you projected your narrow view onto me and tried to bait me into your projection with deliberately leading questions.
I pointed this out to you and you lost interest when you couldn't manipulate the conversation to pigeonhole people the way you wanted to.
You tried to misrepresent my position and narrow my focus, making your leading question amount to "Why do you hate transgender people?".Which of the questions were leading? Honestly I felt they were pretty straight forward and fair questions to ask to try and understand your view. Matt404au responded in a thoughtful way and we had a conversation that I feel shows I was acting in good faith and just trying to understand the perspective.
You tried to misrepresent my position and narrow my focus, making your leading question amount to "Why do you hate transgender people?".
I clearly pointed this out and explained my position. You immediately lost interest.
Thensol_bad jumped to try to weasel some gloating points by flip-flopping between accusations of me not saying enough ("You never explain your position") and me saying more than they cared for ("Word salad").
When bad actors insist they are innocent and virtuous, it's typically in response to having their less-than-innocent and less-than-virtuous antics exposed for what they are.
As it is, you leapt into this thread with little more than "No u" and are now performing the 'insistence' part of the performance.
I'm not responsible for other people acting in bad faith, assuming and misrepresenting the position of others or employing leading questions to manipulate them into engaging in disingenuous arguments. If you believe such behaviour is your idea of 'good faith' then we have very little to say to each other.
This just sounds like you are describing yourself. I’ve previously tried to engage you on your views to try and understand your perspective and you just deflected and resorted back to your catchphrase schtick.
Your questions were leading and designed to project your views onto me rather than understand my position.
I explained my position, which didn't fit into the narrowness of your leading questions.
That you can't grasp this after its been explained to you multiple times shows that you are either unwilling or unable grasp that not everyone is ready to be put into the little boxes you feel they belong to.
I've explained myself fully, more than once.
We're done here.
He's a pontificator. Leave it at that.
I've asked you to point out which questions are leading and you haven't. I had asked you to clarify points and you won't. If my questions were so leading then how was someone else able to engage with them without me screeching "gotcha!"? If you believe in something then you should be able to have it questioned.
For what it's worth, no I don't think you hate trans people. I never meant to convey that and if that's how it came across then I'm truly sorry.
I'm not particularly interested in just calling someone names and dismissing them. I really did want to engage with him.
I just thought it was kinda silly that in the middle of this enormous Final Boss Battle, every single female just happened to be on the same place at the perfect time
Meh I might have agreed with you if it weren't for her attitude and behavior as a person.Meh, I thought CM was alright. Much MUCH better than Thor Ragnorok, what a piece of shit that film was.
Brie is alright. People say she's bland or uncharismatic, I like her, she seems a little goofy and not up herself. Of all the Hollywood tarts, I reckon she would be the best one to have a pint with.
Different strokes for different folks I guess.
Which of my questions did that? It genuinely wasn’t my intention so please let me know. I didn’t feel like you explained your position well and my questions were me trying to understand that. When you didn’t answer them I shifted to talking with Matt404au about it since he was responding more directly.
People actually cheered this part in my viewing.
Oh well whatever floats people's boats.
As a very liberal person myself, I never understood the liberal "Islam activists" - such as the writer in the OP. I am not a bigot, I do not dislike people for whatever religion they found themselves born into (which is typically the case for most people), but Islam itself and Islamic societies are ultra conservative. They even treat women as if the world barely progressed past medieval times. I do not understand my fellow liberals who support it.
It's completely asinine to declare that you fight against the injustices women face, and then in the same breadth champion the one religion that is by far the most oppressive towards women.
I would be stoked if Kelly Sue was writing, she has written some of my favorite books, like Bitch Planet
Meh I might have agreed with you if it weren't for her attitude and behavior as a person.
The opposite would be Marie Kelly Tran who also got a lot of hate but seems like a real sweetheart irl.
What has she done/Said in person?
We can only hope CM2 is this:
For two and a half hours
Men like RandomMecha who called her out (and got attacked by Bries nutty fans in Twitter as a result) or other women tired of Brie?She said that she isn't interested in what an old white man has to say about A Wrinkle in Time at an awards show aimed at women in the industry. That hurt some mens fragile egos.
there was jsut something off about the first captain marvel. her acting wasnt the best but that wasnt it. it was the editing or the pacing or... something. i dont fucking know but it jsut felt off, like different than every other marvel movie for som reason.
hoping the second one is better
Men like RandomMecha who called her out (and got attacked by Bries nutty fans in Twitter as a result) or other women tired of Brie?
Substitute "white" with any other race and she wouldn't have a job.
Please spare us the "fragile men" bs as an excuse for being a b****.
No you don't get off scott free like that.No. They really are fragile.
Men were whinging about Brie based on an women's centric article from a women's centric website about a women's centric awards show. What the eff man even bothers to read websites aimed at women unless they are looking for something to be angry about.
She was trying really hard to piss off men, and it worked.... congrats?No. They really are fragile.
Men were whinging about Brie based on an women's centric article from a women's centric website about a women's centric awards show. What the eff man even bothers to read websites aimed at women unless they are looking for something to be angry about.
She was trying really hard to piss off men, and it worked.... congrats?
In an event that was aired and she knew would go public.She was speaking to a crowd of women...
She was putting on a show in front of women yes.She was speaking to a crowd of women...
In an event that was aired and she knew would go public.
You sure like making excuses.
Let's pretend for a moment she didn't count on men seeing that. Then she is still guilty of some fem-circle jerk echo chamber fart sniffing celebration.As far as I am aware it doesn't air on TV.
2019 WFTV Awards Set to Take Place in London on Friday 6 December - Women in Film & TV
The 2019 Women in Film & Television Awards, supported by Sky, will take place on the afternoon of Friday 6 December at the London Hilton on Park Lane. Tickets for this year’s ceremony went on sale at 11:00am on Monday 7 October and are now SOLD OUT. For updates on this year’s winnners after the […]
Tickets for this year’s ceremony went on sale at 11:00am on Monday 7 October and are now SOLD OUT.
For updates on this year’s winnners after the ceremony, please check back here or follow #WFTVAwards on Twitter for live updates throughout the ceremony.
It was filmed and was all over Youtube.As far as I am aware it doesn't air on TV.
2019 WFTV Awards Set to Take Place in London on Friday 6 December - Women in Film & TV
The 2019 Women in Film & Television Awards, supported by Sky, will take place on the afternoon of Friday 6 December at the London Hilton on Park Lane. Tickets for this year’s ceremony went on sale at 11:00am on Monday 7 October and are now SOLD OUT. For updates on this year’s winnners after the […]
Tickets for this year’s ceremony went on sale at 11:00am on Monday 7 October and are now SOLD OUT.
For updates on this year’s winnners after the ceremony, please check back here or follow #WFTVAwards on Twitter for live updates throughout the ceremony.
No. They really are fragile.
Men were whinging about Brie based on an women's centric article from a women's centric website about a women's centric awards show. What the eff man even bothers to read websites aimed at women unless they are looking for something to be angry about.
It was filmed and was all over Youtube.
It can be said it was not a private event.
Is still does not excuse her either way.
PEOPLE are assholes to her or perhaps a few of them are just criticizing her.It doesn't excuse men for being arseholes to her either just because of her own personal opinion. Yet men are still arseholes to her because of their own personal opinions.
Azurro I would care if a man said he didn't care about a women's opinion either.
It doesn't excuse men for being arseholes to her either just because of her own personal opinion. Yet men are still arseholes to her because of their own personal opinions.
Azurro I wouldn't care if a man said he didn't care about a women's opinion either.
PEOPLE are assholes to her or perhaps a few of them are just criticizing her.
Tired of your excuses and "but.... but...."
And if she just said "whiny people" I doubt there would have been nearly as much of an uproar.
"40 year old white dudes" she said![]()
Watch Brie Larson’s Speech Calling for More Critics of Color
"Am I saying I hate white dudes?" the Oscar-winner asked the room at the Beverly Hilton. "No, I'm not," she
Sorry, but if these sentences trigger someone than that person is fragile.
“I don’t want to hear what a white man has to say about ‘A Wrinkle in Time.’ I want to hear what a woman of color, a biracial woman has to say about the film. I want to hear what teenagers think about the film.”
“If you make a movie that is a love letter to women of color, there is a chance that a woman of color does not have access to review and critique your film,” she said, while revealing plans to roll out an opt-in program that will provide studios with access to underrepresented journalists and critics. “Do not say the talent is not there, because it is.”
"40 year old white dudes" she said
It stil doesn't make it right but keep excusing the rhetoric.
She's not my type, but nowhere have I ever said she's ugly, at least physically.When politics stops you from finding attractive women attractive, you know it's time to take dick.